• Member Since 29th Oct, 2020


Sometimes it's hard to smile, but that does not mean to stop trying

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This is a simple story, telling of the life in a typical day of Vinyl Scratch, teenage wonder DJ. After a long day of doing nothing out of the ordinary, Vinyl makes sure life knows that she won today.

I've never had to use one of these before, but, uh, Trigger Warning:suicide mention, medication use I suppose? Not a big part of the story, but I don't want to hurt anybody.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch had been mute all her life. She's long since accepted that. It doesn't get in her way as much as one might think.

But, when it comes to telling Octavia how she feels, there could be no greater obstacle.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How the Sunset Sparkles

The Rainbow Falls trade fair has arrived, and every pony is looking to trade their old junk for their new treasure. Sunset Shimmer has come to the fair looking for something special: the perfect engagement ring with which to propose to the perfect marefriend. Calling on the help of her little sister, Eclipse, Sunset scours the fair and finds the ring, but can she complete the deals she needs in time to get her hooves on it?

Chapters (1)

Fearing the consequences of her actions in the bipedal world, Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and moves to Ponyville where Twilight Sparkle can keep an eye on her. Sunset Shimmer, bored and beaten, casts about for something to distract her, but soon the feelings growing inside her for Ponyville's princess can no longer be ignored. Nervously, with a little help and encouragement, Sunset begins to open her long-frozen heart to Twilight Sparkle, but when the shadows of Sunset's past threaten to destroy any chance of her happiness in the present, Sunset and Twilight may have to risk everything they have and defy cosmic forces older than Equestria in order to seize their fragile chance at happiness.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Many thanks to pre-reader The Albinocorn, but don't blame him for any errors you might find in the first chapter, because he only became pre-reader after I posted chapter 1

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Serenade

Sunset Shimmer isn't having the best Christmas this year. True, her friends are coming to spend Christmas Eve dinner with her, bringing loads of gifts with them, but one thing is preventing her from enjoying the idea: she's yet to find a present for her girlfriend Rarity. After a failed shopping trip the day before Christmas Eve Sunset goes to bed bitter about the holiday.

And then a Christmas Spirit appeared. Now Sunset is forced to take a journey to her past, her present, and her future to see what she needs to see. And maybe she can take what she learns and make the holiday one worth remembering.

Sequel to A Generous Soul and Sunset Serenade. Neither are really needed to understand the story.

Cover art by SunsetCrady.

Chapters (1)

Takes place right after Sunset gets the element of magic and places it on her head. The last thing that Sunset remembered is pain. Then a blissful numbness that settled over her. What happened to Sunset when she awakes in a crater with no feelings in her legs. How well she continue living when she can no longer get upstairs without assistance? Is she doomed to be as useless as she feels? Sunset, now crippled, will have a lot to learn from dressing herself to learning about friendship from Twilight friends and how to show her remorse and guilt for her actions. Luckily even if she believes herself to be alone, she'll find out just how many people actually care about her.
Inspired by A Wheeled Life by DisgracedHandPuppets. I got the idea after reading his/her idea but with my own understanding of human biology. So go give his/her story a read first before mine. I would like to point out though that his/her and my cause of the paralysis will be for different reasons. Also no attempted suicide or self-harm, but there will be thoughts of suicide.
And on a quick note, I don't own MLP or MLP EG or any of the characters as none will be made up by me. So don't sue.

Cover art by Scampy. Go give them a look and read their stories. They are all really good and filled to the brim with emotions. Thank you Scampy for the awesome cover art!:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Chapters (12)

Traveling back to Equestria for summer vacation seemed like the best idea ever. However Sunset Shimmer's home brings back memories and thoughts that haven't surfaced since her reformation. Forgiveness is never easy especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. That coupled with a deadly changeling plot against Princess Twilight has Sunset running in circles to protect her friends and figure herself out.

Extra Tags: Chrysalis, Changelings, Flash Sentry (I'm so sorry).
This may be subjected to change as the story progresses.

Extra side note: the cover art for this story was done by me :twilightsmile:
Extra Extra side note: To everyone who has faved and liked thank you so much!
Final Side Note: I've edited the spacing and scene transitions so it's less of an eye sore.

MUST READ: So an awesome friend of mine has started working on an animation for this story. He has a rough cut of the first scene in the first chapter. Check it out here and leave some feedback!
Summer Sunset Chapter 1 Animation Test

Proof Read/edited by: 1DATMLP

Chapters (13)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

We all know a story of Equestria Girls: Holiday Special, aka the Anon-a-Miss comic. Sunset was framed, her friends accused and left her, the school was against her and after Princess Twilight gave Sunset advice about finding your family, she managed to convince her friends that she's innocent, the true culprits were revealed, lessons were learned and everyone is happy at the end.

But was that the whole story?

After weeks of chaos at Canterlot High, which was caused from an infamous online user, "Anon-a-Miss," Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna summoned the true culprits, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to Principal Celestia's office and demand an explanation on how "Anon-a-Miss" came to be and why they went through with it despite knowing that they will harm everyone in the process, including Sunset Shimmer. Knowing that their Principals deserved an explaination, the CMC began to tell their tale.

This is based off of Equestria Girls: Holiday Special comic, but this story will be told from the CMC's perspective.

This story now have a Tv Tropes page! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (23)

Poor Twilight Sparkle... she never realized how foolish Celestia was...

Co-Written by Nonagon and Lunacorva

Now with Dramatic Reading by DRWolf!

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow are summoned by the Cutie Map to solve another friendship problem. But to their surprise, the problem lies on the other side of the portal to the human world.

Now, finding themselves as funny looking, two-legged, small-nosed, mostly hairless monkey people, the two are faced with some important questions:

Can they survive life in this brave new world? Will they discover what the friendship problem is? How long will they be stuck here? And just why do their human counterparts seem to not be getting along?

Written for the fifth Appledash contest, "Second Chances".

Chapters (10)