• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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After getting a card for Hearthswarming from Celestia, Twilight decides to take a trip to visit the former Princess.


Written for the Jinglemas Collab of 2019, written for "Moonbutters"

Coverart by Snowberry, check out her Tumblr here

Chapters (1)

Months have passed since Twilight became a princess, and yet she still can not bring herself to accept her new role. That's when she starts thinking. What would happen if she quit?

Chapters (1)

Twilight is settling down to read a book when Celestia decides to drop in. Apparently, the princess needs somepony to talk to. So why not her faithful student?

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor has been infected by a Changeling poison that threatens to destroy his magic or worse. When Twilight and her family are tested to see if they could be potential horn marrow donors, an old family secret is brought to life.

Chapters (1)

After the nine hundredth and ninety-ninth Summer Sun Celebration, Princess Celestia knows the time has come to prepare Twilight Sparkle for what awaits her. But before her lessons can begin, Twilight will need her teacher's guidance more than ever.

Chapters (1)

Among the disarray of Princess Twilight's personal archives was a letter. Twilight's reign over Equestria was profoundly cherished by those who have lived it. One of the many decisions that her majesty has made, one many historians continue to debate today, is Discord's exile.

Many saw it as the most suitable punishment for the Lord of Chaos. The kingdom hasn't met any catastrophe relating to chaos since. But after this letter was published and open for the public to see, the decision became quite controversial with the newer generations of Equestrians.

Whatever opinions you may have after finishing this letter, know that these are the last written words from the Element of Kindness after she disappeared.


This is my first entry to FimFic and my submission for Fluttercord week. Killing two birds with one stone, or as I like to call it: Masscareing two chores with a chainsaw. A bit pretentious, I know.
Please critique the work as hard as you can, and I hope you'll enjoy my work for days to come.

Chapters (1)

[Heavily inspired by Never Too Late by Three Days Grace.]
When Luna dreamwalks and discovers just how much hurt and anger Twilight is hiding, along with a few dark secrets, she feels she must intervene, before Twilight heads down the same path she herself did.

WARNING: First chapter has a suicide attempt, the following chapters are dealing with the aftermath of said suicide attempt.

Chapters (18)

One night, Twilight remembers her childhood, of the first time she heard the old mares tale of the mare in the moon. Princess Luna overhears her.

This is very short. It's nothing amazing, but from what people have told me, it's sweet.

It was written before the Nightmare Night episode.

I like this story the way it is.

Chapters (1)

Twilight goes with Rainbow to watch her race in Cloudsdale only to suddenly find herself being 'wooed' by Thunderlane.

Saw the cover art and decided to make a story around it with permission from Ravenpuff

9/6/14 Featured!
I don't really know the meaning of this. I was going for a minimum length little thing because I saw the cover pic. Then it gets featured. Maybe it means I can die peacefully now. Except people want me to write more. Dunno what to do with my life anymore.

Many suggestions later. *Dramatic sigh* I suppose I'll switch this to incomplete. :)

YouTube reading by Captain Bron3y!

New chapters edited by the fantastic AnonponyDASHIE

Chapters (2)

Five hundred years have past since Celestia and Luna handed the reigns of rulership to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Five centuries of unprecedented peace and prosperity.

So it came as a surprise to the sisters when Princess Twilight requests their presence in Canterlot. But the biggest shock is her second request.

Twilight will be out of Equestria for some time on an important diplomatic mission, and she needs someponies to take over while she's away.

Seeing as how long they had once done so, Celestia and Luna agree to temporarily take back their old titles. It shouldn't be that hard to rule again.


Chapters (7)