• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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Ever since the loss of her friends, Twilight made it tradition to visit their graves on her birthday.
As she dwelves in memories, she starts to feel really down in the dumps. A certain alicorn mentor joins to comfort her in her emotional status, as it happens every year.


Yeah ok i´m terrible at figuring out titles and descriptions, but that´s basically all there is to this story.

I might have listened to a bit too much 4everfreebrony and suddenly felt the urge to write this. Never really wrote a story before, so feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the events from "Castle Sweet Castle"

Twilight Sparkle has been acting strange as of late, doing everything she can to avoid spending time in her castle. It can't be over the fact she lost her old home? Right? To her, the idea seems illogical! There must be another reason!


Edited by tommal, Elika Deerling, and link4

This entire story was inspired by the video "La Da Dee" by TheeLinker - Song: "La Da Dee" by Cody Simpson

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scars

After Twilight Sparkle told Celestia, Luna and Cadence about Queen Novo getting mad at her after her attempt to steal the pearl, resulting in Twilight and Pinkie having a fight and their friendship almost ending, the three princesses summon Queen Novo to a meeting.

Chapters (1)

When Celestia is weakened following the wrath of Tirek, Luna goes to extreme measures to save her from further torment. She'd do anything to protect her sister, even if it meant giving her own life.

Rated Teen for what I'd consider a reference to suicide (self-sacrifice), and, of course, death.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself falling head over hooves for her old foal hood friend. But she is a princess and he decided to become a guard. She doesn’t know how to break the news to Celestia and her friends. She is afraid that they’ll take him away.

Ps: the AU tag is there because I changed a bit the original story’s class structure and the way they interact, also Luna and Celestia do not retire and I bent the cannon magic system juuuust a tiny bit in order to add a truly happy ending.

Chapters (11)

Twilight’s family arranges another trip after she misses the Northern Stars

I’m writing this because I think Twilight’s family owes her more than just a cheap re-enactment that is unable to truly replicate the Northern Stars. This is for everyone who agrees with me.

And in case any of you are wondering; no, Star Tracker is not in this.

Chapters (1)

Dark magic. It twists and corrupts the mind and soul. It makes its user power hungry, a hunger impossible to sate. And Twilight Sparkle fell prey to its corruption. Now it lands on the shoulders of Celestia to stop her once faithful student from destroying Equestria in her search for power. Only one problem.

Twilight is her foster daughter.

Edited by TheGreatEater

Chapters (1)

Celestia approaches Twilight about her research, and asks her a question.


Reading by Zealous Harmony

Chapters (1)

It is suppose to be the happiest in Equestria, a fourth Princess has arisen. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Everypony is happy except one the Princess herself. This cannot be her destiny, Will anybody help her fight her destiny? Should she fight her destiny?

Disclaimer: Mlp belongs to Lauren Faust but the storyline belongs to me

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The fate of the Alicorn

Disclaimer: Characters belong to MLP but Storyline is mine.

Princess Twilight has been put to sleep, by Princess Celestia. Celestia has lied and claimed Twilight has been practicing Disharmony and she had no choice but to act.

Equestria is on the edge of ruin, without it's newest Princess. Allies are lost and thise who remain protest the return of their beloved Princess.

Princess Celestia has no choice, she must find a replacement for Twilight to keep the peace. But when Celestia discovered that Twilight is in danger she must team up with Princess Cadance.

This team challenges of its own, when Princess Cadance hates Celestia for actions towards Twilight.

Can they protect Twilight? Or is somepony else protecting her, from the greatest threat there is Princess Celestia.

Chapters (1)