• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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This story is a sequel to Daybreaker steals Twilight

After being abducted by Daybreaker, Twilight's memories of the wedding rehearsal were erased. Now her guilt ridden friends wish to forget about how they abandoned her as well. But they worry that Twilight will eventually remember what they did and not forgive them. Conflict emerges between them as they struggle whether to tell her the truth or not. Meanwhile, Twilight Velvet means to protect her children by any means necessary, and Celestia is having doubts about whether or not she should be ruler anymore.

Chapters (5)

Celestia has an important lesson to teach Twilight -- she cannot bring harmony into the world until she finds it inside herself.

Written in one hour as part of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition.

Chapters (1)

When tragedy strikes, who is there to pick up the pieces, what painful lesson gets learned too soon, and why does it hurt so much? Set immediately after the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library

Chapters (1)

Instead of the shining orb of light, Celestia raises an overloading nuclear furnace. The whole of Equestria is set alight by the deadly rays.

Twilight wakes up not to a fresh morning air but a fiery cataclysm. With her castle melting away, she’s forced to abandon the premises on short notice. But how can one escape to safety in a blazing world?

This story also has a dramatic reading by TheMajorTechie. Be sure to check it out.

[Also Youtube auto-reading (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) and mp3 download (Chapter 1, Chapter 2).]

Chapters (2)

Instead of Celestia fighting Chrysalis first, Twilight does. After Twilight is defeated and poisoned from Chrysalis's bite, Celestia becomes filled with an uncontrollable rage that transforms her into Daybreaker. Once that happens she attacks Chrysalis. Will she be able to stop the changeling, and more importantly, will the heroes be able to get Celestia back as well as save Twilight's life?

Chapters (5)

A sequel to The Memorable Melody.

My Little Pony is own by DHX Studios as well as all the rights to their characters. I take no profit out of this and only write for free fictional purposes. And the cover to this story is own by its rightful owner. I forgot who it was, but hopefully you dearies can find out for me. -smiles- Thank you.

Princess Celestia is about to read Twilight Sparkle a special memorable book. A book she made in memories of her lavender filly student.

Warning: The Feels will Get you. And I do hope to actually make a fanfic out of that book.

Thank you.

Chapters (1)

'It was her happiness that gave her joy she had once felt when she was young.'

The story is short and about Celestia keeping Twilight warm in her room. As she is blanketing the young sleeping filly, the alicorn thoughtfully thanks her for granting her the happiness she had felt when she was young.

A simple story between a mentor and her student (but emphasized in a way where I imply Celestia as a motherly figure to Twilight). Enjoy, and safe winter holidays. Be careful now.

(P.S. I do not own the image.)

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight meets a young filly in a wheelchair on the night of her crowning ceremony. The filly opened up to her and she mentioned was she's her most favourite princess. However she due to her disability she feels left out and wished she is like the other foals.

Twilight decides she wants to help the filly.

Loosely based on a comic by anonymous author I found. The link is at the end of the story because its a huge spoiler.

Chapters (2)

After Twilight saved Equestria from Storm King along with her friends, she feels sorry for lying to her friends and mostly screaming at Pinkie Pie. But she isn't the only one who wants to apologize.

Chapters (1)