• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

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A more realistic take on the opening events of the MLP movie, where the entire cast is NOT hit by plot mandated incompetence. It is, as expected, significantly shorter.

(Minor spoilers for first 15 minutes of the MLP movie, but 90% consisting of what would already be known from the trailers.)

Cover image borrowed from DashieMLPFim

Chapters (1)



One look at the headline of the Canterlot Times and Twilight knew that she should have slept in today. But at least none of her friends would be silly enough to believe she was killing herself every time she teleported, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)

For years Trixie has been living with a secret that has drove her to challenge Twilight Sparkle for the title of Equestria's greatest magician. Till now, no pony knew what that drive was, and once it is learned, can things ever be the same for them again? Or will this revelation bring about a change? Whether if it is for better or worse is for fate to decide.

My second entry for the Everfree Northwest 2014 Writing Contest

Featured on 2/27/14

Chapters (1)

It's official. Twilight Sparkle is dead.

Better luck next time, I guess.

Chapters (1)

Twilight says goodbye for the first time in what will be a very, very long life for her.

Written for the Lightning Round prompt collab.

Also written in honor of Eve.

Now with a reading by PonyThunder.

Chapters (1)

According to both Cadence and her brother, Sunburst has been acting weird as of late, and he doesn't seem willing to talk about it. When one morning he disappears, and rumours are heard of him being at a bar, Twilight, who is visiting the Empire, decides it's time to check up on the unicorn and figure out what exactly the problem is. The answer turns out to be a peculiar one, and certainly unexpected.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's met her match, a tome so dense and arcane that even her considerable intellect couldn't penetrate it. Just before she gave up in a tizzy, Starlight suggested a pony that could help; a good friend, Sunburst.

Chapters (64)

When Twilight needs a pardon, Celestia is there to provide. When Twilight doesn’t need one, Celestia still provides.

Chapters (1)