• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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Twilight Sparkle has been the princess of Friendship for over three hundred years. She has watched countless ponies die. She has helped more than she cares to admit through the pain of loss. She has watched as time marched on and even the most important are forgotten to time.

Twilight is ready to move on.

Chapters (1)

A suicide right by the school of friendship.
Why would someone do that when there was help so close?
Twilight can't let this go as just a tragic incident. There has to be a reason.
I just added some detail and fixed a couple small problems. The story itself is unchanged.

Chapters (1)

It has been more than five hundred years since Twilight first arrived by chariot on that life-changing day, and Princess Twilight Sparkle still resides in Ponyville at the Golden Oaks library. But with the deaths of her closest friends still weighing down on her, she makes a decision that not only affects her life, but the ponies around her.

Marked teen due to thematic elements.

Edited by retroman000 and Espeon_in_the_Morning and pre-read by Unoriginal and FLUTTERSHY2424.
Cover image by Neko-me. Previous cover art by AppleAlba.

Chapters (3)

Three hundred and forty-seven years, two months, fourteen days. That’s how long it’s been since the day Spike was hatched. She could count down to even the hours, minutes and seconds but it didn’t matter at this point.
One day. That’s how long it had been since he passed away. She could count down to even the hours, minutes and seconds but it didn’t matter at this point…

Inspired by Bones Season 9, Episode 11

Chapters (1)

Shortly after moving into Ponyville, a gift from her parents causes Twilight to remember a tragic event from her fillyhood.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been trying to understand what it really means to be a Princess of Magic.
Discontent with the ambiguity of her destiny, she receives an uninvited visit from her elder alicorn peers: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance.
It seems they have sensed their youngest sister's frustration and uncertainty, hoping to help her finally figure out what's really upsetting her.

Chapters (1)

Sleeping can be hard. Sleeping forever, is harder. A sad story that delves more into the human soul rather than fictional and brings to light a very frightening question about death, possibly even your own.

New reading of this story done by my friend Crafty Arts Here. Check out his YouTube channel and subscribe!

Chapters (1)

Celestia reflects on a recent letter, and ponders an age old question. When there is nothing wrong with you, how can you be in complete agony?

Written for my dear friend, Foals Errand, as a gift to her while she thought on terrible news. Fortunately, the news was proven as false.

Artist never got back to me about the use of the cover art, despite having messaged them over a month ago.

Chapters (1)

After what seems like forever as a Princess under the rule of Celestia, Twilight decides she doesn't want to be a Princess anymore. She is ready to move on from her reign... and from this world...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle learned what Celestia was training her for at a young age and she spent every waking moment preparing for it. She was to be used for the purification of Nightmare Moon in order to return Princess Luna to Celestia's side. However on the day, it was all supposed to take place, Celestia was unable to ask for such a sacrifice from Princess Twilight. This fact only hardened Twilight's resolve to reply Celestia for every kindness she had done for her in her short mortal life.

Chapters (1)