• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

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Spike is killed in a tragic train crash while taking a weeks vacation to Manehatten without Twilight by his side. Twilights grief goes beyond what the others ever expected, and they band together to try and help her through it. However, things turn more serious when she begins a strange experiment that put both herself, and her close friends and family, in grave danger.

Chapters (1)

Love was immortal. Love burned even when all else ceased, when the flame of breath left ones chest still did love burn. So then did an immortal lover love forever; the kind of love that could topple empires and threaten to coat the world in ice. This was Twilight's last chance to prove she still had love left to give.

She only hoped it was enough.

Written for the Quill's and Sofa's Princess speedwrite, where it took first place. The posted version has seen extensive editing with the help of Dreamer Deceiver's gracious heart and nimble hands. Cover art credit to the tremendously talented Splush23.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia? Do You Have A Belly Button?

Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia's student for years before she came to Ponyville. What happened during those early years? Read on to find out.

Don't expect anything but short tales filled with filly adorableness. Have any ideas? Let me know in the comments!

Preread by several awesome people including Shiny, Stan, Raiden,ZOMG, Jumbled, andZodiac

If you are interested in more filly cuteness go check out Tiny Trixie Tales!
Twilight is still cutest!

Chapters (19)

"They came and took their faces, and then they took their insides. And one day, when the moon itself is fuller than it's ever been before, they'll crawl into our homes... and give them all back."

Chapters (1)

Ever since her encounters with the Plunderseeds and Lord Tirek, Twilight had been left with emotional scars from both events and Celestia offers her words of wisdom to help overcome them.

Chapters (1)