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Twilight Sparkle has ruled Equestria for over a thousand years. From her throne atop the floating city of Concord, she enforces ruthless harmony over the handful of surviving settlements. But Twilight is afraid: Equestria's survival always hangs by a thread, as enemies more ancient than the Alicorns threaten to return and devour what she has built.

Twilight selects her star pupil, a young unicorn named Star Orchid, to travel down from the perfect city of Concord into the dangerous ruins beneath, so that she might locate these forces, and help Twilight to destroy them. Only when every threat to Equestria is finally dismantled will she be able to rest. Until then, there is much left to purify.

Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha

Updates Wednesdays.

This story was commissioned by TyrannisUmbra, with additional funds donated by my enabler, Two Bit. If you'd like one of your own, drop me a PM!

This story takes place in the same universe as Why We Dig. I'm not going to call it a sequel, since none of its characters will be aware of anything in that story, so you won't have to be either.

Chapters (56)

Shining has grown old and his time has come. Now on his deathbed, he shares his last moments with his sister.

Audiobook available! Link

Chapters (1)

Days after the fall of King Sombra, when the Empire was starting to put itself back together again, a couple of guards have discovered that behind a hidden door, a colt that had a resemblance to a particular, hated king.

A huge thank you to Exanime32 & AlaskanBabe and for helping me edit this. And his Highness PrinceCelestia for the cover art.

Music used in this fanfic are, in chronological order:
-Bach: Goldberg Variations, Aria for Solo Piano.
-Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet, Fantasy Overture (Love Theme).
-Mozart: Violin Concerto No.3 in G (from the Master and Commander Soundtrack).
-Bach: "Great" Fugue in G Minor.
-Vivaldi: Spring, 1st Movement for Solo Piano.
-Beethoven: Ode to Joy (Piano Lullaby).
-Mozart: Tondo Alla Turca for Orchestra.
-Mozart: Adagio from Flute Quartet In D Major Kv285
-Mozart: Sonata No 18 in D, K 576 - Adagio, 2nd Movement.
-Beethoven: Symphony No.5, 1 Movement for Solo Piano.
-Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st Movement.
-Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, 1st Movement.
-Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, 4th Movement.
-Chopin: Nocturne No. 20 in C# Minor.
-Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture for Cannons and Choir.
-Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring.
-Vivaldi: Winter, 2nd Movement for Solo Piano.
-Beethoven: Fur Elies.
-Handel: Lascia ch'io pianga.

Chapters (36)

It shouldn't have been a big deal. Celestia was kidnapped or knocked out or just generally made to seem powerless by whatever idiot with ill intent decided to show up on a nearly weekly basis. As the mighty and immortal Sun Princess, she could escape at any time, but she was happy to play these little games. The daring rescues and bloodless battles gave her ponies such a sense of confidence and purpose!
But this one didn't go as planned. One small, stupid mistake got her thrown to the twisted reaches of the world-prison, Tartarus. Now alone, unarmed, and barely more than mortal, Celestia wakes in a living landscape where everything has every reason to hate her.
And, far worse, she has accidentally picked up a passenger.

Sidenote: This a repost (I tried to go through official channels, I promise!) of a story I wrote long, long ago on an account I foolishly deleted. Back in those days, Tartarus hadn't shown up in an actual episode yet. It's not exactly an alternate universe situation, but it has nothing to do with the canon portrayal of the place.

Super amazing cover art by Cold In Gardez.

Chapters (29)

After an explosion of temper, Apple Bloom flees the family home to be alone. Fortunately for her, her big sister is wise enough to know it would be a bad time to be by herself. The two sisters talk about life, and loss, and filling the empty hole left inside when someone you love leaves you behind.

Meanwhile, two dense but well-meaning pegasi try to figure out the best way to cheer up their marefriends.

Chapter one was written for a speed writing contest over at Quills and Sofas. The theme of the contest was 'Love', with the prompts 'You Promised' or 'Unafraid'. Come join us for the writing fun!

Prereading by Undome Tinwe, The Legendary Bill Cipher, Mushroompone, Princess Cadence (Sorry I don't know your fimfiction name!), and Vis-A-Viscera
Editing help by AuroraDawn and SunlightRays

Chapters (2)

Ponyville Retirement Village is being evacuated to a newly constructed shelter underneath Town Hall. It only makes sense; with this new villain 'Tirek' on the rampage, it's only a matter of time before he's drawn to Ponyville, just like every other monster, natural disaster, or hapless club of cutie-mark seeking agents of chaos.

What could possibly go wrong during the evacuation?

(Alternate Universe tag because of minor deviations from the show's canon)

This story was written for a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest. Check us out here, and come join in the fun!
Prereaders include AuroraDawn, Holtinater, Exodd, and AFanaticRabbit. They're all amazing authors, so please go give them some love, hm?

Chapters (1)

Time may heal all wounds, but the scars and trauma left behind could change those affected in both expected and unexpected ways, and not always for the better. For some, time is enough, but for others, something more is needed. A distraction. Something to cling to when you feel there's nothing left. For the Princess of Equestria, that something was a mystery better left unsolved.

Fantastic cover art once again done by Mix-up!

Chapters (3)

I have been branded a criminal for a crime I have no recollection of committing. The transgression of which I'm accused is evidently heinous enough that my friends, my family, and the rest of Equestria have turned against me. I want to say that I didn't do it, that it wasn't my fault, but I can't. The only thing I can say in my defense is that if the deed was truly done by my hoof, then it was done due to circumstances beyond my control.

I say this because I can't remember. I say this because I'm not allowed to remember. I say this because my mind is no longer my own. It belongs to the voice, you see. It crawled into my head one day—poured cruel and malicious words into my brain. I tried to fight it but it grew and grew and grew until was powerful enough to seep into my memories, my limbs, my magic. Now it won't let me go. It's taken my mind and body away from me. It does terrible things and hides the truth from me.

I am not mad, but under these circumstances what else can I do but plead insanity?

The events described take place before Season 1.

Chapters (8)

When the happiest day of our life comes, to marry the person with whom our heart and his are one, then we make an oath to love each other, until the death separates us. But when that inevitable moment comes...

This is the translation of my first story, written in June 2015.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Parting Words, by RHJunior

Princess Celestia is the paragon of Harmony. She is kind to her subjects and generous to those in need. She is loyal to her ideals and never compromised. She has a good, if mostly unknown, sense of humor. Above all else, she is always honest. Right?

Twilight Sparkle trusts Princess Celestia implicitly and in all things. The Princess has never steered her wrong, not once. When Twilight thought that her concerns for Nightmare Moon were being ignored, Celestia had her back, even if she was withholding information.

Wait a minute.

Shortly before Celestia leaves for Canterlot with the redeemed Luna, Twilight has a conversation with her mentor that will change her perspective on the Princess forever. She will receive something new, beautiful, and damning all the same.


Six Little Words or: The Question That Twilight Didn’t Ask in Canon.

Violence Tag: Implied torture.

Comments are back open. Please try to keep it cordial.

Chapters (5)