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Alicornhood is a dream that most ponies never consider past their tenth birthday, when they finally understand reality. For Twilight Sparkle, that reality was just turned on its head. The day after her ascension, after the excitement and happiness has worn off slightly, the facts of the situation finally set in. During a breakfast conversation about the responsibility she will soon bear, Spike asks a simple question: "Do you really want to be a princess, Twilight?"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seven of Six: A Screaming Butterfly

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn prodigy, her special talent of magic allowing her to wield all manner of the arcane arts with ease. She is an SGU graduate, has connections with the Royal Guard, knows Princess Celestia, and is a mother to a juvenile dragon.

She's also apprenticed to Discord, Lord of Chaos and Disharmony.

And he has a mission for her. A fallen alicorn named Nightmare Moon will soon return to bring eternal night and assured death to all the world. It's up to her to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and stop her.

Join her as she explores a familiar town, befriends familiar ponies, and completes a quest that's as old as the fandom itself, but with a twist.

A retelling of the pilot episode Friendship is Magic, but set in one of Starlight's alternate timelines.

Chapters (3)

Luna makes a promise to Nightmare Moon. A promise that will be their secret for as long as they live.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Heat and Thirst

Princess Luna, Godess of the Night, takes interest of an imprisoned Pegasus. But she is not the only princess who has her eyes on him. Princesses of Arabia and Persia, including the Equestian Princesses themselves want him. Follow Auriel on his journey of escape and Adventure and mabye true love as well.

This stunning cover was drawn by shadowmirku at deviantart.

You do not need to read the previous story to enjoy this one.

Chapters (3)

Auriel faces a Vampire unheard of.....and she's very thirsty.

This artwork was borrowed from this awesome Dude

Chapters (2)

Trapped in a future where Twilight--now known as Andromeda--has turned into an uncaring, emotionless dark-magic wielding empress, Rarity sometimes contemplates just... you know... accelerating her trip to the heavens, so to speak.

On one such time, she's surprised to find it's Andromeda of all ponies who makes her change her mind.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac (a brief explanation of the AU is inside the story). Artwork is also by Maxima and depicts Andromeda.

Chapters (1)

Twilight tells her protege, who has just ascended to an Alicorn, of the things she was never warned of.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra knows he is losing.

The Crystal Empire is about to fall to Equestria, and he can do nothing about it.

Or can he? Preparing his last resort spell, he steels himself to do what may be the hardest thing in his life. He will endure the passages of time. He will persevere.

For he is King Sombra.

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt King Sombra/Perseverance, maybe even Determination.

Chapters (1)

Ever since the sonic rainboom incident, Rainbow Dash has kept a secret. She's kept the secret even from her friends for as long as she could remember. This is her story.

(told from Rainbow's POV.)

Chapters (1)