• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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Worthless, unwanted, unneeded, and most importantly unappreciated just a few things that Ron would use to descibe his role in life itself but that's not to say things are about to change when a magical portal sucks him into the magical world of his favorite series he soon descovers that how much of a difference he could make in the lives of others. As the knight he swears to do his part to protect the world from a evil he can barely understand coupled with the fact that there is another like him who will seek to this land harm. Will he be able to rise to the occasion or will all this be just another failure on his list of failures.

Edited by Peewee

Chapters (4)

Spike and Flitter cross paths and talk about why Hearts and Hooves Day sucked.

Thanks to Follow Focus for helping this story suck less!

Chapters (1)

Nightshade was a special case. 10 years ago, he discovered that he held powers over smoke and embers, triggered after an accident that unlocked his Conduit genes. Genes he inherited from his ancestor, Delsin Rowe. After 10 years of practice, he has mastered the 'gifts' revealed to him as a mere child. Today, on his 18th birthday, he is on the train to Ponyville, to start a new life there and to continue his training. But he doesn't know of the other 'gifts' he inherited from his ancestor, nor of the new ones he'll get.

Get ready Equestria, cause the Heir of the Conduits is here, but will he be a True Hero or will he be Infamous?

Rating T for now, might change, depending on how the story goes, if starts getting more.....Intense in a way, then it will change.

I don't own anything, except Nightshade

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Last Keeper of Harmony

Book 2 of the Keeper Trilogy:
Dragons of Hourglass

I look as darkness looms ominously over the world as the threat of total annihilation from the 'Nameless One' draws closer. If we are to have a chance win the coming war much needs to be done. Sadly, only Golden Heart, the newest Keeper of Harmony, Discord and myself are all that really stands against the rising tide...

To go with the threat of war the dragons must be brought back to a harmonious state, but that will be difficult to accomplish as outside of the dragon migration dragons are fractured and solitary... plus overly prideful and stubborn...

Though I'm deathly ill from a strange illness, I will help guide Golden Heart as he attempts to overcome the seemingly insurmountable problems that plague the dragon race. For all our sakes I hope he succeeds for if not I fear we may not have the strength to win...

Chapters (59)

“Sometimes it feels like a barricade,/To keep us away, keep us away,/It kind of does.” –Interpol, ‘Barricade’

Spike seems to be overworking himself for some reason and it concern Twilight. But with the help of her yellow pegasus friend, she manages to get him to take a break. But something still seems to bother the dragon.

Chapters (3)

What would happen if Spike was born earlier than in the show and was raised by dragons instead of ponies? What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and strong young dragon. And how would this affect a certain shy Pegasus who is afraid of dragons.

A.U./Anthro/ Slow FlutterSpike

Edited by Starblade

Chapters (7)

The Civil War is over. The Autobots and Decepticons have been destroyed. Peace…is finally present in the magical land of ponies. Over a year later, while enjoying a night out with Spike, Princess Twilight Sparkle encounters an old friend deep within the Everfree Forest.

This was the worst mistake the Princess of Friendship ever made.

What follows next will lead our six friends into a new type of conflict they never thought existed, evils they never dreamt possible, and a battle…for their very lives.

And their ever-changing world.


Official sequel to Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour and the final installment in the Fall of Equestria series.

Once more, a big thanks to edCOM02 for his amazing work on the cover art!

Chapters (96)

Equestria was saved. The Transformers had arrived to their new home, a planet called Earth. The Autobots and Decepticons continue their war while the ponies of Equestria only have memories of the greatest heroes they ever knew.

But those memories….would soon turn into nightmares.

When an ancient evil returns to seek revenge on Megatron for betraying him, the Decepticons steal a precious element that the Autobots need. It’s a race to stop Megatron with Optimus Prime and his fellow Autobots as they all crash-land in the one place they swore never to return.

Megatron’s master plan will unfold. The end of days is coming. This is the rise of the Decepticons.

Experience the battle that changed their fates and decided the future of Equestria. When old enemies return on the helpless home of the equines, can even the mighty Autobots stop the great extinction that will fall upon the pony world?

The Legend will fall….in Equestria’s darkest hour.


Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria.

Once again, a big thanks to edCOM02 for making the over image!

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Noble Six

Spartans are refined by fire. Through great trials and tribulations are they made into the men and women they are. Noble Six fought through those flames. Now he rises to face an enemy even more threatening than his last. He must prevent his own race from eliminating the very friends he sacrificed himself to protect, or risk both species from falling to an even greater enemy bent upon their destruction.

Great responsibility weighs upon the shoulders of those with the power to make a decision.


Chapters (8)

It all started as a normal day for Spike, panicking about Rarity, check, annoying Twilight with said feelings for Rarity, check. Rainbow creating a crater in front of the library, check?
Contains SpikeDash (obviously) and accidental background (Twarity)

Chapters (11)