• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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After a date with Rarity gone awry, Spike is in an inconsolable mood. When a stranger offers a solution to his heartaches, he must accept.
Little does he know that he has surrendered his heart to a changeling: A rare, but most disastrous theft. It is up to those closest to Spike to retrieve his heart, and discover how far they are willing to go in order to protect it.

Chapters (10)

Due to her reckless antics and tomboyish behavior, Rainbow Dash has generally been thought of as one that had no real interest in the matters of love and dating. However, she gets challenged by Spike one day when he tells his friends that he would never be able to fall in love with her. Given Rainbow's competitive nature, a new challenge between the two of them begins.

She tries to steal Spike's heart and if he falls in love, he loses!

Between awkward dates, friendly interference, a jealous Rarity, an over-protective Twilight and a betting pool stretching all across Equestria, who knows what ending awaits them!

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash and Spike are arguing over a debate on who is the better flier in the wonderbolts between Blaze and Lightning Streak. It was a useless debate, but the flares between the two only made the necklace for loyalty spark more and more. Eventually it shot a beam through the safe, past the palace walls, and headed straight to Ponyville. The beam ensnared both Rainbow Dash and Spike just at the peak of the debate. Now Rainbow is Spike and Spike is Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (3)

Featured on 8/24/14

Author's Note: This story takes place mainly in the MLP comics universe. If you haven't read about this particular arc, you'll most likely be lost.

Twilight and her friends have "freed" Rarity from the grip Nightmare Moon had on her. But the spirit has left one last surprise for the fashionista; something that changes her life for the worst. Now forced to hide her secret in fear of being an outcast to other ponies, Rarity and her friends must find a way to reverse what Nightmare has done. Yet it won't be simple as two ponies who know Rarity seek to expose her to the world. Not only that, but Rarity must try to understand her thoughts for one of her closest friends.

While this story does take place in the MLP Comics universe, there is continuity from the show itself, but there are some alterations. For example, Twilicorn never happened, so she's still a unicorn. Secondly, this story will most likely dismiss any future events that happen in the final episodes of season 4.

Special thanks goes out to Arby Works for the great cover art, the Sparity Skype group that assisted in prereading the story to ensure quality, and thanks to you, the reader, for taking a look at it.

Chapters (13)

Set about twenty years in the future. Spike and Rarity have been happily married and all was great in Equestria... until the unicorn's age began to show. While making her way back from Zecora's, a certain spirit of the night approaches the middle aged mare with a proposition to once again turn her into Nightmarity. As for Spike, how does one deal with their spouse coming home with a new body and sharing it with a millennium old evil.
*Haven't seen many fics featuring characters from the MLP:FIM comics.


A collaboration with GiantMako

A/N: This is a gallows dark romantic comedy. The cover art is not indicative of the story, just needed a really good image of Nightmare Rarity and Spike.

Chapters (5)

Sometime after she was saved from near death by her friends, Rarity accidentally discovers she can transform in her Nightmare form at will. Terrified, she hides herself away from everyone. But when a certain dragon checks on her, it will lead to something new being born between the two.

But there is something Spike has been hiding. Sure, it was possible he would have nightmares after what transpired on the moon, but there was something else he was having nightmares about. All it will take is the comfort of a newly crowned lavender Alicorn to finally fix things. Especially when said dragon is about to hit his first growth spurt.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle has been having a lot of trouble of her own. She seems to not even flinch at the two bullies words, she seems to be doing worse in school, and she's even seemingly pushing others who try to help her away. And this all started after Rarity was saved. Maybe her sister is what the young unicorn needs to get her back on track.

Credit to DANMAKUMAN, Eddiedodoman, & fluffikitten, all on deviantART, for all 3 pics.

Chapters (3)

Rarity and Spike has always been friends. It was Rarity's birthday and it seems that Spike has a surprise for her! Could Rarity end up loving this baby Dragon or are they just friends forever?

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Sparity

Shorty after the events of Sparity, Spike has always been catious of any mares that could still be affected by the potion. Rarity, after those events, has finally realized her love for Spike. Once she admits it to him, Spike becomes doubtful and nervous that she is still somehow effected by the potion. So he gives her the antidote over and over again, but doing nothing, Spike decides to give this relationship a try.

Cover art by RavenEvert on DevaintArt

Chapters (3)

Rarity falls in love with a dreamboat she calls the stallion of her dreams. In a haste to get married and have a happy ending, she creates a love potion that will cause the second drinker to fall in love with the first drinker. When things go wrong and Spike drinks the potion before Rarity does, Rarity drinks and then instantly falls in love with Spike. Can Spike figure out what's going on and stop this?

Edit 4/4/16: These chapters are very short, but keep in mind I wrote this a long time ago, back when I was experimenting with chapter length. Anyway, proceed with reading.

Chapters (9)

Luna and Celestia are bored, what better to do then mess with their beloved ponies, the only problem, Discord and Pinkie Pie want to help. Watch as Spike, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity are swept up by the forces of order and chaos as their love lives are turned upside down and revamped.
Will Team SpikeDash win the day?
Or will Team Twarity conquer all?
Or maybe even trickier pairings will emerge as the will of fate says lets just glue everyone together and see what happens.

Chapters (1)