• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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A short one shot about the main six, and their special someponies enjoying Hearths Warming Eve together.


Told from Twilights POV

Chapters (2)

Two weeks of being captured an held as a prisoner on a Trandoshan slave ship, Sev and his Wookie friends leaves in an escape pod and calls the Republic for an emergency pick up. On an unknown planet, they crash land on it and made an encounter with the planet's locals till the Republic comes. Will they bring their war to this peaceful world or will it remain a secret?

Chapters (7)

Now with an amazing YouTube reading by the equally amazing AShadowOfCygnus!

During its two year search for Shepard, the lone Geth traveled across the galaxy, exploring worlds both known and unknown. After a blind FTL jump to escape from an Alliance patrol, it found itself in a previously undiscovered system, a system without a mass relay and completely cut off from the rest of the galaxy. It touched down on one of the worlds, a garden-like planet, with the intention of gathering data on any flora and fauna that may have been present.

Instead, it made a remarkable discovery.

Edit at 8:10 AM on 8/17/2014: Scanning...Featured Box Achieved! This unit humbly thanks all organics and fellow synthetics for their support!

A big thanks to my bloody brilliant proofreader AShadowOfCygnus. Don't stop being classy, buddy.
NOTE: This story takes place years before the Return, back when Twilight was just a filly.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.
Mass Effect belongs to BioWare and Electronic Arts.

Chapters (5)

After a month of being in the dragon kingdom of Draconia, Spike has decided to go back to Ponyville. He has changed a lot since he left the first time, and that is easily noticeable. That, however, will not stop him from living his life again. But of course, there will be some changes.

A sequel of another story of mine, 'True Origins'. Sorry about the description, I couldn't think of something better. This story takes place after the end of Season 2 but before Season 3.

Chapters (5)

After his adventures in the Great Dragon Migration, Spike receives a letter from Princess Celestia, telling him that she could know who he really is. However, once in Canterlot, he discovers more than he expected: he is, in fact, Ka-Hurr, the prince of the Dragon Kingdom of Draconia, lost many years ago. He now goes to his homeland to learn more about his people, but that won't be the only thing that happens with his return.

There will be some Skyrim references, like the mention of Alduin and the Dragonborn, but it won't be a Skyrim crossover.

Since I couldn't find a good Draconic translator, italics will be used to replace it, think that every moment that a character speaks and the text is in italics, he is speaking in Draconic.

Chapters (10)

Spike was sure that this had to be heartbreak. His life was cracking in front of him and he thought that he would never find love that was truely true. But he found out that if you look to the skies, anything can happen.

Chapters (2)

Spike feeling unappreciated for all his work is whisked away by a royal pony of ice and snow. The girls venture to the frozen parts of Equestria to rescue him before he decides to never want to come home at all.

Chapters (6)

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.

While on his walk, he was judged by an ancient alicorn, lodged with griffons, parlayed with air pirates, charmed a maiden of a mystical race, and dealt with the scourges of hate, fear, and racism while deliberately drawing the armies of myriad nations to the brink of global war.

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk, and did all of this so that he could keep a promise to the one that meant the most to him... Twilight Sparkle.

In the first of three books, Pillars of the Sun (Chapters 1-15), Spike is devastated by Twilight's fate and grows more and more despondent as he attempts to understand what has happened to his dearest friend. A gentle nudge from a pony he trusts sends him looking for answers. When that nudge becomes a push he unravels ancient secrets... and risks losing himself before his attempt to rescue Twilight can even begin.

Chapters (14)

Edit: Now a collaborative effort with Loyal2Luna

Commander Shepard has been through a lot, but now that the Reaper War's over he can finally relax and take a little R&R, right? Soak up the sun, grab a few drinks, spend some quality time with Tali, introduce a new race to the galaxy... wait, what?

In the aftermath of the war, a new species has been discovered amidst the destruction and fire. A species that have access to powers never seen before, powers which could prove vital to the continuation of galactic survival.

The Citadel Council has elected to send Shepard, along with the rest of the crew of the Normandy, to introduce Equestria to the universe outside of their solar system.

Now Shepard must wade through obstructive bureaucrats, antagonistic journalists, and the odd, angry prince in order to bring Equestria into a new age of space and adventure.

So settle in, it's going to be one hell of a vacation!

Now has it's own TvTropes page

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash has always been complimented on her athleticism. What happens when she gets complemented for her looks, too, especially when said compliment comes from a certain purple dragon?

Chapters (5)