• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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The mane-six want to have fun at the beach along with Spike. During the water filled weekend, Dash has been acting rather... odd around Spike. Overly teasing; physically getting close to him; acting like it's nothing. Just what is Rainbow trying to tell him?
Side note ignore the comments about grammar issues I got I fixed and will side future chapters to editors before submitting them.


Chapters (4)

After Twilight became an alicorn, it seemed as though her entire personality was a bit off. Twilights behavior towards him was really weighing down on Spike, and his growth spurt just a few years ago didn't help with his romance/social life. With so little time to himself, and finding that his life wasn't going to go anywhere in Ponyville, Spike flew off towards the badlands to find his future. Though he left without saying a word, he did leave a note promising he would be back in a few years. While living out his life in the badlands, somedragon ends up opening his life to a whole new world...

First fanfiction ever, and this is just a Spike scenario that has been bugging me for the past month or two. And if you can't tell by what the description and title give you, then let it be known that this is a spike x dragoness fic.

As the story progresses, many other of the spike fiction authors might find tiny references to their stories... one of which is in the prologue.
So yea, big thanks for the inspiration from the multitude of spike fan fic writers.

Hope you guys will give it a shot. Oh, and Spike has wings and magic, but hides the magic from Twilight for obvious personal reasons. Also, didn't know whether or not to add alternate universe tag because there is a dragon civilization, but Equestria has just never known about it.

Chapters (3)

Spike, banished from Ponyville for a crime he never committed, turned from his friends, he walks through the Everfree, were someone he never expected sent him on a new adventure and life.

He was called Spike, but now he will be the Dragon Assassin.

Note: kinda like an assassin's creed crossover

Assassin's creed belongs to Ubisoft
Mlp belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Darkness of Love

Spike saved the Elements of Harmony, but a past mistake had caught up to him. He died a week later, leaving Twilight heartbroken, holding a crystal that contained half his soul from before he succumbed to dark magic.

Now, some months later, Twilight has spent her time searching for the key to bringing Spike back. With everything in place, and Cadence assisting her with Spike's resurrection, will everything go as planned, or will something falter and leave Spike half of or twice what he used to be?

Opening theme for this story is: Awoken - Sound of the Aviators

Rated 'Mature' for Violence and Sex. To see sex chapters, click on the link here.

Chapters (14)

Spike has been rejected by Rarity after helping her for a very important client and a fashion show. He disappears shortly afterwards, leaving Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the gang saddened by his absence.

It has been three years since that incident, and the girls have gotten past the sadness, but still get together to remember the purple dragon every year. On this day, a new pony comes to Ponyville, and although he knows nothing of what his life was like, helps the group have more fun and fills part of the hole left in their hearts from Spike.

Idea for the fashion show goes to LordPlagus777's story Heart of Scales.

Chapters (10)

In the past few weeks since Twilight has started dating, Spike has found himself spending more and more time alone in the castle. Normally he would be willing to put up with his own loneliness, in exchange for her happiness, but when the dark of the night comes around, he can't help but wonder if he really is alone.

(Eventual Spilight shipping)

Chapters (5)

Spike Drake has started attending Canterlot Academy as part of a Co-Ed experiment. With him being the only guy in an entire academy filled with hot and sexy girls, will his teenage hormones drive him crazy, or will the boy-starved student body eat him alive?

Chapters (36)

Spike's happy world has always revolved around Twilight. From his hatching to their adventures in Ponyville, he has remained a faithful companion and loyal friend. But why is it that he has remained a baby for all of these years? There is so much about dragons that they do not know. In a rude awakening, Spike receives a letter from Princess Luna who promises to help Spike meet his potential. But how much will he change? Will his friends see him differently? And how will his life with Twilight evolve?

(set after season 4 and rainbow rocks).

Chapters (19)

Through the simple act of bumping into somepony new, Spike will be shown just how far his music can take him. Healing old wounds, finding new friends, and possibly even rekindling an old fire.

Cover art was drawn by myself

Featured 11/5/16

Chapters (9)

As hard as Spike tries he cannot seem to win over Rarity's heart. After "careful" consideration he decides to present her with a truly au inspiring gift. he also figures out that Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle is probably his best bet for ideas on what he should get. Unbeknownst to him, Sweetie Belle has had quite the eye for Spike for a while now and she is flattered, yet slightly hurt when Spike asks for help. So the two set of on a quest for the perfect gift, a quest that will make them close friends, or perhaps more than that.

Chapters (5)