• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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[This is another random idea I had, except this one's going to play out like an anime]

Spike Ashe, he is what should be considered as a normal boy in the middle of his first year of high school. But like most of the stories and comics he reads, things are never how they seem.

Spike has powers, little things like having skin as hard as titanium, having amazing speed, agility and strength, the ability to grow wings and shoot fire from his hands and mouth and being able to sense the essence of life itself if he tries hard enough.

He's had these powers since he was very young and has always known how to use them. But because of his powers he has secluded himself from others. Fearing what might happen if his powers were found, and not for his own skin, but for his family. As such he has a reputation of never speaking and even coming across as cold.

But like all things, his life changed drastically when he witnesses a girl about to be run over by a car.

Art belongs to ss2sonic

Chapters (1)

20,000 years ago, a dark king ruled over all of Equis. He was defeated, cast into the void. But now, he awakens, and Equis will never be the same. With his rising, new worlds are discovered, all having been affected by him at some point. They all must band together to stop him, but Luna and Celestia will face the most difficult choice in their lives- do they stay loyal to old and new friends, or to family? Old adversaries return as allies in this fight. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
A halo and mass effect crossover.
First story in the Lone universe

Chapters (29)

When Discord comes down with a dangerous strain of magical flu, the entire town becomes Ground Zero. And the only way to cure him... is from the inside.

This might be the last chapter story I write as I'll probably only do one-shots after this, so, hope you like it.

Chapters (3)

Rarity and Spike have been together for a while. He never had a problem with sharing her with Pinkie Pie, but can Spike handle the responsibilities of becoming a father when he finds out that Rarity has impregnated Pinkie? And how does a mare impregnate another mare anyway?

There has been some confusion regarding this story, where many people think I am ripping on Spike. I'm not really, but I'm starting to understand why people think that. Rarity is not cheating here, it's something called polyamory.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Dragons of Hourglass

Book 3 of the Keeper Trilogy:
At the Twilight of Harmony

A creature of unimaginable evil and power has escaped its prison, the drums of war have sounded, and only death and destruction are guaranteed as the forces of harmony magic fight against the rising tide of dark magic.

With the overwhelming odds against them the forces of Equestria, Hourglass, and the Griffin Allied Eyries are still confident in winning. But will the victory be Pyrrhic?

Chapters (78)

Spike gets a visit from a truly loyal friend, but she isn't just coming for a regular visit. what does rainbow have to say? And how will it affect their relationship?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dragon Sage

After the events that took place in The Dragon Sage, Twilight and Spike have quietly started living and loving in their castle. Other ponies are bound to find out, so how will they respond? What does this mean for their friends and neighbors?

If you haven't read the previous story, I suggest it, but it is not necessary. Most characters and references to The Dragon Sage take a back seat role in this slice-of-life story. It's more as an extended epilogue than anything else.

Chapters (13)

With no warning, the might of the Griffon kingdom descends upon Equestria. Twilight, in her desperation, teleports Spike as far away from the conflict as she can in the hope of saving his life. Completely lost for the first time in his life, Spike must learn how to survive in the world alone.

But, when he finds out about the fate of Equestria and what could possibly be happening to his friends, can Spike realize the true might that comes with being a dragon? And will it be enough to help him reclaim the only treasures he ever allowed himself to hoard: his friends?

****Alt Uni tag for heavy use of Draconic abilities and lore outside of the MLP universe because, well, the MLP universe doesn't really have any of it's own.****

**Giant super awesome mega thanks to my amazing editor Idylia

Chapters (16)

Inspired by the song "One Day More" from Les Miserables
Creative Consultant: The Psychopath
Cover Art: frans97

The fic's events begin after "The Mane Attraction", but before "The Cutie Re-Mark". Also Cadance has yet to become pregnant. The reason the map isn't mentioned is because the fic was started before the airing of Season 5 and the official time this fic takes place within the canon wasn't officially decided until March 2016.

Not long after Tirek's defeat, Twilight Sparkle looks back on the Mane 6's victories over entities such as Discord, Nightmare Moon, Sombra, etc. but gets a nagging feeling in her mind: something's missing. Every time she remembers using the harmony powers successfully, she keeps feeling that there was always one part of the magic she and her friends were missing.

Later on, Twilight and her friends are shocked to find out that Tirek has escaped again, but this time, he's not alone. Thanks to his dark magic, he has managed to create an army of his own including with a band of "friends" that rival even the alicorns' powers!

The protagonists discover that the Mane 6's harmony magic isn't enough to defeat Tirek's army; even with the combined might of the other princesses and Discord. So, they decide to reach out to other forces for help.

Who are these new "friends" of Tirek? What does he have in store for Equestria?
Will the Mane 6 be able to unravel this mystery of Twilight's visions? What forces will Equestria call upon for aid?
Take a look, and find out!
An action packed epic containing characters both canon and non-canon!

Chapters (9)

Spike is going to get a kiss from Rarity this year, he just knows it – and the mistletoe he just put over the front door is going to help him do just that. But when Twilight lets Rarity into the castle in his place, Rarity believes that Twilight is trying to get a kiss from one of her friends. Too bad Twilight has no idea what Rarity is talking about.

And when Spike answers the door after Sweetie Belle shows up to join her big sister for the Hearth Warming party, he finds his trap backfiring as he gets a kiss from the wrong unicorn.

Now Rarity is pestering Twilight about her love life and Spike can’t get away from the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Where did it all go wrong?

Chapters (8)