• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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After a smash and grab mission goes haywire, the Master Chief finds himself in Equestria. As he meets the ponies we all know and love, his past with Cortana haunts him as he struggles with his new life.

But a threat who wants revenge makes their move . Will John 117 move on from the past to face the enemy, or will he not care and doom the ponies to their fate?

In the pony timeline, this takes place after Tirek is defeated. In the Halo timeline, it takes place after Halo 4 and before the events of Halo 5.

Edit 1: Changed the rating from mature to teen. Tell me if I should keep it the same.

Chapters (4)

Six A.I.s are in control of Aperture Science. Spike with amnesia wakes up one day. He is part of a crazy research project under the watch of the A.I.s. He finds out more about the A.I.s and him. He finds out that he can escape from the facility but he can't get out with out the A.I.s trying to kill him.

This story is a comshion of Portal, Portal 2, and the upcoming game Aperture Tag (Yes that is the name).

Chapters (7)

After defeating the Didact, John gets summoned to a Pre Nightmare Moon Equestria to end a war with griffins. He can't go back home.

OP Epicness ensues.

Edited by Requiem17

Chapters (20)

A collaboration between myself, Tidal and Seventh Heaven

Cheating. It never leads to anything good. Hearts get broken, trust is lost, and lives are ruined. Unfortunately, even the best of relationships are not immune to it.

When it comes to light that Shining Armour has been in a secret affair with Rarity, it leaves Princess Cadence and Spike stunned and badly hurt. Leaning on each other for comfort, the two devise a plan to not only get revenge on the ponies that hurt them, but maybe even heal their broken hearts along the way.

Note: This fic was written during season 4 originally, so that's why Flurry Heart isn't mentioned.

Coverart by: Not Enough Coffee

Inspired by the album Two-Faced Charade by Famous Last Words.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Divine Intervention

"Cool,/I'm just trying to be cool./It's all because of you." -Phoenix, 'Trying To Be Cool'

After seeing Spike in a brand new light and seeing him as more than just Twilight's assistant, Rainbow Dash wants to tell Spike. However, it seems she's too scared of being seen as uncool by doing such. Will she spit it out or just let it bother her?

Chapters (3)

“You may be right,/I may be crazy./But it just may be a lunatic your looking for.” –Billy Joel, “You May Be Right”

Sequel: "Trying To Be Cool"

Spike is left to his daily tasks as Twilight Sparkle is in Canterlot on official business. This includes a visit from Rainbow Dash, who is looking for more books to read. Spike gives her some suggestions and Dash admits he knows what he's talking about. This sparks something in Rainbow's head. She slowly begins to see the small purple dragon in a new light after a number of recent events. What exactly is going on with her?

Chapters (5)

When Spike and Sweetie Belle go to Canterlot to meet her parents, Spike gets an unpleasant surprise when he meets them. But when they return to Ponyville, what happens when there is bad communication but a lot of care? Well, not very good things.
First story, open to criticism.

Chapters (6)

Spike had always wanted to be with Rarity and felt certain she was the one he was meant to be with. He never thought he needed anyone else. But he didn't realize he had won over Fluttershy without even trying. But will Spike let go of his long time obsession and take a chance with someone who returned his feelings?

Chapters (3)

When Luna and Twilight discover the Forward Unto Dawn, they wonder what this could possibly bring to the peaceful land of Equestria. They have no idea what could possibly be on this odd object racing to the ground.
When Cortana awakens Master Chief from his slumber, she warns that the Dawn is falling to the surface of an unknown planet. Chief must find a way to get to the ground safely and survive in this new, oddly colored place.

This the beginning of my first fanfiction. It will be a continuing story until I decide to stop. I hope everyone will be supportive and encouraging as I write this story for all you guys.

Chapters (14)

Spike’s been adjusting well to having a castle as his new home. Initially, he thought that things would remain exactly the way they always were, only, the box had given them seven chairs instead of just six. Each of them bore the mark of the Elements, whereas the seventh remained bare, was much smaller and was positioned right next to Twilight’s. It seemed that Spike had finally been recognized and given a place within the group, but what exactly did that signify?

He hadn’t used a key and most certainly wasn’t one of the Elements. While Twilight and the rest were all established as Equestria’s best line of defense, the most Spike had ever accomplished was getting lucky against King Sombra. Although being presented with a new position of power, he was still plagued with doubt. Spike’s thoughts were nervous at the best of times and extremely self-doubting at the worst.

Still entirely unsure of his position amongst his friends, he gets paid a visit from the future by a pony who carries a grave warning for the past. Only Spike may save the future, but at what cost?

And just what dangers does the future hold?

Many thanks to my editor: Drgnwolf

Chapters (6)