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Princess Twilight Sparkle has done something unheard of: she's found a changeling right outside Canterlot borders! But much to his surprise, Twilight doesn't kill him or turn him in as the law requires. Instead, she saves his life.
And when life gives you lemons, you will feed.

*Featured 5/19/14—5/21/14! Thank you so much, guys! I love you all! *Proof*
Set before "Twilight's Kingdom". Twilight has been princess approximately six months. Not sure if AU tag is necessary.

My Amazing Helpers!:
Go kill them with your love!

Chapters (1)

After the wedding in Canterlot, Twilight thought the excitement was over, at least for a while. But when she wakes up to find the events of the past few days were a lie, she realizes just how wrong she was. Can she and her friends save Equestria from an enemy who has already won? Or will they remain trapped in the Hivemind?

Chapters (8)

All of Ponyville has gone crazy, every pony seems to be acting wrong, and every pony seems to be watching her. Old friends are lying their way through conversations, even Applejack is acting shifty...

What is Twilight going to do?

(Special thanks to DA's ~MangaKa-Girl for letting me use her art as the cover pic)

Chapters (2)

"I don't care what the risks are, Chocolate. I want nothing more then to be with you."

When Blazing Feathers, a pegasus, finds a wounded changeling, frightend and alone in the forrest, he brings her home to heal her back to health. While her wounds healed, Blazing finds that he cared for her and she cared for him, but when his friends find out that she is a changeling, the Queen begins to apear in their lives and everyhing falls apart.

Chapters (22)

Staghorn is Chrysalis's second youngest child (don't let that description fool you, he has a wife and two kids about the same age as Applebloom) and is next in line for the throne. he is as smart as a whip and he has a big heart. so it's no surprise that when his mother comes home, he has a plan. a crazy, insane Plan. But is Peace really an option?

(First two chapters are a little rushed, sorry)

Chapters (17)

Ever since the Canterlot Wedding Incident the public fear of changelings have sky rocketed. People are terrified of the idea that foes and emotional vampires walk amongst us and why wouldn't they be? Your best friend, your lover...Even your adopted sister could all be changelings! But friends, I am her to teach you that these creatures are surprisingly similar to ourselves. they have the same wants, the same needs and most importantly, the same flaws. This book is but a quick look at the changelings as a whole separated into each major hive. For those who find the mystery attractive, this will answer many of your questions. For those who fear them, this will allow you to identify different changelings and what risk they are to yourself and family.

(In time I will add the hives created by Carnifex. though I have asked for his permission and he has accepted, and while the general idea and descriptions are all his, history, religion and relationships are all made by me. All hives can be used in your own fanfics, though claiming the hives themselves are your creations will not do, and while not needed, a little mention on where the hives came from would be nice.)

Chapters (11)

Ever have one of those mornings where you are sleeping with your husband and your disguise starts failing and have to run from said husband because he wants to bash your head in thinking you stole his wife? Cadence is having one of those mornings and she is not amused.

In her escape from her husband, she stumbles upon the caves. It was wandering in them while she was trying to find a solution that she walked into it, literally. Though, it was one she wasn't expected and might have wanted to avoid.

Chapters (1)

Four hundred years ago, an alien warp gate was discovered that connected Equestria to the Koprulu sector. A deserted sector of spaced filled with centuries worth of abandoned alien technology. That technology advanced Equestrian civilization hundreds of years into the future. One hundred years after its opening, that warp gate would close, trapping many citizens of Equestria on the other side. Cut off from their ancestral homeland, their descendants have grown up to a life filled with war and chaos, fought using technology never meant for pony kind.

On a quiet little colony, three young mares enjoyed a relatively happy childhood. During one of their usual friendly outings, they make a discovery that will change their lives forever. Their peaceful childhood comes to an end as the now adult cutie mark crusaders are about to find out just how hard life in this sector of space can be.

Additional lore on the factions can be found here if you are interested.

Cover Art and Chapter Art by Rametep. You can find his gallery here.

Warning, spoilers in comments You've been warned.

Chapters (69)

After being stranded in Manehatten, a changeling is saved by a young filly who is being terrorized by a monster hiding in her closet. After the horror has been taken care of, the changeling and the young filly become close friends... and the changeling and the filly's foster father become something more...

The second story in the the rebooted Cricket-Verse, aka the Nonsense-Verse

Chapters (4)

Orchid Mantis, a changeling, has come to the Crystal Empire, hoping to retire in peace. However, a terrible curse set by King Sombra as revenge for his defeat threatens the city, summoning monsters to raze everything to the ground... and only the power of love can stop them. The changeling, being able to tap into that power at will, has been drafted to help fight these monsters when they appear...

However, for a dedicated martial artist, defeating monsters is easy. For a changeling, raising a child is a much greater challenge. And building a meaningful relationship? Harder still...

Part of the the rebooted Cricket-verse, aka The Nonsense-Verse.

Chapters (3)