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Only a few weeks have passed since the failed Changeling invasion and their following banishment from Equestria. Celestia, wishing nothing but peace across the entire continent, seeks out Chrysalis in her hive in an effort to sway her, to show her that there are other ways. She knows that convincing Queen Chrysalis that there are other ways than her own will be a difficult ordeal, but she has vowed to try regardless.

An idea that popped up yesterday night... Hope you like it! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis, the last Queen of the changelings, is dying. With her death, her children will die, and the changelings will cease. She has one final plan, a coup to save her race, her children. She must make a new Queen, one strong enough, and smart enough, to save her people. It will be her legacy, and her greatest achievement. Too bad she never asked Twilight if she wanted to help

Dark tag added just to be safe, but its a "light dark" if that even exists.
Edited by: Nadake

Chapters (2)

Twilight is the new changeling queen, Chrysalis is gone, and now lies dead, Celestia isn't worried in the slightest, and Shining Armor and Cadence have just returned from their honeymoon.

The fate of a race is in Twilights hooves, and all the doors are open to her, what path will she call her own?

It's been too long since I've done any writing (for school, I might add), I hope I haven't lost all my skill.

Chapters (2)
by Resda

I am Twilight Sparkle. Newly crowned Princess of Equestria. Element of Magic. Student of the magic of friendship under the tutelage of Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.

Female. Lavender in the coat, indigo in the mane, with purple and pink stripes. Razor straight mane cut, with a little bit of a flip... shimmering ethereal mane and tail possibly pending. Large wings, lavender, barely used.

Beloved daughter of a scientist and a stargazer. Sister to the Captain of the Royal Guard. Sister-in-law to an Empress.

Best friend to five ponies plus one dragon in Ponyville.

Or am I?

Chapters (12)

As Twilight Sparkle awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, she found she had been turned into a changeling.

How has she become a changeling? How will she adapt? How will her friends respond? And what new terrors will her metamorphosis bring?

Cover image by the fantastic Carnifex... or Siansaar... I can't tell which. You can find more wonderful works here: http://siansaar.deviantart.com/

EDIT: Featured... nearing 1000 Favorites... multiple pages of comments (swoons)

Thanks for everything guys. I never expected this thing to get so popular. I need to rework the second chapter, but it looks like there's going to be a blue moon every Friday for a while yet. Thanks again for your support and please keep reading and reviewing!

EDIT2: I've updated the character list again, a little preview of the second story arc...

EDIT 3: Just doing a quick character update to account for changes made to the next Arc...

Chapters (5)

Twilight's life is changing very quickly and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Will Princess Celestia still look at her the same way? Will any of her friends? Is the pain worth it if they cannot accept her changes, or is it better to just join the starving?

Chapters (9)

Years have past since the changelings were driven away from Equestria, giving room for peace and love. Suddenly, Twilight is captured in the middle of the night, and is brought to the hooves of Queen Chrysalis. Seeing that she has captured the element of magic, she is determined to gain her revenge against both Twilight and anyone that has ever wronged her.

Using her dark magic, the queen transforms the unicorn into a horrifying creature. Will Twilight hold on to her sanity, and more importantly, her devotion to friends?

Or will she slip into the darkness, and lose all hope.

Props to chaos2012 for bringing me this idea. The story is mine though

Evilpresident is also onboard as a Pre-reader.

Okay, new cover art! This time it was actually made for the fic, so credit goes to BronyInvestigator
I cannot thank him enough.

Chapters (16)

My name is Rainbow Dash and today I learned something new. I learned I'm actually a changeling. You'd think that would be something you would already know. I just learned it now when I saw my true self for the first time. How did I come to replace the real Rainbow Dash, and when? And why can't I remember it?

Chapters (16)

Woo, Featured!
And new cover by ProjectRabbid

Choices, and our ability to stick to them, are what makes us ponies. It doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong, the important thing is that they had to be made. When a barely adult unicorn with an ambitious name Blazing Light leaves his home to start a new life his steps lead him to a company in which he is rightfully nervous - princess Luna's guards.

Also, a direct sequel.

Chapters (84)

Twilight Sparkle has had a crush on Princess Celestia for a very long time. When Celestia's own advice prompts her to confess her attraction, Twilight discovers a secret that Celestia has hidden for hundreds of years. With the fires of the sun itself separating them, can Twilight find a way for them to come together?

Cover art by NadnerbD

Huge amounts of editing by Jordanis

Chapters (2)