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When Sombra, ex-ruler of the Crystal Empire, is discovered alive and well, Twilight has her hooves full keeping the tyrannical king in check. Instead of the original plan of throwing him in a dungeon or banishing him to Tartarus, Celestia decides to go with the plan that worked out well enough for Discord.

To reform Sombra.

Pinkie takes the job, and gets right to work in helping Sombra become a better pony. Will Sombra finally change from his old, wicked ways and reform? Or will he instead strangle the annoying, pink menace known as Pinkie Pie?

Thanks to the awesomely talented Mickeymonster for letting me use his art! Check him out for even more spectacular artwork!

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)

What if Twilight has been lying to her friends all along and her real mother is Princess Celestia herself?

I got the idea while writing Prism and Glimmer. This story is just to dive into what it would be like if Celestia was Twilight's biological mother. (Teen because pissed Celestia does not hold back on language. Romance tag for some Lunestia).

Original chapters can be found here.

Edited by: Knight of Cerebus

Currently being rewritten

Coverart by ZippySqrl

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Bright Night, Prism Dash, Glimmer Sparkle, and Nympha Lulamoom are all daughters of some of the most powerful alicorns in existence. Now in their twenties, they are happily fulfilling their roles of learning the ways of the crown to one day take over for the Princesses. However, what will happen when a dark secret of their past resurfaces and not only threatens them, but effects their views of their regal mothers.

And what will happen when these demons free themselves upon the world?

Sequel to: Solar Child
Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Chapters (10)

The four princesses, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Chrysalis, all decide to sit down and have a friendly talk of their relationships. Luna decides to take matters into her own hooves when certain alicorns still need a special somepony.

Chapters (3)

Dark magic. It twists and corrupts the mind and soul. It makes its user power hungry, a hunger impossible to sate. And Twilight Sparkle fell prey to its corruption. Now it lands on the shoulders of Celestia to stop her once faithful student from destroying Equestria in her search for power. Only one problem.

Twilight is her foster daughter.

Edited by TheGreatEater

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mournful Sunsets

Five years passed by quickly. Twilight's foal was born, Cadence passed her torch to another so she could support Twilight in Canterlot, and Luna watched it all go by with a sad gaze.

Five years have passed, and the Night Goddess finds herself in a position that she had waited long for. Death.

Chapters (1)

Sunsets, they are full of color and are the very symbol of romance. But, as all beautiful things, they have a darker, sadder side to them. Because to some, they do not bring happiness and joy, they bring mourn.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Club Scene

Nothing is going right for our favorite farm pony Applejack. Twilight and Rainbow Dash are fighting, one of Fluttershy's pet's is sick, Rarity is stressed over her work and to top it all of she has her own problems. What's a mare to do with all this stress? Drink it off at her favorite local pub of course!

Chapters (2)

Ponyville is a place where the impossible happens. This ranges from having a dragon as a neighbor to having an infestation of bugs that can eat things 100x their size. Though Ponyville is special, it's still an ordinary small town, and in small towns rumors travel fast. That's why when somepony figures out a way to explain everything bad that's happened, a whole town can turn on one pony. Even if that pony has helped them countless times. Even if that pony is royalty. Even if that pony is Twilight Sparkle.

Only one pony, the forever loyal Rainbow Dash, believes her when she says that she's innocent. The two of them will have to work together if they want to clear Twilight's name and prove that she's not the cause of everything that goes wrong in Equestria. They will have to work hard, though, if they want to win the fight against everypony in Ponyville, including even Twilight's closest friends.

Chapters (2)