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This story is a sequel to The Diary of Spike the Dragon

Spike is on a mission. A mission to save himself and his 'friends' from everypony. He believes that Twilight and the others are falling into their clutches and he must stop them. What happens now? Innocent lives are gone, ponies panic, and our heroes have to decide between friendship and the lives of other ponies.

Chapters (23)

In the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, Sweetie Belle comes into contact with a powerful artifact that gives her the promise of great power. What will she do with it? And what consequences might come with it? The days grow darker and strange things start to happen to her and her friends.

Something ominous lies on the horizon. With Sweetie's new found strength, does she have what it takes to face the oncoming peril to her home?

Chapters (2)

Octavia had it all. Well, almost all; she had some money, some fans, some friends, her dream career, but it all lacked something, or someone to be exact. After one of her many concerts she finds herself waiting in line for, what's that? Another concert! Though she might not be the one playing in this one, this is one of the few places where she can relax.

And that is where it all began, on that one night, she found it. But it has a few secrets.

(This story, at the moment, is almost a mine field of spelling and grammar errors. Continue at your own expense as I try to fix some of them)

(Hey guys this is my first fic and comments are welcome for better or worse! Also I have a few things with my Vinyl and Octavia Fics:
~Vinyl's eyes...I have my opinion on their color...(I realize that the show revealed them to be magenta...I was bummed out by that...)
~Not a big fan of Vinyl OR Octavia dying...just not cool to me ( vinyl dies a lot in fics... )
~Don't like sad endings...(not saying there won't be any)
~Don't like unfinished stories...at all
That is all!


Chapters (44)

Hup is a changeling that occasionally suffers the hiccups. Caught in the act of shapeshifting at a young age, Chrysalis mistook his involuntary shapeshift as natural talent. As problems pop up, one after the other, Hup's going to find out that infiltrating Equestria will be the least of his troubles.

One of a series of gifts to my followers, specifically:
Listener and RadicalThestral

Rated E for weirdness.

Chapters (8)

Scootaloo has a secret. One that she's been hiding her whole life, and after the royal wedding has no choice but to share.

Apple Bloom has a secret. One that she's been hiding for six months, and is still terrified of.

Sweetie Belle has a secret. One that she's been hiding for... well, she doesn't know how long, and is looking for answers to.

So what happens when three not-ponies find out their friends aren't ponies either?

Well, one thing's for certain: they're going to have to come up with a new name for their club. Hopefully one better than the title.

Cover by Crimsion Ink

First few chapters edited by metallusionsismagic, AppleTank, and the last few chapters edited by Crocoshark, Bahamuttone

Featured May 30, 2015!

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Acceptance

Taking place just a few weeks after Acceptance.

The past should not be forgotten, nor should it blind us to what the future may hold. With the new change in statuesque between ponies and their new changeling neighbors, the past may be the answer to help set an understanding.
But not all is as it seems, as some parts of the past, may hold answers to things others may not wish to see.
The truth may not always be pleasant to hear, but it is necessary if you wish to know what real goes on.

You have waited... and waited... and waited a little more.
For those that know, wait no longer. For the second act has finally arrived!
No guaranties it will be better than the first act: Acceptance, but I will do what I can.

Chapters (38)

In the week following the Cutie Mark Crusaders' return from the Appleoosa rodeo, Sweetie Belle has been helping Rarity to finish a dress order. Rarity, though very grateful for the help, doesn't think that Sweetie Belle is quite herself. Her concerns are cemented when Sweetie Belle declines the opportunity to go crusading. What could be troubling her? And what has she set in motion through her inaction?

Set after 506: Appleoosa's Most Wanted.

Chapters (6)

Spike, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pound and Pumpkin Cake meet a strange zebra filly who lives in the Everfree Forest. After that day they all wake up with strange curses.

This is the a short story based off the same universe as my story Age Swap. You don't have to read it to know what's going on but it would help a lot.

Chapters (1)

Spike is the only dragon in Cantorlot. He was born and raised there and has earned The Princess's deepest trust. But when he fears danger will strike she wont listen and sends him and his assistant, Twilight Sparkle, to Ponyville. The Princess said that Spike needs to meet more ponies then just Twilight but Spike knows there is danger and will try as hard as he can to stop it.
This is like a remix of the first episode but with twists.

Chapters (6)

Cover art by Johan Framhout.

CMC are in their late teens.

Special thanks to Twilight_is_the_BEST for laying the groundwork of this story.

The events in this story are considered canonical for Darkest Darkness, but neither story is required to be read in order to understand the other.

This story takes place and was written before the events of Season 5, Episode 18.

Life has changed for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. After graduating high school without their cutie marks, the CMC are finally free of Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. Without school holding them back, they are free to pursue their cutie marks to the ends of the earth.

And when Sweetie Belle finds a mysterious ring that shows a magical map, to the ends of the earth is exactly where they might be headed.

Chapters (5)