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This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 2)

That was easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Expect new chapters daily.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 1)

That was easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Expect new chapters daily.

Chapters (26)

"I can face the whole world with one claw, as long as your hoof is holding the other." - A Dragon in Love -

Luna and Spike romantic feelgood thriller with a dash of political intrigue.

'...a great and glorious orchestration in romance...' - Wing, Non-Pareil Fiction
'You made me cry tears of sorrow and joy, cheer like a madman and truly be happy for the two characters I never even liked in the show.' - Eversquee
'This is the most I've laughed, cried, exclaimed and cheered in a long long time.' - Melancholy
'I usually don't like romances, but this one is awesome!' - Aguion12
'When the characters are happy, I'm happy. When they're not, I'm not. It's all so perfectly done..' - Drgnwolf


Greed strengthens a dragon. But what of the opposite? Spike feels a little bit of himself broken away with each passing day as Rarity flaunts her newfound love with another stallion. But that's the least of his troubles. A formal gala for which he is the guest of honour quickly approaches. With the relationship between the Council of Friendship and the nobles of Equestria at stake, he is certain this gala could only end in a big political disaster. Enter Princess Luna, cunningly disguised as the sweet elegant mare by his side, intent on turning him from a laughingstock into the star of the show. But jealousy and misfortune swiftly strike, leaving Luna permanently stuck in her disguise. Together they must maintain their cover until they somehow figure out how to fix everything. As the days pass, as the 'one more day's turn into a week, they slowly come to a startling realization - Perhaps there is nothing to fix?

Proudly brought to you by our hardworking editor dream team, Not A Hat and Brad The Brony

Story Art 1 - The Moon Rises!
Story Art 2 - Moonlight Sonata(Disguised Luna)'s cutie mark
Story Art 3 - The World Has Been Doubled!
Story Art 4 - Moon Walk
Story Art 5 - Raising the Moon

New Cover Art by this guy who's into candy-coloured little equines. Apparently calls himself Pen Mightier or something.

Old Cover art by the talented Yakovlev-Vad! Please be sure to give him a 'watch' on his DA as thanks!

As Recommended By

Comments from the Readers (Spoiler Free)

'We’re taken on an adventure, and if I dare say, we aren’t just told the damn story. We’re allowed to experience it. Spike has a moment, and I feel warmth. Luna tosses off the royal baggage, and I feel the feels. This is a great and glorious orchestration in romance...' - Wing

'Bravo! Bravo! ...I'm not into Romance stories because I don't really like them at all but this story here...This is my favorite!' - PlatinumPony

'I don't think I can accurately express how much I truly enjoy this story, right now. When the characters are happy, I'm happy. When they're not, I'm not. It's all so perfectly done that it's like I'm living the story instead of merely just reading it off a page. This already wins first place for most adorable story I have ever read...' - Drgnwolf

'Oh my Gods the feels! I smiled, laughed, got very angry and very sad all in one chapter! Please oh please complete this awesome tale soon! The suspense is killing me!' - Wiriamuzu

'I always wait until a story is finished before thinking about adding it to my favorites. Always. I have never added a story to my favorites before it's finished. This story is the one exception.' - Jomp

'Yeah. You just made a grown-ass man make a 'squee' sound.' - HoneyBadgerr

'Of all the stories I've read I can safely say that this is the one that best combines the written word with sound and music, there are plenty that have tried the same and not even come close to what you achive here.' - Lore

'This is the greatest story I have ever read. This is also now my favorite story. If you don't upload another chapter soon I will wait patiently until you do. I will climb mountains for this story. I will go to Disney Channel.com without my parents permission for this story. If i don't finish this story, i will write down in my will for someone to finish it for me. You, ascended pony writer from a land where the pigeons poop gold, are the greatest person in history.' - Blooming Cherries

'I am loving this story so far. The storytelling, the drama... oh it is so magnificent. A well crafted story by a well deserving author. I tip my hat to you sir. I can see some form of "Beauty and the Beast" in here. But what also surprises me is the way it is written. I've even had some moments of portraying Spike as Holden Caulfield from the famous story, The Catcher in the Rye. Just the way he speaks sort of reminds me of the way that poor man was, and the bits of Spike not wanting to detach from Rarity felt similar in the regards of Holden not wanting to grow up. Again, Pen Mightier, you have done a great job. Keep up the great work!' - XxEpsilonxX

'My cheeks hurt because I been smiling all the way down the chapter. Princess Luna really is the best pony.' - Allen Vth

Chapters (10)

*Takes place before Season One*

After a chance encounter with Lyra Heartstrings, Twilight Sparkle finds the lost journal of Starswirl the Bearded. Princess Celestia warns her not to read it, for it was a work that drove him mad. However, it promises to reveal to her a secret that she had obsessed over for years that has powerful magical and philosophical implications, the Meaning of Life.

Even as she starts to learn about friendship, Twilight delves deeper into the secrets of the tome. An ancient being begins showing her visions in her sleep—visions of the secrets of the world.

Can her friendship and her sanity survive discovering the Meaning of Life?

Chapters (8)

“In a thousand years, our love will still be here.” Chrysalis whispered as she stared up at the full moon, an imprint of a mare appeared on the surface. She placed a hoof on her chest and smiled. “Always.”

Not many ponies know that Queen Chrysalis was there in the beginning. She promised Nightmare Moon their love will remain until she is freed from the banishment placed upon her by Princess Celestia.


Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Memory Pending

The story of Moon Mender continues after his dream of an ending ceases. He continues his struggle to belong in a world so far divorced from the only other experience he can remember, but as an outsider of truly alien mindset, will he ever be able to find a place in Equestria? More importantly, will the life he left behind give up on its death grip so easily? The most important thing to remember is that things are rarely as they seem and sometimes, some things are better off forgotten.

This story is a direct sequel to Memory Pending. Without having read that, this story might be a little strange to most, which is frightening considering how strange it is already. It can be read as a standalone story of course, but you won't get the most out of it.

Further, I’m fully aware that not everypony enjoys more mature themes, so any scenes containing things of an M rated nature shall only be released in a separate story when the time comes. This story deals with more mature themes on a whole, as a warning. This version will do its best to censor the really sensual or graphic content out, of course.

Last but not least, this story has reached this final format through combined efforts of not just myself, but many a helpful pony along the way! Here’s an abbreviated list of those involved and the rolls they played:
Kiroberos – Author (Obviously)
Julia – Editor (Corrections, Grammar, and Flow)
Azu – Beta Reader (Corrections, Flow) (Until Chapter 35)
ExplosiveBrohoof – Beta Reader (Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
Muffinking – Beta Reader (Corrections, Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
All of my readers for being amazing, supportive, and best of all, enjoying the world we read and write about.

Chapters (104)

It's been years since Twilight last saw her old school friends. She'd always assumed they'd all gone on to bigger and better things in their lives, much as she had. Until one fateful night, she meets one of them again in the most unexpected of places.

Written for the Moondancer group contest, mostly before the Amending Fences episode aired. I tweaked a few things so the Moondancer here matched a bit closer to the one in the show.

Chapters (1)

After a day of cloud-busting, RD takes her usual afternoon nap, only to discover that something isn't as it should be...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Quorum Sensing

(unrelated to Scootaloo's Second Skin)

Things sure have changed for Scootaloo, now that she can fly. Rainbow Dash is finally giving her lessons, her secret hasn't come out yet, life is good.

Except... Rainbow Dash isn't teaching her everything, and instead keeps telling her to pair up with Rumble for some reason.

Not that that's a problem; it's not like Rumble doesn't want to hang out with her, even if he does already have a girlfriend. A girlfriend with bat wings, that is. And with the upcoming holiday just for special someponies, that girlfriend is starting to get more and more clingy, even though Rumble claims there's more to it.

Turns out Scootaloo isn't the only kid in town who's... 'complicated'.

Chapters (9)

A few days after the Nightmare Moon Incident, Spike awakens to find Twilight acting a little...odd. Or odder than usual anyway. All of a sudden she's being all motherly, sure of herself in ways she's never been before, and even more outgoing.

But…it’s kind of creepy how she just seems to know everypony’s name, or their habits, and even some stuff nopony else should know.

But she's still good old Twilight...right?

Featured 5/28/2014

Chapters (11)