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Spike moves on from his attempts for Rarity to notice his affection for her and travels to the Griffon Kingdom, where Gilda is seen drinking alone at a table. So, to make her feel better, Spike decides to talk to her where they hit it off.

Rarity and her friends decide to spy on him, to see if this relationship is not a ploy.

Story request for fatboi1000

Featured on 8/13/14, surprisingly.

Chapters (1)

Tirek gave Twilight a choice: give up her magic, or lose her friends. Twilight chose the latter.

Now, the last of the rebellion has been brought to justice. And Twilight is their final judge, juror, and executioner.

She never expected that the Crusaders would still be alive.

Thanks to Rated Ponystar for help with this story. Wouldn't have finished it without ya.
Also, someone did a reading of it here, if you're into that sorta thing.

Chapters (1)

An insane and illogical parody of your favorite ponies.

Are you looking for a story about the magic of friendship or how great it is to be alive? Too bad! What you're getting is a story about a bitter bookworm named Twilight Sparkle who just got booted out of Canterlot and is forced to go to a little backwater town named Ponyville in order to get some sort of social life.

Will she enjoy it? No. Not at all.

Rated Teen for strong language, cartoonish violence, immature humor, and god-awful jokes.
Sex tag is for repeated mentions of sex, sexual activities, and Rainbow Dash. Just...Rainbow Dash in general.

Cover Image by the very talented Wadusher0.

Now on TV Tropes!

Chapters (78)

What if the villains were allowed to win without a fight? Would all of their plans bear them the fruits they so desired?
Probably not, especially when their royal adviser is Twilight Sparkle.

A collection of (continuous) One-shots in which our heroes don't have any epic fights with villains, and simply allow the power of logic to crush all of the hopes and wishes of the would-be rulers of Equestria.

Currently up: Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra (bonus chapter - the fight is so not-epic it happens off screen).

Chapters (6)

After a long week of paperwork, Twilight is more then happy to return to her normal, clumsy marefriend, and just snuggle. She gets the marefriend, but the snuggling may need to wait.

Pre-read by Tatsurou, and Fuzzy Furvert.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is out for a night of fun after a day full of Princess duties in Ponyville. So she decides to go to a night club to wind down and have a good night. She spends it with the Lunar Princess. How will it turn out?


My little pony charters are owned by Hasbro
The cover art is not mine. Do not know who's it is
The only thing I own is the story I write for fun so you can read it :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Lyra Visits Bon Bon in Jail

Bon Bon has been not entirely truthful over the years with her "Best Friend" Lyra, who finally she demands she come completely clean. Anything she's been holding in or just been embarrassed to say, she can confess in a completely non-judgmental setting. Bon Bon readily takes up her "Best Friend's" offer. Some of the secrets aired are mundane at best. But others? Well, you'll just have to read the story, won't you? :raritywink:

Rated Teen for reference to but no actual depiction of sex. | For more Bon Bon shenanigans, be sure to check out Bon Bon thinks Griffons Aren't Real. Happy readings!

A hearty thank you to my Patreon patrons Singularity Dream, ocalhoun, and Littlecolt!

Chapters (1)

When Midnight Sky went on guard duty that night, he didn't expect that he was going to be pestered by an alicorn who was deep in heat.

(Sex tag for all the suggestive themes that you would see.)

Written By Toaster

Chapters (1)

We already know that this show is not perfect. Looking back we can all say that there are some episodes that for one reason or another completly bombed.

Naturally I'm sure many of us have wondered "What if that episode had been written differently?"

Well that question is about to be answered as I present the first offical rewrite of several episodes from Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3.

Now I want you all to know that the episodes that are rewritten are ones that I believe should've been written better. They are my opinion and I will not change them so if you don't like that an episode you thought was good is on the list then don't read. Remember you promised to love and tolerate.

Thank you,

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?

Back by popular demand, this is the second installment that seeks to answer the question "What if that episode had been written differently?"

This time, we're including episodes from Season 4 as well as a few Seasons 1-3 episodes that didn't make the cut last time around.

As always, I mean no disrespect to the DHX staff responsible for the episodes, or the people who like the episodes listed. But the episodes included are my personal opinion, and I ask that you all respect them.

So if you don't like that an episode you liked is on the list, or an episode you didn't like is not on the list, then don't read.

Thank you,

Chapters (11)