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Spike has loved Rarity for almost 3 years, however, he has started to realize that it might be a false hope. To confirm this, he decided to finally ask her out.... If it doesn't work out, he can always move on...right?

Takes place after Filli Vanilli. Will be my first Sad story. Character tags may change.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Bridesmaids

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives][Equisverse Era 1]

Last year, during the changeling invasion of Canterlot, Colgate, Lyra, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and Octavia discovered their friend Twinkleshine was actually a changeling named Meep. While most of them were hurt by the deception, their friendship was ultimately strengthened by the truth.

As fate would have it, Lyra, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and Octavia each have their own equally dark secrets. Ones they hide as deeply as Meep hid her real identity. Time has a way of bringing everything to light. This time, it's an invitation to dinner.

Featured on Monday, July 6, 2015 at 04:59:14 UTC. :yay:

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded to improve consistency for your enjoyment.

Edited by Popmannn

Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle wants to learn a new language, so she chooses Changeling. But everyone- and I mean everyone, wants her to forget she even thought of it. But something happens in Canterlot, and the CMC have to tag along. But what happens leaves everyone in shock.

Chapters (3)

With the escape of a bugbear from Tartarus and the closing of the agency, ex-special agent Sweetie Drops and her fellow dismissed member must find a different setting and choose a new course of action.
But will they ever be able to leave behind their old lives?

Chapters (2)



One look at the headline of the Canterlot Times and Twilight knew that she should have slept in today. But at least none of her friends would be silly enough to believe she was killing herself every time she teleported, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

It's not easy for Sweetie Belle, waking up one morning only to find a pair of wings strapped to her back. It's even more of a problem for Rarity, though, to find out that the one that gave Sweetie Belle those wings might not be able to remove them. Predictably, Rarity sets off to Twilight's to try and see what she might be able to do about this. As for Sweetie Belle, after discovering just how powerful she's become thanks to the transformation, she makes other plans that involves Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon especially.

A Sweetie Spoon shipfic.

Chapters (3)

Spike has been tasked with cataloging every nook, cranny, and dark corner in his and Twilight's new home, thanks to Twilight constantly getting lost. However, while messing around with one of the walls in the dungeons he finds a book, far nicer than any other he's ever seen, and written by an author he doesn't recognize despite all the years spent retrieving books for Twilight from all over Canterlot. With Twilight out of the castle for the next few days, and no desire to continue looking for hidden passages, he decides to give it a read. The knowledge contained within will change him forever.

A.N. A story about learning Rationalism.
The blog posts the book is based on can be found at http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Rationality:_From_AI_to_Zombies and are free to read, if you're interested. Everything will be paraphrased because I have to understand something before I can convey it.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, confused about stars, calls upon the pony who knows best to learn more about them.

Princess Luna.

Art: Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna by artist-crenair

Also, thank you to Parallel Black and Sugar for the great advice.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash, together? Must be that 'opposites attract' thing. Then again, maybe they have more in common than they're letting on...

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. RD, I said to keep the Library clop-free, not... oh, forget it!

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Chapter Summaries:

Epilogue - The next Daring Do book isn't out yet, so Twilight convinces Rainbow to read a romance novel instead. That never works - does it?

Second - Twilight reads everything she can get her hooves on. Sometimes she finds things she'd rather not know, or in this case, that Dash would rather not know.

Becoming Daring - The latest Daring Do novel isn't quite what Dash expected, and her reaction isn't what a friend of hers expected, either.

Firelight - Not every schedule has to be full and not every list has to be checked off.

Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag - Dash's friends can't save her from an anniversary date with Twilight, at which she will show Twilight a secret skill she's kept from everypony. Twilight's definitely not complaining!

The Wait - Agony is knowing the one you love is standing hoof to hoof with danger and knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do to help.

Hoofing It - One day, Twilight will learn that reading Daring Do alone won't get Dash to do everything. That day is not today.

Variations on a Theme - How many combinations of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash can there be? Plenty!

Reluctantly Yours - There's something Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose, and Twilight refuses to let it go. Will this be the end of the awesomeness that is Dash?

Closer to Home - Giving up one dream to keep another isn't always a bad trade.

Wings, Wonderbolts, and You - Always read the fine print. And the rest of it, too.

Pinfeathers - Dash was all she ever wanted and all she'll never have. Twilight hasn't lost Rainbow Dash, but someone has.

Daring Do and the Chapel Perilous - Something's wrong with the Daring Do fanfic Dash and Twi are reading, and it's not funny.

Pew! Pew! Pew! - Rainbow Dash finds new and unexpected uses for the Elements of Harmony.

Less of Me - Twilight decides to help Dash's career along, but she might be getting ahead of herself.

The Ink Wasn't Even Dry Yet - Dash and Twi go head to head in a battle for the ages! And oh, the stakes...

Audience - Twilight Sparkle doesn't dance. We hope. Dear heavens, please let her not dance.

The Trip and the Destination - Dash took on one storm too many and Twilight's had enough of it.

A kind chap by the name of munngojerrie graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of Egghead and Featherbrain. It's done, and it's an hour of audiobook shipping goodness your ears will thank you for! Take a listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 3 HERE.

NOTE: Not related to the Luna's Librarian / Rustic & Romantic / If the Flight Suit Fits continuity.

Chapters (18)

Twilight told me to write in this diary. She said it'd help me with anything I need to get off my mind. Well, I took her word for it!

Chapters (15)