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Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle preen Scootaloo after she gets her wings in a bit of a mess. (Rated T for a moderately sensual description of preening. The characters are slightly aged up, but not adult ponies yet.)

Cover image by newlunaticrepublic. This story was written for ScratchnTavi's preeny-weeny contest-wontest. (That's the official name of the contest, by the way.)

Featured Box, 11 Mar 2015!
I won third prize in a beauty contest!

Chapters (1)

Rarity the most regal, fashionable, diva in all of Ponyville lives her life as the envy of mares everywhere, but outward appearances cover what is truly inside. She's dated many stallions, but they only wanted her as a trophy. She thought about switching teams. One night alone with a colleague dismissed that immediately. Not knowing what or who is right for her she decides to leave romance out of her life, but one dragon's return may turn that around.

Chapters (13)

Co-authored with the extremely humorous Midnight Blaze!

The Changeling Horde—perhaps the greatest known threat to Equestrian security. One of the most terrifying things about a changeling is that it could be anyone, anywhere. The recent invasion of Canterlot just proves that every changeling, no matter the circumstance, should be feared.

Or at least they would be, if they weren’t also the laziest little exoskeletal bastards on the face of the planet. When given a chance to earn a lot without working hard, however, a changeling can show a surprising amount of initiative.

Now two lowly changeling workers from the bottom of the hive find themselves presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. They mean to see it through, and neither jealous superiors nor Equestrian agents have even a chance of stopping them.

Thanks to Magello for the rad cover art, and to King of Beggars and Magello for being patient pre-readers.

Chapters (4)

Don't bother reading this until you've finished Limits of the Horizon.

Twenty years after Luna’s second rebellion, the pain of her rebellion has yet to heal as Celestia withers in isolation.

Yet sometimes the scars that were most carefully hidden, cover the deepest wounds.

Chapters (10)

Updates Finished!

Sequel to Spitfire's Pet Unicorn. (It's a one-shot.)

Cadance or Canterlot? Faced with an impossible decision, Shining Armor embarks down a dangerous path. Twilight refuses to leave his side, but when a bad decision causes the situation to escalate far beyond his control; Shining Armor must face the possibility of losing everything he loves.

After years of waiting, Rainbow Dash has finally joined the Wonderbolts but it's not turning out anything like she had hoped. When a mysterious unicorn appears out of nowhere to save Derpy and disappears just as suddenly, Dash resolves to find him; following him into a world of dark secrets she could have never possibly imagined.

Twilight can tell her brother is hiding something; he promised not to, but he is. Every night he wakes up screaming, and every day he's more afraid. She doesn't know how to help him, but he won't survive without it.

This is Cadence; can anypony hear me? We're trapped in the Everfree Forest. All I see are trees in every direction, but there's something out there; and it's coming closer. Shining Armor is sick, I think he's dying. Please, if anypony finds this message, send help.

Look at them; the blissfully ignorant citizens of Ponyville. They think their freedom comes without cost. They believe the peace they enjoy has no price. They have no idea of the war that is waged, and the sacrifices made, to win these things which they take for granted. But that is how it must be. If they ever learned the truth, everything would be undone. Listen well to my story, consider it, and then never speak of it for as long as you live. If you tell even one pony, Equestria will burn!

Set one year after and alternate ending to season two. Shining Armor and Cadence never married. Three weeks before the wedding was scheduled to take place, it was postponed indefinitely. No explanation was given to the citizens of Canterlot.

Chapters (48)

They lied to me. They told me I’d been sick, that I'd contracted a virus, and that’s why I couldn't remember two years of my life. Celestia, my friends, Shining Armor, Cadance, Spike… they all looked me straight in the eye, and told me the same thing, the same lie, for eighteen years.

I will never forgive them.

Equestria at peace and Luna by her side, Celestia has everything she ever wanted. But now that she has what she asked for, Celestia refuses to uphold her end of the deal and Zecora does not abide broken contracts.

You think I’m crazy; don’t you? You’re just like all the others, judging me before you know me because you believe everything you hear without even considering that that the world might be wrong; because you don’t think!

I don’t care.

The world doesn’t know me, Celestia’ doesn’t understand me, and you don’t deserve to glimpse the world I live in.

Set twenty-two years after Storm of Secrets.
Reading trhe Summary of Storm of Secrets is recommended but this hyper summary will brief you on everything you need to know -


1. Most alicorns are mortal unicorn/pegasi with an average amount of magic. There are six cosmic forces that require an Alicorn to steward them, and when one steward dies another takes over, becomes immortal, and gains a large but non-ridiculous power boost.

2. MQ is a measure for a unicorn's raw magical power. An average unicorn had 100 MQ. Unicorns with more than 400MQ are referred to as Alpha Unicorns. Twilight 636, Celestia 1220.


1. The Everfree Forest is bigger on the inside than the outside. The deeper levels include multiple hives of changelings and monsters called Terrormongers who can create illusions, feed off fear, and are being held at bay by a secret Equestrian army corp called Everfree Rangers. (Details unimportant.)

2. Rainbow Dash is married to a Ranger veteran named Silent Storm.

3. Zecora is a martial art master; and has trained elite rangers for years, including Shining Armor and Silent Storm.

4. Shining Armor has gotten a massive boost to his power, and now has an MQ over 1800.

5. Cadance is Luna and Celestia's niece! Her mother is Celestia's half-sister who stewards the oceans and rules the island Queendom of Oatlantis.

There will be satellite stories linked in the authors notes of various chapters; read them if you want a fuller picture of what's going on. Some of them have less obvious connections, then others, but they are all relevant; particularly Forsaken and Celestia's Smartypants.

I almost rated this story mature. This is not a clopfic or a gorefic, but there are a lot of serious issues including things like rape, torture, suicide, addictions etc. Consider the story to have a lot of mature content, not juvenile content. I don't claim to have all the answers about everything I touch on; but I hope I've at least asked the right questions, in a way that will make people think.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to I'd Do Her

Note: Reading the prequel first is highly recommended.

With her dare complete, Rainbow Dash decides to get even with Applejack, but her plan... backfires a little.

Pre-read by: Timaeus | Abbeybunny13 | SapphireColors

Proof-read by: Majora

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)

After having a fallout with Twilight, Spike discovers a whole a new world of dragon culture. However with this comes a dark enemy from his family's past that threatens not only his new home, but his old one as well.

Gaining new friends and powers, Spike and the Elements of Harmony go on one last adventure together as their countries ally and attempt to take down this new threat in a massive war. Only catch? The enemy has never been defeated before…

AU of The Rise of Spike the Dragon. Read before you judge and even if you dislike it be mature about it. Yes I got the original author's permission to do this story.

Chapters (5)

The Multiverse. It is a strange place in which there are worlds where things taste like purple and two plus two equals fish and if you divide that by three you get salmon... truly a weird place.

My memory is awful, but after moving around so much in the Multiverse, I had thought I had pretty much done it all.

At least, I thought I had. You see, the Multiverse is like that. It will lull you into a false sense of security, make you think you know what to expect and BAM! You’re a black kitten in a world full of ponies that are every color of the rainbow and the pet of a baby dragon...

Honestly though, this isn’t even on the top ten of the weirdest lives I’ve ever lead... I think.


Cover art was found on google, who ever made it is amazing and completely deserves all the credit. That person is not me, this is that person.

Chapters (35)

WARNING: Sequel to 'Then Tomorrow Came'. Spoilers ahead.

Through great hardships and heartbreaks, Twilight Sparkle has finally "won" the heart of her beloved Rainbow Dash. But will she have the chance to finally enjoy the peace and happiness of her hard won victory? Will the consequences of her extreme actions catch up with her? And what will happen if Rainbow Dash ever begins to suspect the truth?

Rated T for language, implicit sexual content, and morally confusing arguments regarding neuroethics. Again, this is a sequel to Then Tomorrow Came. If you haven't read that, this isn't going to make much sense.

Chapters (25)