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Twilight never cared much for romance, but after falling for Rainbow Dash, she's ready to make her move. But what happens if those feelings are unrequited? Should she hold onto hope? Is it even possible to let go and move on?

I've read a bunch of shipfics that are all happy resolutions after the confession so I wanted to try an alternative. So here is a slightly darker TwiDash fic because I am a terrible person who must make ponies suffer. Oh God Why?!

Edit: Now with addition of new cover pic used with permissions from aeroytechyon_x
Reformatted with less walls of texts and less Lavender Unicorn Syndrome as of 03/20/2015

Sequel here.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Upheaval: Reckoning

Equestria's fragments have reunited, and the power of sunlight shines once more within Celestia. With the remnants of the Old Kingdom destroyed, the Abyssal Throne sent away, the threat of Gravitas defeated, and Black Rose no more, Equestria now faces the encroaching darkness of Oceanus and his rebels.

But the stage is not yet fully set. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must gather what means they may before the battle is joined.

Cover art provided by Captain Nibbles

Chapters (27)

Featured 2-2-15!
Completely unexpected o.o

Rarity discovers a vague note from her younger sister, presumably confirming her worst fears. With Sweetie Belle facing the worst grounding she's ever seen in her life, Rarity sets out to get some answers.

(Rated Teen for very suggestive dialogue. The story will feature nothing dirtier than innuendos.)

Chapters (1)

During a personal excursion into the Everfree forest, Twilight goes further beyond it's borders. Soon she discovers a ruined temple and what she finds inside of it surprises her beyond belief. A stallion around her age named Baen is freed into the world from the structure. Though the stallion is brash, reckless, and having trouble adjusting to the new norms that he is not accustomed to, he has a good heart. Upon Celestia's request and Twilight's eagerness, the Elements of Harmony and many other ponies that Baen will meet shall teach the young barbarian their ways and how to find his place in this new time. They had best hurry though, for enemies of old are preparing to move against them and they're playing for keeps.

For Clop of everpony's favorite Barbarian, The Conquests of Baen By Lucky424

(Based on a character I shall use in a pony D&D. Art done by 2ll2l )

Chapters (47)

After the second defeat at the hands of Twilight Sparkle, Chrysalis gives a speech to restore the spirits of her army. However, she soon finds an unexpected guest among the crowd.

Chapters (1)

Late Season 4: November 1504 (almost 4 1/2 years after Luna's Return, after "Equestria Games" but before Twilight's Kingdom).

Discord comes to visit Fluttershy and discovers that she is not alone. The furious God of Chaos considers what to do next. The traditional solution suggests itself, but maybe this would be unwise?

Perhaps he should consult someone wise? Someone he always keeps very close to him? Someone who always gives him good counsel, even if she's just a little bit miffed about that whole silly annihilation of her homeland and murder of her whole family and usurpation of her physical form thing, even though that was over twenty-five hundred years ago?

He fears she still has a grudge against him for all of this. Ponies so often take minor matters of this sort way too seriously ...

There's no other way! He must consult his inner Voice of Reason ...

Hope she's not still too mad at him ...

Chapters (19)

After unusual circumstances leave them forever changed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on one final adventure to regain what they've lost.

Gore tag is chiefly due to Zombie Apple Bloom being kind of icky and zombie-ish. Read at your own discretion.

Written (partly) for Equestria Daily's Friend Off Event. Based upon the artwork of Balooga.

Even if you are lost in the dark, all you need is a single light to find your way home.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Legacy

Part five of "the Legend of Spike Series."

"Well, there's something here about a dragon, the kingdom falling, chaos reigning..."
~Sweetie Belle from Hearts and Hooves Day

When his mentor becomes deathly ill, Spike, along with Rarity and their daughter, go to visit him. During their visit, the ancient dragon, Aurum, tells them the full story of the first Hearts and Hooves Day and how he was a part of it.

Chapters (10)

After having his heart broken, Spike finds himself in a parrallel world. He must race against time as he only has three days to recover a dangerous mask before the moon crashes into the world. Based on the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask by Nintendo.

*Takes place in Season 3 before Magical Mystery Cure.*

The cover image was made by flawlessvictory20.

Chapters (24)

In wake of the Changeling invasion, the citizens of Equestria begin the question the rule of the Royal Alicorn Sisters. With fear and doubt spreading throughout the land, Princess Celestia struggles to keep her kingdom united. Will she and the Mane Six be able preserve harmony, or will Equestria be torn apart?

Chapters (17)