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This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Krazoa Island

Part four of "the Legend of Spike Series."

It has been twenty years since Spike married Rarity and Equestria is on the brink of war. While Equestria prepares to defend itself, Spike falls into another growth spurt induced sleep. As he slumbers, the children of the Mane Six are threatened by an old foe.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Discord's Mask

Part two of "the Legend of Spike Series."

An ancient evil raises from its grave and comes to Ponyville. The health of the ponies start to decline as mysterious bite marks appear on their necks. Spike, the Mane Six, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders must figure out what is going on and how to stop it.

MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro
Dracula was created by Bram Stoker

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Dracula

Part three of "the Legend of Spike Series."

Spike has fled Equestria for a crime he didn't commit and has joined the team of mercinaries know as Star Fox. His first assignment is to save a mystical island filled with prehistoric beasts before it is completely destroyed! Along with some new friends, Spike has to recover the magical Spellstones and discover the mysterious Krazoa Spirits in order to save not just the island, but someone he loves.

MLP:FIM belongs to Hasbro
Star Fox Adventures belongs to Nintendo

Cover art by ShadowGTR

Chapters (24)

Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just ask someone who would know. Like... Apple Bloom, for instance.

Written for the February Writeoff - Closing Time

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has developed a bit of a crush. But to her, its too weird and trying to deal with it confuses her. One day, Rarity comes with news though that will force her to come to terms with it and try to sort it out or lose him.

So this turned out to be way more popular then I thought. Originally it was going to be one part that got turned in for hearts and hooves day contest over at EQD. Them being the guys they are did not accept it. That being said, at over 500 views this is my most popular story so far. And alot of folks have asked me to expand it. So Thats what I plan to do. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapters (8)

Why do I love him? Because, he's cool, knows what a mare want to hear and he's awesome. But I like mares, and yet, I have strong feelings for him. The only male who was able to steal my heart. Hell and here I thought males were no good slobs. He proved me wrong, oh so wrong. I want to be with him, to hold him, and stay with him. I'll even cut off my wings.....for my love, for him. Wow that sounded real sappy, but you know.....if that what it takes to be with him, then I'd proudly clip them off myself.

With new author...... Geoice

Chapters (3)

(Cover art by Raikoh-illust!)

Scootaloo is given the chance of a lifetime. She has the chance to gain the one thing she was never even able to dream about... Flight. However, when her selfish actions cause everything to crumble around her, will she be able to recover and fix her mistakes?

Chapters (10)

Sweetie Belle is starting to change herself and her world, thinking she's loser after a confrontation with Tiara. Spike is starting to wonder what is the meaning of life because he never can bedazzle Rarity. Suddenly these two become closer and their troubles melt away as Spike shows Sweetie she's perfect just the way she is.

Chapters (3)

It’s strange times for changelingkind. Their despotic Queen has been overthrown and the traditional system of Queens with her. ‘Liberty’ and ‘Democracy’ have finally arrived for a species who’ve been squashed beneath the fat rump of tyranny for generations. To take the helm of their reborn nation, the changelings elect the charismatic Lord Hopper as President of the Federal Changeling Republic.

This young noble, notorious for his playcolt lifestyle of partying, booze and an infinite string of marefriends, doesn't exactly seem to fit the bill of somechangeling who’s being hailed at home and abroad as the “modern champion of democracy”. But now elected on a platform promising wealth and love aplenty for his revolution-wary citizens, as well as rebuilding friendly and closer relations with Equestria with the Alicorn Princesses’ support, President Hopper’s issue of Equestrian Times' 'Stallion of the Year' looks a shoe-in.

… Providing, of course, he doesn’t totally screw it up first. As they say, “once playcolt, always a playcolt.”

Edited/pre-read by: Chaodiurn, Seether00, Scarheart, nioniosbbbb, Anonymoose and Mistermech.
Cover Art by Mistermech.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Terror in Equestria 2: Quest for the Jade Alicorn

Twilight now has the Jade Alicorn and can see all over the world through the great green eye at the top of her tower. Now she seeks more than just Equestria, she wants everything. Will she conquer the whole planet or will she lose everything and face a wrathful punishment from the royal family on Alicorn Island?

Chapters (17)