• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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It was another quiet day in Ponyville when that peace was shattered by the arrival of a new foe.

What does this new enemy want, and to what depths will it stoop to to gain victory over the so-called Elements of Harmony?

And why is no one taking him seriously?

Wow, Featured on February 2nd 2016! Thanks!

Chapters (3)

After moving to Ponyville, you met a celebrity known for her speed and for being a members of the council of friendship. You and her get along fine, she's your boss at work since you do weather stuff, and as of a week ago you and her have become close friends. She's invited you to her house. Why? The better question is why care, you're going to be in THE Rainbow Dash's house. Man, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, only one thing. You may not have noticed, but she's making moves on you. You, not being the brightest of bulbs, don't really get it, but Rainbow is stubborn, and she isn't going to give up after one try. So after inviting you to her house, something's bound to go wrong.

Chapters (1)

Being the Royal Advisor for Celestia and Luna, you've come up with solutions for many of the nation's problems.

Unfortunately you said a naughty word in front of a guard. Seeing as how these ponies are extremely sensitive, you lie your way out of it.

The events that follow could only be described as "completely stupid".

Rated Teen for naughty words being said.

Thanks to Zephyr for editing.

Featured within 1 hour and 30 minutes on Aug 12, 2015. Thank you guys so much!

Good thing I was reading this on the toilet, because this story made me lose my shit. -LeoneHaxor

Chapters (1)

(Special thanks to Jessy and Adequality on Deviantart for letting me use the cover art which is a cropped picture of a larger item.)

You've been best friends with DJ Pon-3, also known as Vinyl Scratch, for almost a year now. You've always helped her out at her concerts and got a backstage pass in return from her.

Though she's always worn those purple shades of hers, never revealing her eyes to you. So you can't tell what she's thinking or if she's even staring at you.

But today you're gonna change that by taking her shades off of her face when you go over to her house. Shouldn't be that hard for a unicorn like you......right?

(Rated T for teens due to light swearing and a rather suggestive scene or two.)

Chapters (1)

A new pony has arrived in Ponyville on the day of Summer Sun Celebration. Who is he? He's nice but when the residents of the town learn more about him, even more unanswered questions seem to pop up.
Can anypony figure out this mystery?
Probably when they actually ask the right question.
Are they going to?
Will he interfere with events?
We'll see.

This is just an idea I had and wrote by hand (later edited onto a computer) in a matter of a few hours. I have no delusions that this is a perfect story. Just some fun I had when writing out ideas. For the most part it will focus on different ponies crossing paths with him as the series goes on and not directly follow him. This IS technically a Human in Equestria story but by no means is he ordinary, both in body and mind as you will notice in the first chapter. He WILL be unrealistic, so please no comments about him not reacting to the situation like a normal person.
As for the back story of the character, I had originally included it but at second glance, I felt it would be better for both people inside and outside of the story to figure it out.
The amazing artwork was done by Mix-up. You can check out his other artworks on his Deviant Art page.

Chapters (17)

You and Rainbow Dash have been friends since foalhood. Your favorite pastime? Racing. You two have raced hundreds of times. You finally beat her one day, and offers you a reward. Confused by her offer, you accept. Unknown to you, she has something she wants to confess to you. You never expected it was this....

This is my attempt at a second person fic. It's also my first attempt at Romance.

It may be part of a series. I don't know yet. Crowley has really inspired me. This is my attempt to mimic his fantastic work. I may find a way to tie a bunch of stories together. I'm not sure yet.

Alternate Universe tag because, well, I felt like it should be in one.

Chapters (5)

[Second Person Narrative] [Features ponies and Vacuums]

You're trying to tidy up your mess of a house. Unfortunately for you, a certain multi coloured friend of yours is in the way of that.

Just a small one shot fic to brush up on my skills. Written for the fun of it with no real explanation to anything.

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Celestia for romantic advice.

You know, for a friend.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

[2nd Person Fic starring you and Derpy Hooves]

It's just an average day for you at the lettuce stand when you are greeted by Ponyville's resident mail mare. Though this normally wouldn't be out of the ordinary, she seems to be sporting some...strange gear.

A/N: I always feel like my descriptions are too short. The actual description part, not the Author's Notes part.

ANYWAY, this is my Derpy story! Inspired almost SOLELY by a picture I saw. I'll put it in the author's notes of the actual story, as to avoid spoilers here.

I started writing this about a week ago, just before Christmas. Once I started, I challenged myself to finish it before the year ended. And what do ya know, I did! Didn't publish it before then, but still...I felt accomplished.

...Totally pointless information, but I thought I might as well share it.

I don't have too much to say here. So I'll just end this off with the traditional:
Enjoy folks!

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Twilight forcing a human to cuddle with her. That human is you.

I've been sitting on this (mostly in its current state) for a few years now, and after a bit of editing I figure it might be worth publishing. Might be.

Now featuring a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)