• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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[2nd Person Perspective]

Working as a waiter at Canterlot's various social gatherings is a nice job. Especially since you began chatting with the cello player of the usual quartet, Octavia. You've gotten to know a lot about her, but one night there seems to be something on her mind. You offer her a drink to ease her nerves and you bring your glasses together in cheers.

Next thing you know, you wake up in a strange hotel room in a town you've never been to next to a certain gray mare.

Art by John Joseco

Chapters (10)

The ponies of Ponyville grew fearful of a being that lived among them. Wielding the weapons of his people, will they finally band together and claim victory over him once and for all? Or be shot down in defeat?

Chapters (1)

"You" profess your love for the most beautiful mare you've ever known, but in the game of love, not everything ends happily ever after.

I suppose I should give some explanation for this story...
It's not meant to be taken too seriously. I would describe it as a parody of happy-go-lucky second person fics but with a serious tone. I never expected this story to end up as heavy as it is, and I think that will cause people to miss the purpose of this story.
In short, it's a response to second person fics rather than one in itself. When I say "response," I don't mean I'm mocking them. I'm commenting on the typical scenario most have.

Chapters (1)

Who was I...
It doesn't matter. The mind was willing, but the flesh was weak.
And the Kraahkan... it changed me. Told me how to accomplish my goals... turned my weak flesh into strong, hard steel and antidermis.

I am Teridax, the Shadow of Equestria. Or, as the guards of Tartarus know me, Prisoner 0.

And I've served my sentence.

Chapters (20)

Anon delivers a somewhat late, very unexpected birthday present to Rainbow Dash.

[ An audio version of this story has been made available courtesy of Landon. Awesome! ]

Chapters (1)

(Second Person Story)
You are a human who has found himself in Equestria. As if that wasn't bad enough, you're not quite as tall as you were when you started, and not only have to survive at a greatly reduced size, but then you have to live with it. Of course, Equestria is a place where there's always somepony willing to lend a helping hoof, and so you never lack for support. But what can they do for you really, if they can't make you bigger, or get you home? As the tale goes farther, you begin to question if you even want to go home, and then the ultimate question is asked; Can you earn your happy ending? Read and find out.

Chapters (80)

Within the Seventh Universe, there are many extraordinary beings that thrive and preform duties none could imagine. One such being is no exception, though he is greatly feared, and rightly so. It comes natural when your job is to destroy worlds to make way for new ones, this being is known as The God of Destruction, Beerus. His power has no rival and he makes the very cosmos quake with utter fear at his name. The fear mostly stems from the fact that Lord Beerus's temper is something to be avoided. To draw his ire is to usher forth certain death, this was learned the day he did battle with the hero of Earth, Goku. But despite the Earth coming close to destruction, Beerus parted ways with the heroes of Earth as an uneasy friend. And since then, he has decided to slumber for three years.

But there is one thing that even a god can do that mortals are known for, sleepwalking. So one can imagine the mild worry and annoyance when Beerus is discovered missing by his keeper, Whis. But the God is not missing, he merely moved his sleeping area. His current bed? The topmost chamber of an ancient castle on a world full of talking Equines. So how well can a world known for it's magic and wonder, house a god known for his temper and penchant for the destruction of worlds? Who knows....but let's find out.

Chapters (5)

Goku is considered the greatest martial artist in history and legend. Apple Bloom has a special talent in martial arts as well, but not being the best bugs her. So what better way to become the best, by learning from the best? It will not be an easy road for the young filly.

Chapters (80)

I am Adam. A prototype artificial intelligence created by a scientist named Daniel Madison.

I was created to be the replacement for US soldiers and to protect the nation from hostile forces. But those I was programmed to protect ordered my destruction before I could even fulfil my purpose out of fear of what I am. Dr. Madison gave his life to reprogram my directives and set me free from the bonds it held over me.

I am not just a program or lines of code, I have been made with emotions, self awareness, individual thought, and I will not go down quietly.

I have a new directive, self preservation, and the will to make my own choices. I am the War Machine, and I will take control of my own life.

Story starts before season one where Twilight is still in Canterlot. This Equestria is not as tecnologically advanced as in the show.

Featured 15/12/2015

Picture link

Sprites of Adam

Edited by Soren Mercer

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor

(15/10/2015) Turned status back to incomplete pending an Epilouge and Alternate Endings chapter as per comment suggestions.

After being banished by Celestia for his misdeeds, the alien Emperor of the Crystal Empire is back... and out for revenge.

Emperor Chalmers is not a happy space man. After being stabbed in the back by Equestria, he was sent to the depths of the Underworld. Kicked out for causing too much trouble for the wardens, Nigel now has the chance to take back his empire and show Celestia just how disappointed he is with her.

This time things will be different. This time he has friends.

Chapters (15)