• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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You are Anonymous, a human from Earth. One day, you got lost in a forest, and came out on the other side in a strange, colorful world. And who else was waiting for you, but a strange, red-haired man with a large pack and a creepy grin. After being forced into being a salesman, you are thrust into a strange, new world to sell your masks and bring happiness to everyone around you.

However, will you really be able to do this, being the only human in a world filled with colorful cartoon horses? And what's with all of the ponies ignoring him in the first place, and focusing all of their shocked attention on you?

Rated for language and mild sexual themes.

Chapters (15)

When a well-known writer in Equestria asks Twilight to read his latest work, what kind of reactions will she have to it?

Welcome. This, my friends, is what you get when I have about an hour of free time and it's the 600th Thread landmark for AiE over on /mlp/.


Very lightly edited for your viewing pleasure; I wanted to keep to the feeling of the original version as much as possible.

UPDATE: A live reading by Flutterpriest and Anonpencil with me in the call.

Chapters (1)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)

In the city of Los Santos, Vanoss and most of his crew are testing out a new glitch in the latest update, but somehow suprisingly they all end up in Equestria, they're bodies trapped in their GTA V characters and somehow developing otherworldly powers.

Together they must all work together to figure out how they got here and stop an ongoing war from destroying itself.

Not a parody or spoof of anything, but an actual story with a plot an setting and grammatical stuff like that.

The characters in the fic will include Vanoss, H2O Delirious, SilentDroidd, I AM WILDCAT, Lui Calibre, Sark, Daithi De Nogla, Mini Ladd, and Terroriser.

Chapters (11)

Spike, while browsing his selection of naughty magazines, accidentally coughs and breathes flames. The magazine gets sent to Princess Celestia. Panic ensues.

Chapters (1)

Your name is Naxon. You have been living in "The World That Never Was" with Organization XIII for an entire year now, after a man named Vexen has implanted all the data of every Organization member inside of you, giving you all of their weapons and powers, but you have yet to awaken them. You have been told that you would serve as a replacement if the thirteenth member didn't appear in time, your future will be set in stone, your destiny will be what they made it to be.
But the thirteenth member has finally appeared, and your leader has ordered Vexen to lock you up, he refused, of course, saying that you are his "greatest creation", but your leader insisted, saying that they'll release you when needed.

After a little over seven days, Vexen came into your room and told you it was time for a "tune up". You were brought back into his lab and he implanted the data of the thirteenth and fourteenth members, he told you that he'll be back to get you very soon, you don't remember much after that, something about, "taking over the Organization".

You counted at least 130 days since Vexen said that, and you haven't seen him since. Then you met some boy who found your room by accident and you two ended up being "friends" as he called it. You remember his name was Roxas. For the next three weeks, he came to your room regularly, bringing seashells and sea salt ice cream. But one day, he stopped coming...

207 days later, you discovered that Roxas had left the Organization and for you, it was a lot to take in. Your only friend was gone. Maybe forever. You began to realize that Roxas was the only person who cared about you. You wanted to leave this place, you wanted to leave and never come back. Who knows? Maybe you might find Roxas.

Then you felt the room shake and thought that castle was under attack. You took this chance to escape; you packed your belongings, your diary, the first seashell Roxas gave you, and the popsicle stick from your first ice cream, and left your room. You saw a giant dragon circling the castle and raised your hand forward, opening the Corridor of Darkness, as they called it, and escaped into an unknown world.

All that you remember after that is running from a group of fledging Nobodies in a severe thunderstorm.

You are trapped in a doomed future and the only person who ever showed you the light inside you was Roxas. But maybe some new friends can take his place? Show you that, "Friendship is Magic".

KH Universe: Takes place after Kingdom Heart 2 and the events after that.

MLP Universe: Takes place after Rainbow Rocks.

Cover art from vadenwrench via DeviantArt.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Tags will be updated as the story goes.

This is currently a side project; this story is not canon to my KH:MLP Crossover series.

EDIT: Featured on 3/10/2017, thank you all for your support!

Chapters (10)

•Project dropped. See blog or PM for details.•

In this world, there exist ponies with special abilities to manipulate objects and transform one object into another. These ponies are known as alchemists. However, the process comes with a cost; the basic law of alchemy states that in order to gain something, you must sacrifice something of equal value.

Twilight Sparkle is one such alchemist, her talents renowned across the land. In an accident several years ago, she nearly lost her older brother, Shining Armor, due to a transmutation gone horribly wrong. Twilight's quick thinking allowed her to contain her brother's soul in his suit of armor, but only by paying a great price in exchange.

Now, to get back what they've lost, the siblings embark on a journey to find the elusive Alicorn Amulet, which is fabled to enhance the powers of alchemy...and bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange.

An adaptation of MLP and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, inspired by Argodaemon's exemplary video.
Rated for moderate violence, themes of mortality, and some language.
Written by Leoshi. Collaboration with Twilight is the BEST, proofread by Spirit Seer.
Previous pre-reading courtesy of Zo, Harmsy, and Famous.

Chapters (15)

Tirek has escaped once more and has amassed enough power to lay waste to Equestria and imprison the girls to bear witness to his destructive campaign. From the hopeless situation, with Equestria on the brink of destruction, a strange hero emerges to save the day.

(One Shot. Might make more)

Chapters (1)

You are Anon, and you've received another letter from Applejack. You're not going to reply to this one, just as you refused to reply to the many letters she had sent you over the years. Unfortunately, Applejack isn't going to let you ignore her any longer. Maybe it's about time you two had a talk.


Just a short one-shot greentext I wrote a few days ago after seeing an interesting writing prompt. Decided to touch it up and turn it into prose form so I could post it here.

EDIT: Wow, I didn't expect this story to get so many hits in such little time. Thank you to all who read it! Consider giving it a thumbs up (or down)!

Chapters (1)

Let's just say your luck with the mares isn't all that great, two months in Ponyville and you've had your heart stomped on more times than you can count. That coupled with the fact you've lost your job, your house, and have barely enough bits to feed yourself means your life isn't exactly going so great. And after another botched attempt at a relationship you're ready to swear off of the whole dating game for good.
But after a night of drunken debauchery you awaken to find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, you're willing to forget your previous pledge to the single life after she proves herself to be the kindest and most generous pony you've ever met, but only time will tell if she'll be your future lover or the next in line of a long list of mare's who you'd rather forget.

Chapters (25)