• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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In Equestria, everypony views heroes as stories for fillies and not to be taken seriously. However, in another reality, heroes do exist. When a dimensional transport portal goes awry, a certain vigilante finds himself in a colorful land full of ponies. And he isn't happy. Will Batman have to fight his way out of Equestria? Or can even the most dark hearts find peace?

Batman will be based off the arkham city batman universe with a few villians thrown in.
other heroes will be mentioned or have a minor role.


Please comment and/or critque

Chapters (33)

Emerald Crescent has always been picked on in school due to his nationality of being half zebra and unicorn, but he pays no mind to it. He had a few friends but that never stopped the bullying and the abuse by the high class ponies in Canterlot. Having had enough he moves out of Canterlot and goes to Ponyville for a new life.

Will he be able to improve his life? Or will it just be a repeat of the past?


Hey guys this is my first OC story! This had been in my head for a while so I hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (16)

"Hey, you used to be Celestia's student, right? Did you know Sunset Shimmer?"

Chapters (1)

[EqG] Rainbow Dash injures herself during a run one morning. When you step in to intervene, she's unsure how to react.

Rated T for some language.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Shimmering Sunset

( The picture is from the site Derpiboo. I do not own it and I will take it down on the artist's request. )

You've been going to CHS for about two to three weeks now after moving from Hoofington. So far life have been anything but normal as you learned more and more about Sunset and her friends.

Though you and Sunset have gotten closer the past few days, something holds you back from asking the human pony out.

But will the presence of the three strangers you ran into the day you saved Sunny's life, especially a certain blue colored one, completely turn your world upside down and change your feelings and world forever?

More importantly, will you fall for the Siren's song or retain your freedom?

WARNING: Gore tag may or may not be added as the story develops. It depends on how I decide for it to go.

(Rated T for teen for obvious reasons. Swearing, possible fighting, arguing, mind control, dark magic, high school drama. The usual stuff you face everyday at school ya know?)

Chapters (6)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You've been living in Rarity's boutique ever since you came to equestria. After Rarity has yet another failed date you decide to take her out to cheer her up.

My fourth story in the Heartwarming moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

You are anonymous the Lone human in equestria.
One morning afther you promised to bake some stuff with pinkie a prank gets pulled off on you.
only for many more to come. You think of a way to get some payback.
maybe it wasn't the best way, maybe it was...

My second story in the Heartwarming Moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

A unicorn mare wakes up in Ponyville, with all her memories gone into a haze that prevents her from recalling them beyond her own name after suffering an injury. Now, with nothing from her past to rely on, she must start a brand new life in Ponyville as her life starts all over. However, while she is gaining new memories to cherish, will she ever remember the memories she lost, the past life that she once lived?

Art by AlicornParty on deviantart : http://alicornparty.deviantart.com/
Editor: AandWguy

Chapters (27)

Ditzy Doo hesitates to eat a muffin, and then Twilight and her friends debate ethics. These events are related.

(Inspired by "Do You Want to Go Skateboards?" by Takarashi282, who I felt missed the more obvious crossover point. Both stories based on this youtube thing.)

Chapters (1)

The Red team and Blue team get some new help, but when a failed teleport sends the new guys, along with Tucker from Blue team and Donut from Red team to a different reality things don’t exactly end well for them. Or do does it?

Side note: This is not exactly a serious project.
This is some what based off season 4 - 5.
Rated T for Teen, Cause you know. Bad language.

Chapters (15)