• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


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Sightings of a mountaintop phantom line up with a few too many worrisome legends for Sunny Starscout's comfort. Short on time and even shorter on adventuring companions, she heads out to confront it.

By herself, but not alone.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (2)

It was a rainy day and Rainbow Dash stayed at Twilight's castle. After some reading together Twilight falls asleep. Then she has this weird dream where everything seemsto be fine at the start but in the end it's totaly not how she expected.

Chapters (2)

Twilight asks Rainbow if they can move their reading session from the library over to the cloud house. Snuggling ensues.

Winner of The Abyss' cuteness competition.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has returned from her thousand years of banishment on the moon.

These thousand years have not been kind to her.

She decides to sell the idea of Eternal Night instead of trying to take over the world.

Nothing will go wrong.

Set in: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Part One. Not to be taken seriously.

Thanks to Petrichord for some of the ideas in this story!

Credit for art goes to Silfoe. Art is used without explicit permission, and I will take it down if the original artist, Silfoe requests it.

Chapters (1)

Herding was not common in Equestria, so Rainbow Dash was understandably surprised when she is invited to join a herd with her closest friends completely out of the blue. She did love her friends, but why does it feel like what she wants and what they want are two very different things.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Topper’s Pizza

(Not necessary to read Topper’s Pizza before this one. The first chapter of this story is a copy-paste of that one.)

Knead Top is the lone owner of his pizza parlor, Topper’s Pizza. It was originally his parents’ pizza place, but they gave it to him.

…in their will.

One night, Princess Luna visits this pizza shop. They enjoy a pizza. Then, the next week, she comes back. And then again. And then again…?

They end up friends. One of them wants it to be something more.

But first, Topple needs to learn to let go.

(Cover art by slushpony! His work is great!)

Featured 7/16/22, by god, featured on the first day
Featured 7/26/22
Featured 8/09/22
Featured 8/30/22

Chapters (8)

Years ago, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria helped show a group of humans the magic of friendship, and they've never forgotten how much it meant to them. Since then, Twilight has continued to return to visit her friends in their world, and even as her coronation looms large on the horizon, they'd been confident things would work out.

But when a serious malfunction renders the device keeping the portal open useless and seemingly irreparable, Princess Twilight is left struggling to come up with a solution, or even answers. As the possibility that they might never see their old friend in person again grows, the Rainbooms decide to send a series of letters to the Princess, expressing their personal gratitude for the influence she's had in their lives, well-wishes for her rule in Equestria and cautious optimism for the future.

Cover art by D+CON! Used with permission.

Written for Bicyclette's The Twilight Files contest. See the other entries here! Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder. The chapter "Letter 1: Rarity" ties in with the Bean's Writing Group prompt "An Artistic Touch", while "Letter 7: Fluttershy" ties in with "Someone is Missing".

Featured on 7/19/22 to 7/23/22!

Note this story only considers animated media as canon, and deviates from the depiction of events seen in literary or comic media like The Fall of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise.

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash is a simple mare. She loves flying, she loves napping, but most importantly of all, she loves her friends. She loves her family. She loves the little tortoise who sleeps in the corner of her bedroom. She loves her town, she loves her country, she loves her world.

She's never thought about what she would do without it all. She's never thought about what she would do if she woke up one morning, only to discover that the world had passed her by. She's never thought about what she would be willing to do, how far she would be willing to go, to get it all back.

Featured 7/2/22 - 7/8/22

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy spends the day with her two girlfriends, but she feels a quiet discomfort. As an asexual mare, she can't join in on everything Rarity and Twilight do together. Is she really good enough for them, or is she just bringing their relationship down?

My first purely fluff story, without much comedy. Just warm feelings.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle was born on the moon, 999 years before the 1000th summer sun celebration. Her mother, Princess Luna, trains her and teaches her to be the perfect ruler. Her plan is to stop this Nightmare and be happy.

Of course, Twilight gets released early, and has to face this whole new world without her mother. At least it will be a while before Celestia finds her and finds out her motives, or will it?

Twilight will have to deal with things she definitely wasn't trained for, including a possible love interest?

New cover art made by Nablyudatel, my editor!
Link to their Kofi where they take commissions!

Chapters (10)