• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

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Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Celestia has been preparing for Luna’s return in exacting detail, most of which is being kept from the other ponies. Unfortunately, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Shining Armor wakes up one morning to discover that the entire Day Guard has quit, save for a single Pegasus named Cloud Skipper. Their reason: anger over thinking they're being replaced by the Night Guard, made up of a single Night Pony named Midnight Blossom. Before he can pull the situation together, Nightmare Moon returns. Still, one can only make the best of a bad situation.

But even after Princess Luna is restored, the problems don't stop. It's nearly impossible to recruit any more Guards, leaving the reparations in the hands of three ponies. Nightmare Moon isn't entirely gone, still haunting the dreams of Skipper and Midnight. Certain warlike cultures may notice Equestria's weakness and invade. And the old commander of the Day Guard, Cumulus, may have had other motives for his disbanding them...

Truths will be uncovered, identities will be questioned, and nightmares will come to life. But maybe, even in the eternal night, a light can be found and followed to the dawn.

Notes: British spellings used for all except names. Also, Hasbro owns My Little Pony, and Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom were originally created by Equestria-Prevails on Deviantart. The only thing I own is this particular story.
Rated Teen for blood and occasional uncensored swearing, but no detailed gore and no sex.
Written with pre-Season 4 information.

Feature dates: 17/08/14, 26/08/14, 13/09/14
Wait, how the hell did I get a feature by posting an omake?

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Girlfriend Friend 2: Royally Screwed

After Rarity told her that they weren't actually girlfriends, Rainbow Dash is feeling kind of bummed out. And that feeling is made worse by the fact it's Hearts and Hooves Day.

Determined to not be a single loser, Rainbow sets out to get herself a Marefriend!

Easier said than done.

Chapters (1)

A day in the life, and a glimpse into the mind, of Ponyville's favorite mail carrier and single mom. But if she had the choice of any one day for everyone to read about, it probably wouldn't be this one...

Chapters (1)

The Kingdom of Equestria

  • Total population: 27
  • Neighboring countries: 0
  • Estimated time until the end of the world: <7 days
  • Purple alicorns searching for their memories: 1

The story takes place in a setting continuing from season 3.

Thanks to the /fimfic/ Anons for writing advice, pre-reading and feedback.

The fic was loosely inspired by the song Solastalgia by Francis Vace and Luck Rock, so thanks to them, too!

Chapters (3)

A fun-filled day at Sunny’s is interrupted by a conundrum.

A short one-shot that gives the story of Hitch's motivation and promise that leads to him becoming sheriff. It takes place three to four years after the flashback scene in G5 where they are all kids.

Chapters (1)

How do you kill a pegasus's soul? Put her in charge of the town's weather, then only let her schedule sunny days and gentle evening showers. Not thunderstorms, not blizzards, certainly not hail or tornadoes.

Nothing fun, in other words. Celestia forbid the weather team make some real weather, the kind Rainbow Dash dreams about. The farmers would never stand for that.

Well, screw the farmers. Screw the fashionistas and screw the library princess too if she complains. Rainbow Dash has a dream and she's going to share it with the world, whether the world wants it or not.

A story dedicated to anyone who's ever been passionate about something.

Chapters (1)

A starving colt is found hiding in Applejacks barn, he refuses to speak too much about where he comes from, claiming that he would be branded crazy and locked away.

Applejack doesn't know if that would happen,

But he does seem to know more about her and her friends than he should

Okay first fiction on this site, more of a way to develop my skills before I launch into some big ideas I have so constructive criticism is appreciated as my descriptions probably suck right now

This is inspired by Oh to be Old Again by Minalkra (which you should totally check out as well)


EDIT: Now with cover art by the ever talented mix-up! It is just awesome! Check out his pages here and on Deviantart!

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Once Bonked, Twice Shy

After months of their relationship developing and the Grand Galloping Gala approaching, everything seems perfect for Fluttershy's first public date with her marefriend.

Something which is more difficult than it should be when she is dating the Queen of the Changelings.

Luckily, Fluttershy has a plan to make sure it goes off without a hitch.

Unfortunately, a certain other villain she helped reform takes issue.

At this point, she should really just consider not going to these galas.

(Cover image made by me with a screenshot and vectors found on Google images).

Somehow managed to be featured on 29/6/2022!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Tale of Two Sisters

In an attempt to defeat Discord after he first arrives in Equestria, Valkyrie Lieutenant Shooting Star finds herself inexplicably stranded two-thousand moons in the future. Will she be able to return to her own time with the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends?

While a spin-off from Chapter 11 of The Tale of Two Sisters, prior knowledge is not required, but is intended to be read in parallel. Set after the Season 9 time-skip, it is a celebration of Friendship is Magic, and a final goodbye.

Chapters (10)

In this story, you’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll ponder. You’ll ask why as Spike and company try to figure out the secrets of his origins. However, it is the love between Spike and Rarity that will provide the key to finding his parents. Spike X Rarity (Of course). Contains Romance, Drama, Mystery, and Humor.

Chapters (11)