• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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Sunset Shimmer recieves devastating news from her previous world of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle of the human world accompanies her on her journey back home to help support her in her time of need. Neither returns to the human world the same way they left.

Continuity: Homecoming, Origin story.

Cover by: Amber Spark

September 22, 2017 - new chapters and chapter revisions completed.

Featured December 28, 2016, September 13, 2017

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Irresistible

Rainbow Dash arrives at Applejack's house to pick her up to spend a little bit of Christmas day with her, but when AJ shows to get in the car she seems nervous and not quite herself. What's going on?

Chapters (1)

On a hillside at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, under the stars, Applejack and Rainbow Dash face the growing feelings they've been having for each other.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash doesn't care for love. Applejack doesn't have time.
So when a simple game goes wrong, then Dash's favourite fictional heroine's latest tale takes a turn for the romantic, why does she suddenly find herself with a rose between her teeth?

A/N: I wanted to try something entirely safe for work again, and here we are. Not completely happy with how it turned out, so sorry about that. A (hilariously belated) birthday gift for the amazing RatOfDrawn, who draws cute ponies and has a bit of an AppleDash fetish.

Chapters (1)

A simple, Apple family pancake breakfast is ruined when Applebloom goes upstairs to fetch Granny Smith's glasses and discovers something else instead. Something very, very inappropriate for a little filly. (And, apparently, Big Mac too. He can't even look at it without fainting). A very embarrassed Applejack has to come and explain to her what it means, and the situation goes from bad to worse when Granny Smith - completely accidentally - turns the tables on Applejack.
In short, everypony loses some of their innocence except Granny Smith.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia called the Mane Six to Canterlot and asked them to take a friendship test - which was weird in and of itself - they never expected to fail it.
But they did. They FAILED. And now they must deal with the consequences.
Except there's a teeny-tiny detail that none of them noticed (with the exception of Pinkie Pie, who notices everything). What is that detail, you might be wondering?
It's April 1st.
Enough said.

(Proofread by the lovely allykitty. Go check out her stories!)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash asks Applejack out on a date for Hearts and Hooves Day.
Long story short, Applejack says yes. And then she says no. Six times in a row.
Applejack tells Rainbow Dash that she'll go go on a date with her if Rainbow asks her the right way. But what the heck does that mean? Rainbow spends the next week trying to find out, employing everything from bribery by chocolate to singing to horrible pickup lines, in her attempt to win Applejack's heart. But it's only on Hearts and Hooves Day itself that she discovers what Applejack really wanted to hear.
(Not my cover art)

Chapters (1)

Celestia is tired of ruling Equestria. So she decides to take a day off... using any means possible.
In this case it involves pretending to be sick and tricking her sister into ruling in her stead for the day.
Well, her clever plan succeeds, and Celestia is left to herself all day long. As she is enjoying her time off, she discovers a stack of letters in her bedroom; letters that she hasn't thought about in a very long time.
Letters from Rainbow Dash.
Celestia begins to read these letters from so many years ago. They are full of Rainbow's passions, her hopes, her dreams, and her love - her love for one of her best friends: Applejack. They follow Rainbow's relationship with Applejack, blossoming from friendship into something more, resulting in cuddles and kisses and eventually in Rainbow Dash learning some of the most important lessons that anypony can ever learn.
The last letter from Rainbow had been an invitation to a wedding. And it had been sent a year ago.
So why had Rainbow Dash stopped writing?

Chapters (1)

So here's how it works. All of the stories in here will be short one-shots, usually between 100-500 words. If you want me to write one involving one of your ships, comment with details. Please provide the ship name as well as a one or two word prompt such as 'book' or 'cookie'. Then I'll write the story, post it, and, er... hopefully provide some entertainment. You guys are allowed up to three ships per new batch of chapters I post. ;)
UPDATE: Please see my author note from Chapter 4 BEFORE you give me any prompts. Thank you!
Enjoy! (Oh, and no mature requests, please.)


Um.... not going to select a cast of main characters for this one because... impossible.

Chapters (32)

Applejack promises to spend some time with Rainbow Dash, and naturally the pegasus asks to share some naptime with her in one of the apple trees. Applejack agrees, and even finds herself having fun... until her big brother turns up, as big brothers have a habit of doing, to catch her in a rather compromising position.

Note: not my cover art. https://www.derpibooru.org/380712
Another note: some of you may recognize this as a chapter from one of my other stories. I decided to post it as a stand--alone story as well, because I originally wrote it as a short stand-alone story and just posted it as a chapter on a whim. What you are reading now is how it should have been posted in the first place. (Besides, you can never have enough AppleDash.)

Chapters (1)