• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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Children. They are the test that measures one's patience.

For Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they have faced down Sirens, Chaos entities, and the Undead. There is little they can't handle.

But their twin children test even their limits.

Continuity: Homecoming

Early Christmas gift for Tchernobog.

Chapters (3)

One of the mane six likes mares. Anon took it upon himself to find out who.

Head Graphics

Chapters (2)

Every season, Rainbow, Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy get together for their Sleepover.
It's always a night filled with fun. Only, it's a night filled with... a lot of fun. Maybe a little too much fun.
And, believe it or not, by the end of the night...
Even Pinkie Pie just might admit it.

Big, big Special Thanks to Ninjadeadbeard, for putting up with my rough drafts, patiently editing through them, and, of course, for being wonderful friend.

Chapters (1)

What happens when Applejack suggests they play Appeloosan Hold'Em for their monthly game night?

Prosecco based lies, awful bluffs, and hilarity ensues.

Art by DaniLi69 on DeviantArt!

Chapters (1)

Applejack accidentally makes the best apple pie in existence (well, according to Rainbow, anyway). She just needs to know what it was she friggin' added in it.

Chapters (4)

The Mane 6 decide to play Truth or Dare. Like all good games of Truth or Dare, they'll laugh, they'll cry, and it'll get a little weird.

Rated T for mentions of sex and some f-bombs.

Winner of RobCakeran53's long-form Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. Conceived and written over the course of a weekend. The prompt was "Around the table."

Chapters (1)

Applejack asks Rainbow Dash to watch over her house while her family goes out of town for the Apple Family Reunion.

While Rainbow Dash is at the Apple's house, she discovers something of Applejack's that changes everything Rainbow ever knew about her. Something that could change their relationship forever.

**Popular from June 8-11, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

"Before Twilight and Spike came to Ponyville, they were always a quintet. They all loved and appreciated each other very much, but it felt somewhat outlandish and odd to be returning to their original setup. It was as though a huge part of them had been ripped away within mere moments, and they had to face the fact that life would feel different for quite some time"

What happened after Twilight's coronation?
How was the journey home for everypony?
And why are Rainbow Dash and Applejack acting so differently around each other?

Join Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as they attempt to push Honesty and Loyalty together in harmony. A story filled with comedy, romance and awesome characters.

Chapters (7)

Look, I heard you the first time! Yeesh, I wish you'd stop staring at me, as if you're reading my thoughts. 'Cuz if you could, then you'd know that while this is the first thing I'd want to do, it's also the last! I mean, horseapples, things would be a heck of a lot easier if I'd known ahead of time that Twilight and the rest of the girls had only packed three sleeping bags instead of six for this mountain hike! For realsies, if you had any friggin' clue how many restless nights I've spent thinking about you, fantasizing situations like this, then you'd know... you would freaking know how impossible it is for me to actually... sh-share a sleeping bag with my totally not-sexy-in-any-way best friend... (*ULP*) ... overnight... s-so that we could keep our bodies warm in the cold, cold forest. Grnnnng! Alright... alright! I'll do it! Of c-course I'll do it! I'm awesome! I'm not afraid of anything! Okay... I can do this... I can totally do this... I can... I can... I-I...

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash spend a night on Sweet Apple Acres. In the darkness, they share a conversation.

(Sex tag is for very light implications.)

Chapters (1)