• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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What makes a good story? Is it delicate prose and captivating description, as Twilight Sparkle claims, or is it non-stop action and entertainment, as Rainbow Dash has been arguing? With a stalemate between them, they decide there's only one way to settle this once and for all—a write-off!

The prompt? "Romance."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Maybe that glance lasted just a little too long, or maybe a certain conversation could be interpreted as innuendo. Whatever it is, sometimes we see only what we want to see, and sometimes our fantasies get the best of us. Rarity is no exception.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Take no more than one pill every six hours.

Rainbow Dash accidentally gives Twilight a severe overdose of painkillers. Now, she and another visitor to the library must deal with the consequences of forgetting to read the label.

Rated Teen for drug references and strong pony language (Rainbow Dash uses the "b" word).

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/27/14.

Partial readthrough by Emporerson

Click here to see the five references mentioned in the A/N.

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith recovers from a bout of pneumonia, and the Apple family realizes that if they keep their secrets much longer, they might never get a chance to open up to her. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Braeburn visit her at the hospital and tell her things they've kept hidden for far too long.

How does she take it? Not how you'd expect.

AN: Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is pregnant, but hasn't told any of her friends. As the months progress and it becomes more obvious, she can't keep it a secret forever...can she?

Chapters (6)

To see somepony die is painfull. To see somepony die slowly in front of your eyes unable to do anything but watch their life fade away, that is tormenting.
Yet it is this torment Rainbow Dash is experiencing when Applejack is left grievously wounded; knowing her own failure doomed her marefiend. Now Rainbow Dash is willing to do anything to undo what was done, even if it the price turns out to be her very life.

Chapters (4)

After a gruesome accident, Spitfire is left alone and blind. The severe nature of her injury lands her in the hospital, despite her wishes. All she wants is to leave the institution and go back to do her part in the war, but a new roommate with a grave injury of her own forces her to learn that, despite her recovering eyesight, there’s more to a pony than what she can see.

Written for Bicyclette’s Crackship Contest, started as an entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Crackship Contest as well (and then like decupled in length into the current story.

Cover art: Yet another screenshot edit made by yours truly :P

Death and violence tags mostly for the very beginning of the story and some themes discussed throughout.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash needs Applejack's help to convince her dad that she's too close to her friends in Ponyville to be set up with any stallions in Cloudsdale. Can she really help it if things happen so that he thinks these two are closer than friends? Now Applejack thinks she's being sized up as Dash's friend while Rainbow Blaze thinks he's judging a fiancé. How long until Applejack and Rainbow Blaze realize they're having two different conversations?

Chapters (1)