• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

AppleDash 151 stories
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Total Words: 1,318,665
Estimated Reading: 3 days



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The new parents of Sunset and Twilight offer advice to Dash and AJ.

Continuity: Homecoming

A gift for AJTheRaven

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Key and the Lock

Spring break has arrived, and the girls are going on a cruise! They all enjoy the sun, see some old acquaintances, and form memories they'll never forget.

Continuity: Homecoming

Pairing: Sunset/SciTwi, Applejack/Rainbow Dash, Rarity/Fluttershy

Note: In some chapters, I will switch away from Sunset's POV. I will note in the chapter title who I am speaking as for clarity.

Featured February 21 2017

Revisions completed 2-23-2018

Chapters (12)

Applejack and Rainbow are summoned by the Cutie Map to solve another friendship problem. But to their surprise, the problem lies on the other side of the portal to the human world.

Now, finding themselves as funny looking, two-legged, small-nosed, mostly hairless monkey people, the two are faced with some important questions:

Can they survive life in this brave new world? Will they discover what the friendship problem is? How long will they be stuck here? And just why do their human counterparts seem to not be getting along?

Written for the fifth Appledash contest, "Second Chances".

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Irresistible

Rainbow Dash arrives at Applejack's house to pick her up to spend a little bit of Christmas day with her, but when AJ shows to get in the car she seems nervous and not quite herself. What's going on?

Chapters (1)

On a hillside at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, under the stars, Applejack and Rainbow Dash face the growing feelings they've been having for each other.

Chapters (1)

It's been four years since the girls graduated from high school. They're still as close as ever, which is why Pinkie Pie decided to throw a party to celebrate the disastrous end of Rainbow Dash's long-term romantic relationship.

But Applejack isn't quite feeling a party right now. Instead, she finds her way outside to stare at the lake and reminisce. When Rainbow follows her out, what comes next is a conversation that might just change both of their lives forever.

Written for Krazy's Appledash contest over at Quills and Sofas. Prereading done by several members of that community. Come on and check out the crazy speedwriting fun!

(Note, because there was some light confusion from some readers. All alcohol consumption in this story is done by ADULT characters. NO UNDERAGE DRINKING, PEOPLE!)

Chapters (1)

Applejack is an awesome, hard-working and totally cute friend, and that's cool. But she's also totally oblivious to Rainbow Dash's advances. With just one more day before Hearth's Warming, the pegasus is determined to get through to her crush... whatever it takes!

Chapters (2)

After months of fighting feelings about Applejack, Rainbow attempts to get her and Applejack on a date together. But when things go horribly wrong and Applejack falls in love with somepony else (and a stallion for that matter), Rainbow has to work out what she'll do in order to win her over.
Tried to make this a bit different from your run of the mill AppleDash fic with a bit of action to boot. Hope you enjoy it! (Second story, woohoo!)
Amazing artwork by Shawnyall!

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash doesn't care for love. Applejack doesn't have time.
So when a simple game goes wrong, then Dash's favourite fictional heroine's latest tale takes a turn for the romantic, why does she suddenly find herself with a rose between her teeth?

A/N: I wanted to try something entirely safe for work again, and here we are. Not completely happy with how it turned out, so sorry about that. A (hilariously belated) birthday gift for the amazing RatOfDrawn, who draws cute ponies and has a bit of an AppleDash fetish.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash asks Applejack out on a date for Hearts and Hooves Day.
Long story short, Applejack says yes. And then she says no. Six times in a row.
Applejack tells Rainbow Dash that she'll go go on a date with her if Rainbow asks her the right way. But what the heck does that mean? Rainbow spends the next week trying to find out, employing everything from bribery by chocolate to singing to horrible pickup lines, in her attempt to win Applejack's heart. But it's only on Hearts and Hooves Day itself that she discovers what Applejack really wanted to hear.
(Not my cover art)

Chapters (1)