• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

AppleDash 151 stories
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Total Words: 1,318,665
Estimated Reading: 3 days



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Look, I heard you the first time! Yeesh, I wish you'd stop staring at me, as if you're reading my thoughts. 'Cuz if you could, then you'd know that while this is the first thing I'd want to do, it's also the last! I mean, horseapples, things would be a heck of a lot easier if I'd known ahead of time that Twilight and the rest of the girls had only packed three sleeping bags instead of six for this mountain hike! For realsies, if you had any friggin' clue how many restless nights I've spent thinking about you, fantasizing situations like this, then you'd know... you would freaking know how impossible it is for me to actually... sh-share a sleeping bag with my totally not-sexy-in-any-way best friend... (*ULP*) ... overnight... s-so that we could keep our bodies warm in the cold, cold forest. Grnnnng! Alright... alright! I'll do it! Of c-course I'll do it! I'm awesome! I'm not afraid of anything! Okay... I can do this... I can totally do this... I can... I can... I-I...

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash spend a night on Sweet Apple Acres. In the darkness, they share a conversation.

(Sex tag is for very light implications.)

Chapters (1)

After having kept her relationship with Applejack secret from her friends and family for almost three months, Rainbow Dash feels like she’s reaching a boiling point. With doubts over their relationship creeping into her mind, a short getaway trip with her friends seems like the perfect solution, right?

Chapters (1)

Applejack is hiding in a cave in the swamps of South Equestria. She would be plowing fields if Daring Do hadn't shown up at her doorstep that morning.

Applejack is taking care of a knocked out Rainbow Dash. She wouldn't have to be if the pegasus didn't function in such weird logic.

My entry for AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event

So, yeah, Appledash

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer writes to her friend over in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle about everything that goes around in her world. Anytime she needed advice, Sunset always wrote to Twilight for some tips and Twilight was always happy to help. Sunset also liked to joke around and tell Twilight about funny things that happened to her friends.

But now, Sunset finds out something surprising about her two best friends. Sunset had to write to Twilight about this, it was huge.

Chapters (1)

In Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom finds a book that claims it will help guide her to form a perfect AppleDash pairing. Along with her fellow crusaders, Apple Bloom tries to follow the steps the book gives as best she can, but soon finds it much harder than she thought.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash helps Applejack pick out a gift for her special somepony

Originally written as a Quills and Sofas panic fiction in 35 minutes, with some editing and extension. Happy holidays, everyone!

Now with a wonderful reading by ObabScribbler!

Chapters (1)

Applejack's tired of all the Christmas hype and finally allows herself to have a moment of peace. That is, until her best friend texts her.

WARNING: AppleDash, humanised, a bit o' hot sauce. Oh Jesus, please don't hate me.

Chapters (1)

A seemingly innocent slumber party goes awry when six best friends engage in a game of competitive dares, testing the limits of their friendship, their will, and eventually uncovering the truth about the death of a fellow student. From uncomfortable situations to theft to sexual encounters, the night becomes one debacle after another, and all of it is on video tape.
Eventual AppleDash, FlutterMac. Some mature content. Based on the movie of the same name.

Chapters (8)

Children. They are the test that measures one's patience.

For Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they have faced down Sirens, Chaos entities, and the Undead. There is little they can't handle.

But their twin children test even their limits.

Continuity: Homecoming

Early Christmas gift for Tchernobog.

Chapters (3)