• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

AppleDash 151 stories
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Rainbow Dash is conflicted with her feelings toward her best friend and fights her own thoughts about how to tell her and whether or not Applejack will take it badly or not.

Its an AppleDash fan-fic

Its my first time writing a MLP Fan fiction so bear with me. Any critique would be appreciated. I've never written ponies before.
I am one for good grammar and spelling so please, if you find any mistakes, tell me.

A lovely picture that has inspired a part in this story is; http://aeronjvl.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/#/d4plf99
Feel free to bombard the artist's dA account as they are a great artist.
Stories that inspire me;

{Not sure if I will ever actually finish this..I have never finished a story before}

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash really likes kissing Applejack. When things go a little bit beyond kissing, though, the relationship between the two mares gets difficult in all kinds of ways. But Applejack knows that marefriends talk to each other, and she's sure that somehow everything will work out in the end.

This story earns its T rating. It is not a clop fic, but expect to find frank discussion of sexual matters within.

Written for the 5th Appledash contest. Edited (and practically re-written) by the amazing Jordanis, with additional editing assistance from Cyanhyde.

Cover art by CSImadmax.

Chapters (1)

No one has ever seen Rainbow Dash on a date. Still, ponies assume that she’s attracted to… mares? To stallions? Hm. What sex of pony is Rainbow Dash attracted to?

Rarity intends to find out.

Chapters (1)

After a long day at work all Applejack wants is to curl up in her bed and sleep the day away. But Granny Smith and Rainbow Dash seem to have other ideas.


Chapters (1)

Four ponies, four different perspectives. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack all share their perspectives of how Dash and AJ became a couple, and how they affected the outcome.

Another image-inspired shipping story, the impetus for this came from the John Joseco pic I'm using as the cover art. This one's a deliberate counter to Appledashed, too; AJ and RD are just too darn cute together to keep apart entirely.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash head into the Everfree forest to visit Zecora. They get sidetracked along the way and end up deeper in the forest, taking a wrong turn into Timberwolf territory.

I'm trying something new and writing this in Applejack's voice/P.O.V...so...apologies if it comes out wonky. I'm not used to doing first-person types of fiction.

Semi inspired by this pic here: http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/art/Protecting-the-Ones-You-Love-202452478 but the author hasn't responded to my inquiry about using it as a thumbnail, so I'm not. ^.^

Also, Gore tag is gone after some thought, since the attacks aren't really gore-ish. I'm leaving it Mature just to be safe, though.

Chapters (1)

The Acres set it up every year as Nightmare Night approaches: an old-fashioned haycart taking a Moon-lit tour of the property, with fillies and colts shrieking at the traditional fake horrors. And Rainbow? Thinks that's boring. It's the same stuff every time. None of it would ever scare her. Nothing Applejack could come up with is even capable of getting a reaction.

Applejack decides to treat that as a challenge.

And then cider gets involved.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows Rarity has amazing flanks; Rainbow Dash is sure of that. So what is Applejack upset about?

A non-entry to a Quills and Sofas Panic Fiction with the prompt "Do I Know You?"

Chapters (1)

Rarity Writes is a monthly article featured in the Hooves and Hemlines magazine, and Rarity couldn't be prouder. After all, if there was one thing she could talk about, it was fashion, right? And free publicity is always great.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for her to run out of ideas. Luckily for her, she finds some interesting subject material in her best friend's relationship.

Proofread by Apple Cinnamon and docontra. Written for the AppleDash contest featuring the themes 'Exploring the Past' and 'A Special Event'

Chapters (1)

What was seemingly just a day to play, turned out into something so much more. An ordinary day turns extraordinary, when Applejack learns of her true love for her rainbow maned friend. Both realize this is what they want, and they prove it. A normal night in the barn becomes much more than anypony could have ever thought. Does this happen all by chance? Or does somepony influence it?

Chapters (1)