• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012


A Cruel And Terrible Crustacean

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Rainbow Dash comes out to her friends in a desperate attempt to find support as she flounders under the guilt of her sexual identity... but are the bonds of her friendship with the others really as strong as she hopes they are? Not an über-OOC or lynch mob fic.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Factory

Cloudsdale Weather Corporation has been running without incident for over twenty years. That is, until two foals manage to avoid being processed and find themselves in the haunted bowels of the massive facility. Can they make it out of the abandoned factory with their sanity intact? Will they uncover the secrets even a company as dark as the CWC is ashamed to keep? And what of the workers who help ensure that, in the end, not a single soul gets through...

Love the series? Buy the book!

—[TVTropes Article]—[Plagen Shiki's Reading]—[The Song Inspired by the Story]—

Chapters (5)
by Rokas

Princess Luna, Mistress of the Moon, co-ruler of Equestria, is utterly bored, and tired of dealing with the bureaucracy. When she happens upon an uncompleted spell that promises access to other worlds, she finds a project that engages her as seldom before. Yet, some worlds are not so pleasant and safe as Equestria, and Luna is about to find out how denizens of one of the more dangerous realms entertain themselves as she is thrust into a bloodsport like no other.

The Tournament awaits.

A crossover with Unreal Tournament, specifically UT2k4, which I've come to regard as my personal favorite of the series.
There is some gore, but nothing worse than your usual FPS game made in the last 10 years or so. Rated Teen for that, and some foul language. (Because it wouldn't be UT without the smacktalk.)

Consider this as the soundtrack. Because that's exactly what it is.for Deck 17. So, freakin' EPIC.

Cover art commissioned from Atryl, who is a demigod of Art. Seriously, he's awesome. Go throw money at him.

Chapters (6)

The Canterlot Caverns are a strange and enigmatic place, untouched and forgotten by pony-kind for centuries. So when a strange metal object is unearthed in their depths, it's up to Twilight Sparkle and Lyra Heartstrings to discover the many secrets it holds.

Together, the two of them will have to do their best to understand the remnants of an ancient civilization, and decipher what remains of Those Who Came Before.

The cover-image is a cleverly edited stock image, which was modified by the stupendous Corvo.
Proofreading was performed by the equally fantastical writers:
Timetraveling Pony (Who started as a proofreader when Cloud was writing this. Hats off to him for being dedicated and staying on as a proofreader for me.)
Night Spark

And a special Thank You goes to The Sentient Cloud for allowing me the honor of continuing this great story after he retired from writing fimfictions.

As it turns out, this story is eerily similar to Lyra Heartstrings and the Hand of Man. Due to their similarity, I feel that it would be appropriate to give said story a mention.

Chapters (4)

Silence. The golden rule is silence. Silence, and obediance.

For years, you have trained as a royal guard. Now, thanks to the fortuitous return of Shining Armour, your old-time friend and Captain, you are promoted to guarding Celestia personally. What follows, though, is the discovery of a personal side to the Sun Princess that you could never have imagined, not even in your most vivid dreams.

Chapters (5)

Most legends are born from a single small grain of truth, others are born from the pure imagination of a few ponies, but as Ponyville very well knows not all legends are that. When something saves Apple Bloom from a pack of Timberwolves will she be able to convince the others of what she saw or will she just have to find the truth herself?

The Supplement to this story is ready to be read. It's right here. Read it. I mean... if you want to. I'm not your boss.

I would like to give a big big thanks to Danupert for pre-reading chapters 4 through 12. Thank you so much.
Also want to thank Annoyed Changeling, Ratfinkdos, and Crystal Static for being willing to help with this story as pre-readers. Thank you very much.

Chapters (24)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a very good day. First she was in some dark place, then it turns out she's in the hospital. Oh, and she's apparently blind now.

Eventual Twidash!


Inspiried by the cover art, which belongs to the awesome 8-Xenon-8 on deviantart! Also inspired by the Ask Blind Rainbow Dash tumblr blog by Jykinturah.

Youtube reading, by the awesome L0RdZovChAoS, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6S23CkL48EM

Chapters (19)

A changeling who has lived at the side of an Equestrian mare for most of his life finds himself in the middle of the changeling invasion of Canterlot. He has no idea who the invading queen or hive are, and just wants to stay where he is, and more importantly, who he is.

The spell that ends the invasion doesn't discriminate, though. With his old pony form irreversibly stripped away, and the whole kingdom out to hunt his kind, he tries to keep his family together, and struggles to find his place in the world.

Please comment! Even now, I'd love to hear what people think as they read through :pinkiehappy:

EPUB download
PDF download

Czech version:
Flitter on Google Docs translated by Draim (published at bronies.cz)

Russian version:
Флиттер on ponyfiction.org translated by repitter.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Flitter on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (12)

The Sequel to 'Faith and Doubt'.

It's been two months since the changeling attack and Shining's almost-wedding and much has changed. Twilight Sparkle is now an alicorn and has left Equestria to master her new powers. The sixth element of harmony, the corrupt abstract Doubt, has been reborn in his original form: Faith. He, along with Spike, have gone with Twilight as she sought to heal after the betrayal by her friends and family.

But Twilight's return to Ponyville will not be a happy one; in her absence her friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have been turned into alicorns themselves and the embodiments of their elements. They have seized power and now rule Equestria with iron hooves, using banned magic to turn their friends and family into zealots that obey their every command.

To save Equestria, Twilight will have to do the unthinkable: form a rebellion and declare war on her friends. But will she be willing to make the tough decisions... even if it means choosing between friendship and freedom?

Everything is bad in large doses.

Thank you to all that got this story featured!

The TVTropes page for Faith and Doubt/The Abundance can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/FaithAndDoubt

Cover by the wonderful FerGarcia220!

Chapters (51)