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Lelouch Vi Britannia has done many remarkable things. Build an army , take over the world, die to bring peace to the world , and live to tell the tale . What he didn't expect is to end up living in a world full of colorful talking ponies and become one of them. Now Lelouch must grow accustomed to living in Equestria and make friends with it's inhabitants while having to deal with annoyances such as natural disasters every week, chaos caused by six certain mares, and worst of all the constant stream of mares that keep hitting on him. Maybe if he's lucky he'll find love... or maybe he'll get killed again. It's gonna be a long journey for our Little Demon that's for sure

Chapters (1)

The legal situation of copyrighted works is one of incredible contention.

It's even worse when it turns out the fictional is alive.

Chapters (1)

The SCP Foundation had been everywhere on the internet; from the sites to the game. But nobody really knew that it had acctually existed...
SweetieBelle, now older and with her cutie mark, has been confirmed to be in the Class-D to test some of the SCP's. But something terrible happens on her first day on-the-job...
THANK YOU TO Pixelstarpony ON dA FOR THE COVER! I'd be screwed without you ;-;
(Based off of the reaction of a few My Little Foundation players.)


Chapters (10)

Celestia is the beloved ruler of her subjects. But she is lonely, her heart aching for companionship. When a mysterious pegasus crashes outside the castle, it seems Celestia may have what her heart yearns for...

(Story idea, OCs and cover image courtesy of Ebony Stallion.)

Chapters (18)

Fluttershy, reborn as a denizen of the dark and desperate for a drink, goes on the prowl in the dead of night. What ensues is less horrifying and more hilarious.

A silly little idea I came up with when discussing this episode with some friends. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and situations. There is blood, but I don't think there's enough to warrant a Gore tag. Hope this gets some laughs!

Featured on the front page from January 10th to 12th, 2014!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight returns back to Equestria after her time in the human world, she learns she lost something very important. Two things, in fact. Once you go hands, you never go back… for other appendages.

Thanks to alexmagnet for the help editing!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash had always dreamed of the moment when she would be able to enter the elite academy for Wonderbolts. But when she finally gets there, things don't work out as she expected.

Even more difficult to deal with is her developing feelings for one of the Wonderbolts...

SoarinDash romance!

Chapters (4)

Suri Polomare isn't just content stealing ideas for dresses. Watch as she steals famous ideas throughout history and claims credit for them, okay.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has always been a rather eccentric pony. Her friends struggled to understand her, but learned better than to question her quirks and hastily brushed it off as "Pinkie being Pinkie". A few months ago everything changed. The premier party pony of Ponyville became more secluded, something that didn't go unnoticed.

Her best friends, although deeply worried, were clueless as to what was happening to their friend. She was easily angered and denied any invitations to parties, gatherings, picnics and other friendly dates. Taking that as a sign that Pinkie just needed some time by herself to sort her own life, her friends reluctantly let her be.

Things quickly got out of hand.

The chapters, with the exception of the tie-ins prologue and epilogue, will be one-shots that can be read independently.

Chapters (1)

In celebration of getting promoted to Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor decides to have a night on the town with his men. As the night goes on though, the new guy, Flash Sentry, decides to give Shining a hoof getting home. After a disastrous encounter with Princess Celestia where neither Ponies could keep their mouths shut, they end up getting taught a lesson and possibly learning more than they thought they would in the process.

This awesome cover art is done by Conicer and GottaLovePinkiePie They are both two awesome ponies.

Made it on the feature box on 12/30/13. I want to thank everypony who made this possible.

Chapters (5)