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Maud Pie has always been a peculiar kind of mare. More interested in rocks than ponies. But when she tells her younger sister, Pinkie Pie, that she has found a special somebody. Naturally, the pinkie mare demands up and down that her older sister tell her who he is. But the stoic mare being rather secretive only drives a more and more curious obsession in Pinkie’s mind.

This is part of my 1k challenge.

Chapters (1)

Some memories never fade.

For Rainbow Dash, there's too much truth in that statement. The war, the fall of Cloudsdale, and especially the death of her closest friend all remain as vibrant in her tired mind as if it were happening to her for the first time.

Meanwhile, another has taken a forbidden road to escape the darkness in her past, and in doing so, she may plunge Equestria into darkness once again.

With everything on a silent path to destruction, the only one able to stop it may be too conflicted with her own feelings to save her home, her friends, her country... herself. Will she even be able to reach the answers hidden in the shadows?

After all... some things are best left forgotten.

This is the sequel to "The Eversleep". It is not necessary to read that story first.
Cover art commissioned by DragonMew: http://dragonmew.deviantart.com/#/d55frrj

Chapters (35)

Rainbow Dash accidently pranks Princess Celestia. Her life is basically over.

Cover art by Thresha8

Chapters (15)

When Rainbow Dash suddenly proclaims her love and adoration for a certain 'Miss Sparkle' and tells her friends the story of how the unicorn 'fixed' her, the girls are hesitant to take the situation at face value. However, even they can't deny it when the facts begin to build into a case against Twilight. Twilight claims innocence but her words sound like hollow excuses and obvious lies. The four of them are left wondering if Twilight Sparkle is truly the hero she once was or if she has finally allowed her true nature to show: the nature of a heartless psychopath.

[ Spoilers in the comments... So many spoilers... :twilightsheepish: ]

[ 'Miss Sparkle' occurs a few months before Twilight's ascension, early in the spring of Twilight's second year in Ponyville. According to my version of the chronological timeline, the only episodes of the first three seasons that have yet to take place are (in chronological order) "Wonderbolts Academy", "Just for Sidekicks", "Games Ponies Play", "Spike At Your Service", "Keep Calm and Flutter On" and "Magical Mystery Cure". ]

[ The cover art was made by the oh-so-generous tehmisiu. Thanks again! :heart: ]

[ 'Miss Sparkle' placed first in (Incoming spoiler of story-ruining proportions!) Blundy's TwiDash Framed Challenge! Thank you all so much for your support! ]

[ To top it off, Twilight's Library found it worthy of being added to their shelves. I'm at a loss for words as I write this, and I probably will be when you read this too. Just... Thank you. Thank you all so much. ]

Chapters (17)

Fashion shifts fast-forward for Rarity one fateful summer day. It's the day that her four future selves, each carrying a magical time amulet, show up in her studio! But will her destiny, her sister Sweetie Belle’s destiny – and the future for all Equestria for that matter - be irrevocably changed by what they tell her?

Update: Wow, put in 'Featured', 'Twilight's Library', and 'Celestia's Library'! I am honored.
Update to the Update: I'm on Equestria Daily? I am honored and flattered!!
Update to the Update to the Update: Youtube Video review by Strebiskunk!
Update to the Update to the...oh, you know the drill by now: 'Time Enough' has just been added to the elite 'Royal Guard' group of stories, huzzah!

Chapters (1)


Prince Tempo and Gleaming Shield didn't get exactly what they expected when they got married. Flowers and roses are nowhere to be found in the torrent that is their daily life together. One fiasco follows another and they find themselves apart more and more often. Having concluded the latest trouble in the Crystal Empire, neither unicorn nor alicorn wished for another problem. It's unfortunate that Queen Oscura was such a paranoid ruler, as an overlooked trap ends with the royal couple in another impossible scenario. As time stands still, a disillusioned prince begins to wonder if escape is even desirable.

A short adventure that teaches the two a little bit about each other.

1. Timeline is roughly between The Crystal Empire and Just for Sidekicks episodes.
2. You may wish to get familiar with the genderswapped names if you are not already. Several variations exist but there is a handy list of the more common ones at MLPGenderswap on deviantART.
3. I occasionally make use of fanon in my fics. However, I do NOT adhere to it.
4. Alternate Universe only because it's genderswap. As fimfiction.net lacks this category, it ends up as AU.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (7)

Prince Dusk Shine and Eris are at a bar. Eris gets drunk off a potato. Eris acts as expected.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

His date has been cancelled.

He has to work a double shift.

And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar...

Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

Edited by MythrilMoth.
Special thanks to Weeping Angel for pre-reading and JaquelinDreamz for permission to use her artwork.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle is lonely. She didn’t realise it for the longest time, but when she met her friends, she began to understand she was lacking something in her life. Over time, she further understood that friendship was not all there was to knowing other ponies. And every year, a particular day comes around and reminds her of her romantic situation.

Even now that she's a princess, Hearts and Hooves day manages to remind Twilight that, once again, she is without a very special somepony. But, unbeknownst to her and those that will be involved, the end of this Hearts and Hooves day will herald the start of something wonderful for the new alicorn. Something strange and altogether new.

In fact, one could go so far as to say it will be quite curious.


Written for the 2014 AppleDashLight competition.
3rd place! Woohoo!

Cover image used with the kind permission of RatofDrawn.

Pre and proof-read by:

Chapters (5)

The Elements of Harmony, rather than destroying Nightmare Moon, separated Princess Luna from her evil side. Free from her 'weaker' half, Nightmare Moon sets her sights on a world ravaged by bigotry and war to establish a kingdom of her own-Earth, but not the Earth that we know.

A crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Code Geass.

Artwork by gavalanche.

Chapters (15)