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A decade after Princess Celestia dies and names Twilight Sparkle her successor, Equestria splits along racial and partisan lines. Equestria's cities have declared independence and are at war.

The conflict engulfs Ponyville. Teenage Pound and Pumpkin Cake team up, using their talents of flight and magic to protect their loved ones. But the twins later join polar opposite factions of the war, and now their rivalry risks plunging all of Equestria into ruin...

The story complies with season 1-3 canon, but differs from the comics and season 4 onward.

Chapters (51)

Princess Twilight Sparkle holds a wake in the memory of Derpy Hooves after a terrible accident tears the mailmare to pieces. This tragedy affects everypony in Ponyville, and close friends preparing for the funeral find themselves coming together in ways they never have before, sharing their deepest feelings, their tender memories, and their most delicate secrets. They even agree to take care of Dinky, fostering Derpy's orphaned daughter into a bright and promising future.

It would all be very noble if Derpy were actually dead.

Cover art by Darkflame
Special Thanks to Props and Warden

Chapters (8)

Sometimes we forget why things are the way they are. Sometimes we don't know why we do the things we do. And sometimes, there are those who change it, whether through intense courage or complete idiocy. Change can either be good or bad, but even when a change is good, it may happen for all the wrong reasons.

Someday I'm going to do a completely different version of this story which will be longer and more thorough, but until then enjoy the current edition.

Chapters (1)

A long, long time ago, the necromancer Grogar conquered the city of Tambelon for his own nefarious purposes. Working together, the princesses Celestia and Luna were able to banish Grogar and the fallen city into the realm of Shadow, never to be seen again...or so they thought.

Two thousand years later, Tambelon and Grogar return - and the world may never be the same...

A Lunaverse story, and the premier of Season 2!

Corona Rises!

Chapters (14)

She was an alicorn, It was expected she'd be prepared for everything. She was prepared for anything. Celestia however had still managed to trick her. Having received her envoys on numerous occasions, Britannia now had to contend with two of the more special 'guests' Celestia could have sent.. and figure out just what she thinks of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her companion, Discord. Was it possible Discord really had changed or was it just a fluke? and what about Princess Twilight Sparkle? Had she been just a lucky unicorn or was she truly deserving of the title of Alicorn Princess? My entry in the Buck 2013 Fanfic competition

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle discovers that the library's archive of movies is incomplete, and missing a mysterious film known only as Attack of the Smooze! Armed with nothing more than a list and Pinkie Pie, Twilight sets out to find this lost piece of cinema, and along the way hopefully discover why every pony in Ponyville refuses to talk about it.

Chapters (1)

Grogar, the lord of evil in the form of a goat, has grown weary of his imprisonment in the Shadow Realm. He contemplates the many failed aspects of his life, and even tries taking it. But, as always, his faithful servant Bray manages to convince him otherwise. Based on a Scene from 'Hook'.

Chapters (1)

On their wedding night, as they experienced the afterglow of their love making, a young alicorn princess and a young royal guard officer contemplate with each other on how two ordinary ponies such as themselves were blessed with so much.

Was their love by chance, or destiny?

Chapters (1)

You love a certain white unicorn and she loves you, but why does it scare you so much to commit? You've done everything together, so why is it so hard to think about marrying her? It's not like you don't want to, but just the thought is enough to send you into a panic attack. Will Rarity be able to help you overcome? Or will everything just... Fall apart?

This is one of the works I've been commissioned to do by a certain fan who wanted to see a sequel to my previous story "Freudian Slip". In this story, there's going to be twists, turns, shockers, and show stoppers. Just wait and see and prepare yourself to laugh, be afraid, cry, and d'awww. This is going to be 10 chapters long, 6000 words each. I'll try to update it regularly with the rest of my work, but things have been pretty erratic lately. Wish me luck!

Chapters (11)

Retiring as Colonel of the Equestrian Air Force, you figured the rest of your days would be spent sipping a mai-tai by the beach... Not wet work. But after Queen Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, traitors are a plenty and the Princesses need someone they can trust... Someone like you.

So welcome to the world of espionage and counter-intelligence.

One of my commissioned works in the development. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (11)