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Featured 15 August 2013. Thank you for the support!
Approved by Twilight's Library

Twilight Sparkle and her friends are called to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration at request of Princess Celestia and stumble into a new and terrifying adventure with the discovery of an alien: a creature with an apparent vast intelligence and a strange case of amnesia. Now, the arrival of old friends, powerful allies and new dangers lead to a new age in Equestria- both for the better and for the worse...

Proofread and Edited by: _Demosthenes_
Image Owned by: Korbox

*This story has multiple major cross references to many famous fictions, primarily the Halo Universe, the Mass Effect Universe and the Dead Space Universe.*

Memoirs of Insanity Series:
Part I: Precursors
Part II: Time

Currently being edited and rewrote to accommodate for the new Hyperverse Canon. Chapters completed: Two*

Chapters (26)

It's the 2097, and the world is under the threat of total domination by the Novaya Russian, ruled by a cyber, Grigor II, successor of Grigor I, a very ambitious man that wanted to renwal the old power of Russia.
The only hope for the world for stay free are a couple of agents, Sergei Molotov, a russian traitor, and Molly Ryan, an ameircan super agent.
The two are sent back in time for stop the Grigor's ascension... but what happens if you mess with timelines too far ? Well.... you might end in a dimension full of equine horses along with your worst enemy, if you are unlucky enough.

Empire Earth crossover, I will try to be clearest as possible, but you might understand it better if you actually play the caimpaign. The character will be added as the story progresses.

All rights reserved.

Original cover art of Adcoon on DevianTArt, modified by me.

Chapters (2)

A few years have passed since Princess Luna was purged of the evil known as Nightmare Moon by the Elements of Harmony. She took back her rightful place on the throne of Equestria at her sisters side.
On a sunny day, a couple of seemingly mundane events trigger memories long forgotten. Memories of a secret Luna hast kept to herself for far too long. Facing Celestia won't be easy. But she has no choice. It is her duty to care for her subjects, and she has to retake the responsibility she could not fulfill while banished to the moon.

In terms of full disclosure, the story got a review by TheifofZ.

What has happened since her disappearance? What will she find? A joyful reunion or devastation? What happened to her Children of the Night?

Inspired by Children of the Night. Cover art is a screenshot from the video. I do not know if there is an "official" story for the Children of the Night and I do not claim mine to be "canon" in the context of the video. These are just my thoughts on what might have happened back in the days.

This story takes place right before the season 4 finale.

Chapters (4)

When TFS collides with the universe of ponies all hell breaks loose and its a good thing I wrote down what happened.

Oh my god this thing got featured! Cool. (6/19/14)

I inspired something! Daughter of Darkness It's really good, you should check it out.

Chapters (16)

“But there is something you should know, Queen of the Changelings. You haven’t hurt me or my people half as much as you’ve hurt your own.”

"So the question you must ask yourself now," The princess concluded, "Is what you intend to do about it?"

Cover made by the very awesome Conicer. Go thank him!

Chapters (6)

When Celestia leaves for the Griffin Kingdoms on a diplomatic mission, Princess Luna is left in charge. However, when Celestia is captured and held by the Kingdoms' ruler King Aeris and Equestria is invaded, Luna must lead the resistance from the depths of the Everfree Forest in her first real trial since coming home.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to For Queen and Country

Twilight Sparkle always had a feeling that ponies were not alone in the universe. When he arrived in Equestria, she was proven right.

After he uncovered and subsequently overthrew a plot to kill the two princesses, they sent him back to his world. However, the curiosity of Princess Celestia was still unsatisfied. She had a glimpse of this other world through the mind of this one man, this agent of a service known as 'MI6', but wanted to know more. To this end, she resolved to send her former student there, in an effort to understand more of the human race and, perhaps, meet their mutual friend once again.

Who was this friend, you ask?

Bond. James Bond.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle's 500th Birthday

Five years have passed since the events of that fateful morning. Smarty Pants and her friends set off on an adventure of a lifetime to discover the secrets of the past when they awaken a… oh wait, that would be spoiling it!

Many questions from the first story will be answered! New questions will arise. Lunch will be had, pies will be thrown, blood will be kept inside bodies because seriously, ew blood, you guys.

- Cover art commissioned by HAK2. Check out his other stuff, too.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse.
- This story was written and completed (except for the epilogue) before Season 4 of MLP:FiM aired.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord go read his story, too!

Chapters (17)

Visiting her sister was nice. A degree in rock science was within her grasp. There was just one last thing nagging at her. She had a mission to complete. It was that time of the month again. Time to pay a visit to the House of Enchanted Comics.

This idea suddenly came to me, and I just had a super burst of inspiration. I'm a big fan of classic 1960's Marvel comics, so this was a joy to write for me personally. Not only that, but I adore Maud, which should be fairly obvious.

I'm assuming there are plenty of other fics with a superhero named Iron Mare (I didn't check) but I decided to stick with the name anyway. It just fit too perfectly. I was considering changing it to Super Maud but I just couldn't get over Iron Mare. Hope somepony out there enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds #12: "While it was nice to meet Pinkie and her friends, Maud Pie must now return to her regular life. She never did let Pinkie know about her other side..."

Chapters (1)

During a casual conversation with his brother, Rumble was challenged by Thunderlane to say 'yes' to any and every question thrown at him. If Rumble won, he would get the game he always wanted. Rumble agreed, but this agreement backfires when Scootaloo, who he had been friends with for sometime, asks him out on a date.

This cannot end well.

Proofreader: sparks2037

Special thanks to Timemaster for helping out with the description.

Special thanks to SomeoneLostInTheWorld, psp7master, and Weeping Angel for editing it.

Featured 3/14/14

Edit: Any errors left will be edited later on.

Chapters (1)