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In all honesty, Twilight Sparkle never had much plans for romance. Sure, she occasionally dreamed about finding that one special somepony, but she never had the chance nor the motivation to actively seek him. I mean, all good things come to those who wait, right?

However, when ‘that one special somepony’ is forcibly shoved right in Twilight’s face, it becomes a whole different ball game.

Chapters (3)

This is pretty much a self-insert, mostly done for comedic purposes.
After a mishap with an invention of mine, a friend and I find ourselves in the magical land of Equestria. How will the peaceful land of Equestria handle the influx of two humans? Will Jay and I ever find a way back home? Will anyone give this story a fair shot? Read and find out.
Things that actually involve MLP:FiM begin in the second chapter.

Chapters (73)

Twilight gets a distressing letter from Celestia and rushes to Canterlot.
What happened to the princess? What is Luna up to? Why do I sound like the narrator to a bad crime drama?
The first chapter is inspired by a drawing from JohnJoseco. The rest will be my own madness doing its part.

Chapters (20)

An Unlikely Duet

With the defeat of the Royal Equestrian Expeditionary Force in Europe during the summer of 1940 and subsequent evacuation of the survivors from Dunkirk Equestrias government now stands alone against the building storm.

The once reserved and proper classical cellist Octavia is approached by a member of a newly formed Equestrian intelligence division and asked to do her part for the nation. In this strange dark world of sabotage, espionage and guerilla warfare Octavia finds a beacon of hope in the friendship of a Jazz pianist. However, despite her years of training some things you can never truly be prepared for and the most important lessons are learned the hard way.

(The cover photo for this story is one I took myself featuring the two cellos I own and have performed on for nearly 18 years)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is seen as a hero to all the ponies of Equestria. She not only stopped Nightmare Moon, but she also aided in sealing Discord and helped in preventing a changeling invasion. She however doesn't see herself as a hero, for all of her achievement she had to depend on the powers of others. Just once she would like to know that she can protect her friends herself, and not be the one that always needs saving.

During the first day of her one year leave to return to Canterlot, a strange meeting with Princess Luna opens the door to a great mystery, and a chance to gain the strength she desires. There's only one catch. This strength she can only attain with the help of Princess Luna, who also requires her help in protecting Equestria.

Twilight just has one question. Why does Luna keep calling her "Master"?

Chapters (2)

Centuries ago, pony-kind warred and squabbled against one another over land, food, power, and even ideology. However, those years of strife came to an end when one creature from beyond the vale stepped out before them and laid law into the war torn land. It was then that the creature that stood against all pony-kind united all races and brought to them a new empire. An empire where pony-kind, gryphon-kind, dragon-kind, and all-kinds could live as one under a creature that was alone in this world.

This was the Crystal Empire... And she was Megan.

Art done by: Equestria-Prevails

Chapters (8)

Good morning, afternoon, night, or whenever you're reading this. My name is Edward, aka 'patient 42', and I am currently residing in an insane asylum.
I suppose it all started When the ruler of this place called Equestria tasked her personal student, Twilight Sparkle, to travel to Earth and study the human race.
Unfortunately for Twilight, when she teleported to our world she, well... she appeared in the middle of the road. Right in front of my car. Needless to say, this put a pretty big dent in her expedition. ...as well as my car's bumper.

Sounds crazy, right? But hey, maybe thats the reason why I'm in this cell.
Point is, The story I'm about to tell you is the tale of events sparked by that ill-fated night.

note: In this plane of existence, the franchise "My Little Pony" does not exist. In short; this is not, nor will it ever be, a 'brony meets pony' story.
Also, on a more recent note, I had this idea and began writing way back in S2, so this is in no way inspired by EqG. (also, its non-alicorn twilight)

Chapters (5)

Up until her heart was stolen from the pages of romantic musical overture, Octavia had given little thought to her ever falling in love.

Up until he was, by chance, introduced to Octavia, Sketchy Sounds would never have thought it possible that he'd meet the mare of his dreams.

Both were proven wrong though, and it has now been some time since that fateful day. As they embark on a new journey along the path life lays out before them, the future is filled with new challenges and events that will change how they see the world around them.

Their friends, too, will be faced with changes and trials that will mould them anew.

This is a tale of the everyday, and how destiny can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary in the blink of an eye.

This is a tale of friends and family, of laughter and loss, of love and of life.

This is a tale of who we are, and where we are going.

This... is Sketchy Salad Serenata.

(This is a direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Reading of the former is not necessary, but highly recommended.)

Chapters (21)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Mainly awesome. But romantic, certainly not. Of all the ponies who would attempt a forbidden romance, nopony would have thought she would.

Now she finds herself head over hooves in love with a mortal enemy of the country. On top of that, she has to face the one group of ponies she's terrified of rejecting her new found romance: her best friends.

[Tales of the Carnageverse]

Note: This story was created as a prompt from the RD Random Shipping Game. The game required you to roll a dice and depending on the number, you would then write a 100-500 word ship with a corresponding character. I got number 13 which was a male changeling. The rest of the story is a continuation from the prompt.

Cover Art: The Maiah

Editors: DemonRykuKyuubi, mikemeiers, Cerulean Starlight.

Chapters (18)

In the planes of Astra an ancient evil stirs. An evil that would cover Equestria in darkness starting with a kingdom by the name of Rethien. The fabled Captain Britannia has been captured and tortured by a figment of this evil. She is one of the only ponies who could possibly stop this evil from plunging equestria into an age of darkness and pain Can she free herself in time or is Equestria doomed?

This story came to life for the fanfiction contest of B.U.C.K. Unfortunately I didn't win and nor did I place. Be warned though. This is the prequel to something much bigger that I could not finish in 1000 words or under for the contest.

Chapters (1)