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One Shot - Celestia and the ponies of Equestria are posed to start opening conversion bureas on Earth, however they didn't count on the horror that is government workers with paperwork.

Join a low-level government inspector as he travels across universes to deliver a fine to Princess Celestia.

Will he manage to bring the right forms?
Will he avoid being gored by angry unicorn-pegasi with their sharp, shiny horns?
Will he use his brain and think outside of the box?

Probably not, he is government after all.

Chapters (1)

We all have to accept the consequences of our actions. Sunset Shimmer learns this when she decides to return to Equestria with Twilight Sparkle and face Princess Celestia's judgement. Knowing full well that she did something wrong, she expects to be punished. However, sometimes our punishments are not what we expect.

A what-if scenario for the ending of Equestria Girls

Cover art provided by: MLPegasis4898
Art used with permission

Chapters (1)

Off shoot of: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Off the Record.

After several nights filled with horrible dreams, Rarity comes face to face with the dark side of her soul in her sleep, as it attempts to convince her that she is truly a horrible pony on the inside.

During this battle within Rarity, the entity that once controlled Princess Luna takes notice of her momentary weakness, and decides to use the opportunity to seize one of the Elements of Harmony, as to guarantee her safety from being sealed away once again.

However, the overflowing dominance from Rarity and her dark side, starts to crawl into Nightmare's mind, making her question whether or not she should continue with trying to conquer Equestria, or perhaps take a different route.

Cover art here! It was money well spent!


Chapters (2)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

"I'm pregnant."

Pinkie decides to prank Sombra on April Fools just to poke some fun at him, but her plan backfires when his reaction isn't what she thought it'd be.

Chapters (1)

Adam is a good friend of Princess Cadance, and has been for the past year.

But when the Crystal Princess finds her request for snuggles denied, her mind breaks and she quickly kidnaps him for nefarious reasons.

He never stood a chance.

Uploaded at 10.20 AM. Written in about twenty minutes for April Fools, Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Button Mash has finally convinced his mother to let him stay home alone while his family goes out for a few days, assuring his mother that nothing will go wrong.

Needless to say, something does go wrong. After burning the kitchen in a fire, Button Mash gets the brilliant idea on how to make sure his mother doesn't kill him. He's going to fake his death!

With no other choice, (Mostly thanks to blackmail) Button's friends must help him fool the town into thinking he's dead but he'll have to figure out a way out of this mess or his mother will bury him six feet for real.

Thanks to my Pre-Readers: DbzorDie and Zaphod

Thanks to my Editors: Obselescence and Seether00

Thanks to Kill Joy for the cover art

Chapters (5)

Maud isn't like other earth ponies. She's special, like her sister.

She can hear a voice, a voice from another world. At first it torments her, then comforts her, then befriends her. Naturally, Maud does the rational thing: she falls in love.

But will it last?

Chapters (1)

The Ponyville hospital is in crisis. The psych ward is overflowing with ponies displaying the symptoms of a peculiar new disease, and Dr. Stable is baffled by their resistance to all but the most extreme of treatments.

Meanwhile, nurse Gentle Mint does her best to treat the infected ponies, but her secret changeling nature poses a risk to the entire hospital. She is trapped- reveal too much, and she will be sent to the Canterlot dungeons for interrogation, but reveal too little, and the ponies under her care will begin to die.

Chapters (1)

It is the year 2038, and the Earth is slowly being consumed by a space-borne monstrosity dubbed the Black Tide, which is using nanotechnology to remake the planet into something hideously alien.

Erin Olsen works for Project Harmonics, humanity's last-ditch effort to find a new world before the Tide can wipe them out. But when that world is found, and it turns out to be occupied, Erin will need to find the courage to face the unknown in order to save the inhabitants of both worlds.

(Many thanks to Easteu for the fantastic cover image for this story!)

Now with its own TV Tropes page

There is now a follow-up to this story: Sunflower - Side Projects
Sequel: Project Sunflower: Harmony

Chapters (35)