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Ponyville's premier pranksters pull Ponyville's princess into their latest prank, but after the town's rumor mill completely misconstrues the situation, Twilight finds herself in rather hot water.
Still, maybe getting that license isn't ALL bad...

Now with 100% more dramatic readings!

Chapters (1)

Stephen finds himself as a pony in Ponyville at night while he sleeps. Convinced he's dreaming, he tries to deduce why he's having these dreams. While doing so, he's invited by the Mane 6 to join them in investigating the disappearances of ancient artifacts from museums around Equestria. Stephen must learn how to use his talents to overcome fear and exhaustion while juggling his 9-to-5 job during the day and seemingly sleepless nights under the guides of our favorite ponies.

Cover Image Sources:

Chapters (27)

Three hundred years before the banishment of Nightmare Moon, the world was a very different place—and some ponies lived very different lives. A pegasus who serves the gryphons of Eaglesburg is fed up with the way he and his fellow ponies are treated. But escape from the cruel gryphon overlords seems impossible, and he has little hope.

Then his grandfather tells him of a legend—a young country ruled by kind pony princesses, where pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies can live peacefully. The pegasus and his earth pony friend, along with a small unicorn filly who is in immediate danger from her gryphon masters, make a daring escape. They head north toward their only hope for freedom—the land of Equestria.

Chapters (10)

(Credit to Primogenitor34 for Cover-Art)
(Credit to smellyfeetyouhave and Thunder Blaze for the old cover-art)
(Now 20% CYOA... okay maybe a little more than that. Please use the [Continue] option to go from Chapter to Chapter. If you just want the straight up story, go green)

"It's going to be a long night..."

When a mansion appears out of nowhere in the outskirts of town, The Mane 6, are all invited to a housewarming by Specter Yield, the owner of the strange mansion. Hours after they leave to attend the party, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find themselves in this mansion. Eventually, Sweetie Belle finds herself alone in this massive mansion, trying to save her friends, and discovering the truth behind this haunted mansion. Will she be able to rescue her friends... and possibly all of Equestria from the ghostly presence?

Chapters (44)

A great cataclysmic event is upon Equestria. Soon, all of the planet will be consumed in fire and death. Ponykind's only hope is to send Celestia's dearest student and her friends to an entirely new world and use the Elements of harmony to establish a link and help Equestria escape. But even with a formidable Royal Guard escort and the power of the Elements of Harmony, the chances of success are slim to none. But even the slimmest chance of survival is always preferable to certain death.

On Earth, Lance Corporal David Beckett of the USMC, a devoted husband and expectant father, just wants to survive his tour of duty in the Israeli/Syrian War and get home. Unfortunately, it won't be that simple.

Side story and partial sequel here: A New World, A New Threat: Of Their Own Accord, written by TheCrazyMan.

Chapters (4)

Lyra loves Bonbon. Bonbon loves Lyra. They love their parents. Their parents love them. But will their parents themselves get along when sitting down for dinner?

Episode 22 of season one of the Lunaverse.

Chapters (6)

The citizens of Equestria once fought for their prosperity. Scarcely anything remains of that history. Over ten years ago Stratos Lucid began to unravel one aspect of that past. Through his battles against an ancient entity, he gained incredible friends and allies. Yet Stratos was merely a human, not a savior. They knew Krastos would kill him, as it had many before. Magic and technology can only do so much.

But it was not for nothing: Stratos kept his promise.

(Special thanks to JessyRuiz (http://jessyruiz.deviantart.com/) for the cover image)

Chapters (34)

After Princess Celestia appoints Twilight Sparkle and her friends to be ambassadors to Earth, they decide to introduce themselves to the humans by appearing in a horse show, but they need someone to get them ready. They call on Megan, the legendary warrior who guarded ponykind in days of yore. Megan has banished or slain countless demons, but can she convince the ponies to hold still long enough for her to braid their manes?

This crosses over with G1, but should be accessible to all.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Featured in The Royal Guard.

Now with its own TVTropes page!

Editing and fact-checking by Horsegirl123. Additional editing by Portmeirion.

Big thanks to Trinityinyang for the cover art!

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

A long time ago, there were four friends. Two were ponies from Equestria, but one was an angel from Elysium, and the other was a demon of Tartarus. None of that mattered to them though, as they grew up, they tried to ignore their destinies, hoping that their friendship would prevail over fate. Oh how wrong they were.

Rarity now finds herself alone, trapped inside Elysium, given more questions at every checkpoint and forced to see memories of a past she shouldn't have any connection to. Why is she here? What do the angels mean mean that "her life isn't hers"?

And who is Vale?

This is a vital part of the Inner Demons series. Recommend reading Inner Demons first.

New cover art by The Spectralist

When did this happen?! Fragments of Truth added to the TV Tropes page?!

Chapters (12)

Princess Celestia, in order to better understand what exactly makes a spirit chaotic and how to stop it, chances a contract with her oldest and greatest enemy. Inside his domain and subjected to his will, she will find herself tested to the breaking point as sins of the past and hopes for the future collide in a battle of the minds that will have further reaching consequences than she could ever have imagined.

Note: So the continuity has been a bit skewed by my prolonged absence, the story splits off from the show right after the beginning of Season 2.

Cover image by Conicer

Special thanks to the Academy for editing, pre-reading, and their overall support!

Chapters (2)