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Equestria has fallen. A horrific cataclysm has destroyed all semblance of life, and only one pony remains. Twilight Sparkle's last journal entry is the only remaining evidence left to describe the tragedy that has descended upon her and her friends.

Cover image by Imalou

Fanfic reading by FlameTuned

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... The end of days are fast approaching...

Twilight faced her darkness and made peace with it. Now she can face who she is, and not a moment too soon. The greatest battle in Equestrian history is about to begin, and she'll need to understand just how deep the darkness in her heart goes in order to face the threats to come. However, in preparation for the worst event in Equestrian history, she'll have to protect a mare that may be the key to everyone's destruction. Even worse, she has to deal with an old enemy/former friend that's intent on saving the world her way, which means killing the life that Twilight wishes to protect. But can a demon truly do an angel's job, or is Twilight simply deluding herself?

"Can I atone for my sins...?"

For years Diamond Tiara has been contending with dark feelings, night terrors, and blackouts she can't explain. When Apple Bloom, the love of her life, was here, she could handle it. Now that Apple Bloom is gone though, Diamond Tiara's sanity is slipping, and she's becoming something horrible. Good news, she's beginning to understand what she is now. Bad news, she hates it, because the more she learns, the less likely it seems she can be saved.

"Wh-what am I?! Apple Bloom, help me!"

She is the Guardian of Equestria, sworn to defend the golden land of Terra from any and all threats. Vale's life was saved by a Unicorn who's heart was more pure than even her own, but now she has to carry on her life and continue her own mission. That should be simple, except for three things standing in her way. Midnight has once again chosen to stand against her, the lover of the one who saved her won't leave her alone, and strange foreign emotions plague her, hindering her mission. All she knows is that something in her heart is saying this isn't right.

"What's holding me back...?"

These three, and others surrounding them, will play an integral part in the events over the next month. As for what their places on the board are, unfortunately that's not entirely up to them.

Note: if you haven't read the other stories yet, STOP NOW and read the following:
Inner Demons
Inner Demons: 10 Years and Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth (these can be read in any order, but only after Inner Demons)

Cover Art by my friend The Spectralist!

Inner Demons II added to the TV Tropes page?! WHAT?! Go here to read it!

Chapters (15)

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive those who oppose it? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ PON3?

Fic is based off the premise set forth in Charlaine Harris' books "The Southern Vampire Mysteries."

NEW COVER ART! Tangled Up In Bue by Kare Valgon on Deviantart


or comment on the artist's user page hereswift-blaze

The characters are still ponies and not humans but this wonderful author specializes in drawing human figures. Go check her out and leave her some love! Thank u so much swift-blaze

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to You Can Fight Fate

Time loops? The end of existence as we know it? Fate itself conspiring against you? Who has the energy to deal with that kind of thing?

Not Cloud Kicker, that's for sure. She's a mare who knows what she wants out of life. An easy job, a nice house, and an endless supply of potential banging partners. Then one day a simple little flower vendor moves in down the street and everything starts to change.

As a side story to the main Time Loop Trilogy, you can expect massive spoilers in the comments for both the original stories and unwritten chapters of this one.

Chapters (18)

When it is discovered that a book containing hidden magic from a young Starswirl the Bearded is located deep within the Griffon Kingdom. Twilight and her #1 assistant team up with The Crystal Kingdom's newest guard for a bradical adventure about teamwork, friendship, and the (awkward but cute) art of waifu stealing.

Chapters (13)

If you think that your day is a little too short,
With too much to do for twenty-four hours,
Then you fall back on the final resort,
And go back in time with your magical powers.

Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, comes to the conclusion that she doesn't have anywhere near enough time to do everything on her busy schedule. Not a problem for her, though. The solution to having no time is obvious: just make some more.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle doesn't always have the easiest life, but maybe she can bear it, with a little help.

Cover Art by feather-chan. Many thanks!

Chapters (1)

Trixie has never been nice to really any pony.
"It's a psychological protection system, designed to protect her ego."
After a few days of bad or worse luck, Trixie nearly starves, but is taken in by a protective doctor, who recently lost his wife to disease, his heart searching for love, he tried to look for love in Trixie.

Chapters (4)

After becoming an alicorn princess, Twilight receives a new pair of wings. Celestia and Luna comfort her in their own way before her coronation. What they should've done was teach her how to hide her arousal.

This story was written in the midst of the "alicorn Twilight" hysteria which permeated the brony fandom in the weeks leading up to the season three finale.

Chapters (1)

Applejack steps out of her barn to discover that her home is gone, and the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres has been transformed into a beach. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is opening up a juice bar on her front lawn, Pinkie Pie's dancing the hula, and Big McIntosh is getting his groove on. And she soon realizes that her troubles have only just begun.

Chapters (1)