• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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so everyone this is my first story on this site. i made others on da but i like to post it here first time.

this story takes place after five years of being trapped in a zombie-infested city. one man by the named joseph angel delemarte is saved from a untimely death and sent to the land of equestria. upon coming to this world he finds out more than he knew about even himself and is given the chance to use his power to save the ponies of equestria. but along the way an evil dictator has enter the land and threatens to destroy equestria. will angel and the mane 6 stop this man and will he find true love again. well wait and see

please no bad comment please

Chapters (9)

A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

Chapters (21)

Nightfall is over Equestria and the moon shines brightly as Princess Luna protects her subjects. However, a creature comes to Equestria in the night, crash landing inside the Everfree. Its arrival will spark a search for things forgotten and bring terrors into the peaceful land. Luna must put the pieces of a mighty puzzle together to protect her ponies, but enemies are around every corner and allies are few and far in-between.

Chapters (41)

A bond between friends can be weak or it can be strong. The one between Jason and Celestia can't be measured. One of life's many events decides to unfold at the worst time and Jason can only call for the Princesses to help.

The third story in the 'Jason & Celestia' line. This story follows Return To The Haven.

Chapters (4)

A Collab with RainbowBob, the genius brain that brought you Hades is Such a Great Neighbor and Seriously?

Gordon Ramsay, head of the Hell's Kitchen tournament grows tired of working with humans that are the same every year. The drama of men pitted against women has just grown overly tiring, so he has an idea...

With the help of Celestia and Luna, he brings the show to Equestria for the 11th season! 18 ponies, all of which have different levels of cooking. All have a will to win the ultimate prize: Hell's Kitchen and 250,000 bits. Friends turn against each other as the heat of the kitchen causes heat amongst their friendships.

The team that wins each round is judged by the happiness of the diners, the overall skill that they show in the kitchen, and for the first time, each service will have three judges. Celestia, Luna, and Discord!

Will their friendships collapse? Will Gordon Ramsay find the power of friendship? Will Derpy ruin everything? Will Discord turn the entire restaurant upside down?

But most of all... Who will win?

Chapters (2)

When Altair, Ezio, and Connor wake up in Equestria with one Apple of Eden, they must learn to cooperate with the locals, or face punishment and torture, or so they think.
WARNING: Spoiler Alert in first chapter for AC games.
In no way related to My Little Halo.
All products within story belong to their respective owners.
And lastly, no; Legend is not Master Chief in THIS story.

Chapters (4)

Luna has been plagued by visions of an apocalyptic future ruled by necromorphs. There is hope, however; she has also seen a creature able to effectively slay the necromorphs, as well as destroy their markers. But will he help them?

No previous knowledge of Dead Space is Required.
Takes place during the Dead Space 3 ending, as well as the Dead Space 3 DLC "Awakened"

Chapters (2)

This is a sequel to Team Stable 2.

With the RED fighting a mechanical menace, who else but the citizens of Ponyville to join the fun?

(Now with more characters!)

Chapters (10)

Trained under the watchful eye of the man that ended a war brought about the land. Dante, a young man that was trained under Corvo Attano, the Lord Protecter, the Living Shadow, the Nightwalker. And many other names that were given to the character he played in the war.

Betrayed by the very ones he trusted. Corvo was granted the power to fight back, but instead of taking his revenge on those that wronged him. He used his powers to end the mindless war without ending a single life. And thanks to him, the rightful crown was returned the land of Gristol. But along the way, towards the end of his journey. Corvo found a young boy being attacked by a group of guards for no reason.

He watched from above as the young boy, although rather small fought back against the guards until Corvo saw that he needed to send this before they killed the child. To Dante the one before him was nothing more then another live he had saved but something was different about this one. For some reason Corvo felt compelled to take this child with him. And as he reached out to the boy. He saw it. The mark that he bore on his left hand, was the same on the right hand fo the young child.

"What is your name little one?"

The boy looked at the man in the mask before him. He held his hand out to him. He was afraid but at the same time he felt the person before him ment him no harm.

"My name is Dante."

Chapters (1)

They came to Earth in peace, all but looking for salvation. The world greeted them with open arms. The... Ponies... Were all nice and cheerful. Until... They wanted to take over the world, saying it is unfit for humanity. They attacked. They killed. They... Made humans into ponies. Humans fought back, but crumbled soon after. Except one. He fought with Queen Solar and Heaven King; Celestia and Luna's Mother and Father. He lost and was sealed in ice for two thousand years. Now he's back, and his trigger-finger is itchy for war.

BETA: Chaotic Pony

Cover Image: HeimoBauss

Chapters (6)