• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite, people. Seriously. Scroll down at your own risk.

After killing Booker, Elizabeth heads to Equestria to secure her existence as her past catches up to her. Equestria begins to suffer temporal and spacial disruptions.
May involve Eleanor Lamb and Bioshock 1/2 universe later on. I'm bad at descriptions, just give it a chance and read a bit.
Rated Teen to play it safe. I'm still pretty new to writing, so don't expect too much of me.

Chapters (1)

Engineer and Sniper, the RED team's campers, are pretty much the best friends one might see on a battlefield full of annoying teenagers with baseball bats and pyromaniacs who don't see things as they should. Engineer covers Sniper's back with Sentries, supplies the two of them with ammo, and in return, Sniper spychecks, defends Engineer, and gets rid of enemy Snipers.
However, after an incident involving a sapper, Razorback, and malfunctioning teleporter, the two are sent to a dimension where it's all the things Sniper and Engineer dislike. Nay, the things they hate. So how will the two get back to their camping, Nopeing, and Pissing? And why are the two replacements sent by the mysterious Grey Man so...mechanical?

Please. Somebody stop me from posting these stories. Rated Teen for mild language.

Chapters (19)

Warning: Anthroponies! Again if this displeases you, well that sucks.
Alternate version to It's always worth the price.
One night, John Dixon was working on a story for Fimfiction. He was about to hit the publish button when the most unexpected happened. What does one do when they become a character in their own story?

Chapters (18)

The Songbird, protector of the lamb of the flying city of Columbia was thought dead. Though as it would soon discover, his charge was not the only being able to open the mysterious tears. In the forest of this new land, he finds peace with the native animals. However, the urge to protect something, anything, would soon drive him to respond to the cheerful whistling of an equine with a penchant for protecting creatures like him, no matter how foreign they appeared.

No game spoilers, and the chapters that may contain vague spoilers are marked with a *
Contained within are the following characters from Bioshock Infinite: Songbird and the Luteces.

Chapters (6)

Commander James Bond was one of MI6's top operatives. Having succeeded in countless missions and bringing down international terrorists such as Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene, Bond is sent to Istanbul to retrieve a hard drive containing the names of every agent involved in undercover affairs. The hard drive in question has fallen into enemy hands, and it's his job to get it back.

After disastrous events in Istanbul during the mission, James finds himself in an unfamiliar land, and soon becomes entangled in a tale of international espionage.

Only one man can protect Equestria and its princesses in this new time of crisis, and his name's Bond.

James Bond.

A sequel has been published: An Equestrian Princess in London.

Chapters (13)

A human known only as 'Kid' finds himself sent to another world after a malfunction with The Bastion goes horribly wrong. As he explores this new world as a pony, he learns the Bastion didn't send him here by mistake and takes it upon himself to find out why. With the help of several others, can they help him learn of his mistakes? Or will the events of the Calamity continue to repeat in his world forever?

(Bastion x MLP crossover)

[Image courtesy of White-Pwny on Deviantart.com

Sequal to this story:: Return of the Ura

Chapters (21)

Sly Cooper: A cunning, devious, Thievius Raccoonus. However, that all changes when a thieving operation with his pals Bentley and Murray goes horribly wrong, thus causing Sly to suffer the perils of death. Sly, however, is given a second chance at life, yet as something else. He then reemerges in a new world to find himself plummeting towards a barn in Equestria, but with alterations to his body: His furry raccoon self gets morphed into that of a pony, yet his ringed tail and his family cane still remain with him. No matter how slick Sly can be, he isn't all that able to escape a certain orange cowpony wanting to check out what that crash was about....

Another attempt at a fan fiction. Hopefully, you guys can tell me what's wrong with this story via comments.

Once again, you guys are pretty awesome for wanting to read this.

Signed, ~S.W
*I own absolutely nothing from Sucker Punch, Sony, and Hasbro. The contents of this Fan fiction is theirs and theirs alone.*
*I also give credit to the creator of the coverart, THEPENMAN.*

Chapters (24)

How do I describe being stuck in a world filled with monsters that can easily kill me, a mask that can and will bring the moon down on my head, and being the only one of my kind? It's really...


(My first fiction, constructive criticism is welcomed)
HiE Fic with Zelda elements in it, written in a journal format. Takes place after season 2, but before season 3.

Chapters (8)

Bastion Crossover

"It was quite a time ago since we first set sail with the winds. The Kid, a person whom I call a friend, made the decision for us of what was to be done with this floating sanctuary. I expected him to set things right and make things go back to the way they were before the Calamity.

Boy was I ever wrong...

The Evacuation protocol had us travelling for quite a time. We traveled for weeks with just the company of ourselves. Not once did we ever expect to end up in a land populated by sentient ponies though. The times are just becoming stranger and stranger it seems..."

Chapters (4)

Four authors, eight characters, one labyrinth and a lot of violence. Oh this was a bad idea. How was alcohol not involved?

Four (in)famous Wastelanders find themselves unwillingly pulled into a place controlled by the mad goddess Katastrofis. Along for the ride are four ponies, each with a connection to one of the Wastelanders. Their task is simple: survival. But with the terrors of the labyrinth and the fickle nature of its mistress standing in their way, do they have any real hope?

Thomas and Luna (tony1685)
Ethan and Twilight (ed2481)
Scarlet and Celestia (Omega_code)
Aeron and Rainbow Dash (Shadowflash)
Events are non-canon to their home universes, though events mentioned may not be.

This is a collaborative piece, so give those guys some loving too. They're all great guys.

Chapters (23)