• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Cheating Death

Equestria is a land filled with many amazing myths, legends, ponies, creatures, and monsters. But what happens when something new is thrown into the mix?

After the events of 'Cheating Death', Felix awakes to find he had survived his excursion into Equestria. Now a much different man then when he first set out, Felix decides to go and explore the Equestrian countryside. Change isn't the only thing that followed Felix though, as Death, or Harvey Stir in this universe, has been made his guardian until the ramifications of his actions can be fully calculated by the celestial bureaucracy. Harvey Stir keeps a close eye on him, hoping that Felix won't cause any major problems.

Such as, being involved in a bank robbery, starting random musical numbers, getting captured by a murderous cult, setting fire to a nest of changelings, or inadvertently releasing a dark god of destruction from ages long past...

...Not that any of that would happen... right?

Special thanks to: Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, munomana, and Alamais.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part Five: Prisoner of Love

Twilight Sparkle and Geo have been together for a while now, and they think they've been through everything. But it would seem that, once again, Fate has other ideas. Now everything from evil kings to lords of chaos (as well as everything else in between) will require their attention.

Just another day at the office, then.


Part Six of the Geoverse.

Rated Teen for bad language, violence and suggestive sexual elements.

Each chapter will be set during or after a Season Three episode, with our three human protagonists thrown in.

Once again, the wonderful Crimson Star is my co-author.

All Bonus Chapters are canon except for the first one, and any with (NC) in the title.

Chapters (30)

(Just a quick note - the first few chapters do need re-writing. They were my first works in August 2012)

You know the saying 'Good things come to those who wait'.

Owen, from England, is just about to find out if that's true or not. Besides, he's waited long enough.

A Human x Luna story. This is based in a world where MLP is not known.

Highest Featured Box Position - 8th - 29th May 2013

Chapters (63)

This story is a sequel to A Place To Relax

It has been months since Celestia visited the human world and befriended Jason. After communicating with each other, Celestia is planning another visit. Although, she's not the only one who wants to go.

Join Jason as he once again welcomes a Princess into his home.

The third story in the Jason & Celestia storyline is now up - Welcome To The World

Chapters (5)

Everyone needs to relax once in a while - regardless of species.

The daily stresses of royal life has gotten too much for a particular pony. Her safe haven is about to be used for the first time in years. Unfortunately, someone's already there.

A sequel is now up! Return To The Haven

Chapters (3)

Ever wonder if that Mayan Calendar prediction actually came true? What the world be like if everyone panic? Then come and read the following tale of a human that this happens to.

The human will be given a choice to go anywhere. He decides to go to the one place where it is peaceful and know nothing of war, Equestria. He will go through hard points and other things as they are thrown at him.

This is my first story so please post comments and suggestions and I will update when necessary.

Chapters (56)

Two tekkit minecraftians, Matt the mage and Trent the engineer, are sent into Equestria following a catastrophic (Think resonance cascade, but on a very small scale) experiment in teleportation thanks to the element of magic's attempts at trans-dimensional communication. Will Matt find love [No, no he won't.]? Will Trent succeed in keeping Equestria from exploding in a very, very pretty sequence of fireballs? Will Twilight ever have peace in the library from the damnable macerator?

A'ight, here's a list of the mods that will make an appearance: Thaumcraft 3, Red Power 2, Industrial Craft 2, Gregtech, Equivalent Exchange 2, Buildcraft, ICBM, Twilight Forest. More may be added as time goes by.

Chapters (4)

Meet Brian. A simply character who likes to live the normal life, no unforeseen adventures or accidents for him, no sir! But one day, he has a rather unfortunate crossover with, who might as well be his complete opposite, a chaos spirit from another world, by the name of Discord. Also unfortunately, he had been holding a certain game at the time that mixes things up right and proper to bring a real zing to the situation. Will Brian be okay? No.

[Updates will take a while to arrive, due to school and other problems. Thank you for your patience.]

Cover-art done by the incredible and amazing and brilliant and- Okay fine; burned-up-wings. DeviantART. FimFiction.

Chapters (2)

Another mission gone wrong, what else is new. Its not like I got anything to look forward to, because they just want me dead. Thief, pickpocket, trespasser, assassin. I am these things, I cannot deny that fact, but they do not see beyond the methods. They will not look deeper. Watching them, what ever those things are, it is clear they are rather trusting. Maybe, just maybe its time to make a move.

Canceled due the fact that if I were to continue this I would have to go through extensive rewrite.

Chapters (11)

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

Currently rewriting first eight chapters and editing the rest of the story. Plot will be fundamentally the same, just the quality will significantly increase. There will be some story and character changes.

As of right now the story ramps in quality with some bumps due to edits.

Chapters (43)