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  • Favourites 0 stories - 435 unread chapters
    Created by Yad
    - October, 2014
Found 133 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 7,305,443
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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The element of loyalty is put to the ultimate test as she finds herself stranded in a foreign world with no idea where she is, how she got there or how she can even get back. When she is rescued by a small group of battle hardened soldiers on a secret search and rescue mission, she has no choice but to go with them if she wants to stay alive.

Soon she realises the seriousness of her situation as she finds herself on the front line on one of the worlds most fearsome battles.

WARNING: Contains strong language and graphic injury detiail.

Chapters (48)

A not so standard human-in-Equestria story including but not limited to: democracy, tequila, and robots.

Things escalate from there.

TV Tropes page

Now translated into Korean

Chapters (222)

When Fluttershy finds a page of a clopfic containing Spike and a certain white mare, the page finds itself in the hooves of many ponies it's been kept from. All of the clues seem to point to Spike, but is there more to this page than meets the eye?

Author's Note: Contains lines of some saucy material. Nothing to clop over, but it refers heavily to something you'd find in a clopfic. Don't read if you're offended by this sort of thing. I only rated it teen because it's pretty tame and there's very little of it, but if it's too much I can rate it mature and add up a "sex" tag.

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (1)

Name's Gilda. Ya know, me n Dash did some crazy stuff together at flight camp. But this one time, I wasn't so hot on Dash's little craving at lunch. Hey! Don't gimme that look! I didn't MAKE her do it!

Short one-shot. Another something I had stuck in my head.

YouTube Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (2)

An odd request from Princess Celestia stirs up a new hurdle in the life of the mane six.
With one month until the next Gala, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and the rest of the gang are given extra tickets. Why? Simply so that they may ask their special stallions to attend with them. But with one month until the Gala comes one month to choose who to bring.

Chapters (10)

The most ordinary day in Equestria. Until a 6 year old human girl walks straight in the middle of the lively Ponyville Marketplace, in its most busiest of hours! When nopony offers to help this lost soul, Rainbow Dash steps in! The girl is young and doesn't seem to know much of anything, let alone about talking horsies! But she will have to put her blind trust in the hooves of one!
RD will also find that something is definitely off about this alien creature from another realm! What is it? Read to find out!

Update: The story line progresses somewhere after the Crystal Empire adventure adventure during season 3.

Chapters (10)

Lyra loves Bon-Bon very, very much.

Enough, in fact, to overlook the cream-coloured, beautiful-voiced, wondrous-smelling mare's raging, overwhelming, caricatural homophobia.

This would be the state of the union; Pinkie Pie, however, being as she is, thinks all this 'unrequited love' nonsense is nonsense for silly fillies and dusty old books, and as such decides to intervene.

Background PinkieDash.

omaigawd I got put on eqd

now with a reading

Chapters (10)

Equestria's in trouble.
Discord is on the loose.
The six friends have been separated once again.
Equestria needs a hero.
It got you instead.

Picture by the ever-so-awesome Page Turner.

Chapters (95)

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

Teen for sexual themes and a bit of adult humour.

Contains a large portion of ridiculousness and shenanigans. Caution is advised.

Artwork by the wonderfully talented dishwasher1910 on DeviantArt.


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Chapters (15)

The speaking of rhymes. Zecora has never spoken without rhyme, but... what happens when she can't rhyme?

Chapters (1)